keeshond 0.15.0

A fast and fun 2D game engine for Rust
# 🐶 KEESHOND Game Engine 🐶

## About

Keeshond is a 2D game engine with a focus on quickly bringing ideas onscreen.

## Getting started

Check out The Keeshond Book:

## Project goals

- Runs reasonably well on hardware from 2010
- Deterministic game logic across systems, important for speedrunners
- Implements features games need, without adding unneeded complexity
- First-class Linux support via SDL2

## Current features

- Gameloop with fixed timestep synchronization
- Custom-built ECS system designed for decoupled game/drawing logic
- Keyboard and gamepad input system
- Fast sprite rendering (can draw close to 100k sprites at 60 FPS on a 2010 CPU and capable GPU)
- Asset loading from the filesystem
- Audio system via OpenAL
- Resolution-independent viewport scaling with maintained aspect ratio
- Optional pixel upscaling with anti dot crawl for neo-retro games
- Optional imgui integration

## Features to come

- Multiplayer gamepad and mouse input
- Audio streaming
- Asset loading from .pk3 files
- Timeline framework, for choreographing animations, sequences, and more
- Tilemaps
- Collision engine via ncollide
- Scene editor

## Running examples

In order to get the examples to load their resources, run them from within the `keeshond` directory.

cd keeshond
cargo run --example doggymark

## License

Licensed under either of

 * Apache License, Version 2.0
 * MIT license

at your option.

## Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be
dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.