kekbit 0.1.1

Ultralight persistent data channels


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A set of mean, lean and composable components for working with ultralight persistent data channels in rust. Such channels could be used for communication, transaction journaling, live replication of an application state or as a backend for persisting software system images.

Basic Concepts

Persistent data channels

  • Are a mechanism to sequentially persist data at a very fast rate
  • They are writer bound - it is a writer which creates them and specify the particular structure of a channel such size, maximum record length, or timeout
  • They have a fixed predefined capacity which cannot be changed.
  • Once a channel is closed, full, or abandoned it will never be used again for writing.
  • They are backed by a file; using a filesystem with RAM for the backing store such as tempfs or /dev/shm could provide blazing fast speeds
  • They always use little endian byte order

Writers and Readers

  • Writers are components which push data into a persistent channel. For each channel there is only one writer.
  • Readers are components which poll data from a channel. Multiple readers could read at any given time from a channel, at their own pace, so the data available in the channel could be consumend multiple times, and in paralel by various readers.


The main kekbit crate just re-exports components from its subcrates:

  • kekbit-core defines the [Writer] and [Reader] traits together with the [ShmWriter] and [ShmReader] implementations which provide write and read operations for memory mapped channels.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

kekbit = "0.1.0"

See the Examples for detailed usage.


The minimum supported Rust version is 1.31. Any change to this is considered a breaking change.


Licensed under


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.