kdbplus 0.3.2

Dual q/kdb+ interface for API to build a shared library and an IPC client.

As Rust is becoming a popular programming language for its performance and type safety, the desire to use it with still a maniac time-series database kdb+ is brewing. The aspiration is understandable since we know kdb+ is fast and its interface or a shared library should be fast as well. This interface was created to satisfy such a natural demand, furthermore, in a manner users do not feel any pain to use. The notrious ethoteric function names of the q/kdb+ C API is not an interest of Rust developers.

"Give us a Rust interface!!"

Here is your choice.

This interface provides two features:

  • IPC interface (Rust client of q/kdb+ process)
  • API (build a shared library for q/kdb+)

You can find detail descriptions of each feature under corresponding module page.