kayrx-karx 0.1.1

The Kayrx Framework
    // missing_debug_implementations,
    // missing_docs,

//! Karx Async Execute Engine
//! # Spawning
//! To spawn a future onto an executor, we first need to allocate it on the heap and keep some
//! state alongside it. The state indicates whether the future is ready for polling, waiting to be
//! woken up, or completed. Such a future is called a *task*.
//! All executors have some kind of queue that holds runnable tasks:
//! ```
//! let (sender, receiver) = crossbeam::channel::unbounded();
//! #
//! # // A future that will get spawned.
//! # let future = async { 1 + 2 };
//! #
//! # // A function that schedules the task when it gets woken up.
//! # let schedule = move |task| sender.send(task).unwrap();
//! #
//! # // Construct a task.
//! # let (task, handle) = kayrx_karx::spawn(future, schedule, ());
//! ```
//! A task is constructed using either [`spawn`] or [`spawn_local`]:
//! ```
//! # let (sender, receiver) = crossbeam::channel::unbounded();
//! #
//! // A future that will be spawned.
//! let future = async { 1 + 2 };
//! // A function that schedules the task when it gets woken up.
//! let schedule = move |task| sender.send(task).unwrap();
//! // Construct a task.
//! let (task, handle) = kayrx_karx::spawn(future, schedule, ());
//! // Push the task into the queue by invoking its schedule function.
//! task.schedule();
//! ```
//! The last argument to the [`spawn`] function is a *tag*, an arbitrary piece of data associated
//! with the task. In most executors, this is typically a task identifier or task-local storage.
//! The function returns a runnable [`Task`] and a [`JoinHandle`] that can await the result.
//! # Execution
//! Task executors have some kind of main loop that drives tasks to completion. That means taking
//! runnable tasks out of the queue and running each one in order:
//! ```no_run
//! # let (sender, receiver) = crossbeam::channel::unbounded();
//! #
//! # // A future that will get spawned.
//! # let future = async { 1 + 2 };
//! #
//! # // A function that schedules the task when it gets woken up.
//! # let schedule = move |task| sender.send(task).unwrap();
//! #
//! # // Construct a task.
//! # let (task, handle) = kayrx_karx::spawn(future, schedule, ());
//! #
//! # // Push the task into the queue by invoking its schedule function.
//! # task.schedule();
//! #
//! for task in receiver {
//!     task.run();
//! }
//! ```
//! When a task is run, its future gets polled. If polling does not complete the task, that means
//! it's waiting for another future and needs to go to sleep. When woken up, its schedule function
//! will be invoked, pushing it back into the queue so that it can be run again.
//! # Cancelation
//! Both [`Task`] and [`JoinHandle`] have methods that cancel the task. When canceled, the task's
//! future will not be polled again and will get dropped instead.
//! If canceled by the [`Task`] instance, the task is destroyed immediately. If canceled by the
//! [`JoinHandle`] instance, it will be scheduled one more time and the next attempt to run it will
//! simply destroy it.
//! The `JoinHandle` future will then evaluate to `None`, but only after the task's future is
//! dropped.
//! # Performance
//! Task construction incurs a single allocation that holds its state, the schedule function, and
//! the future or the result of the future if completed.
//! The layout of a task is equivalent to 4 `usize`s followed by the schedule function, and then by
//! a union of the future and its output.
//! # Waking
//! The handy [`waker_fn`] constructor converts any function into a [`Waker`]. Every time it is
//! woken, the function gets called:
//! ```
//! let waker = kayrx_karx::waker_fn(|| println!("Wake!"));
//! // Prints "Wake!" twice.
//! waker.wake_by_ref();
//! waker.wake_by_ref();
//! ```
//! This is useful for implementing single-future executors like `block_on`.
//! Dynamic task internal. Inspired by golang runtime.
//! It is okay to do blocking inside a task, the internal will
//! detect this, and scale the thread pool.
//! ```rust
//! use std::thread;
//! use std::time::Duration;
//! use futures_timer::Delay;
//! fn main() {
//!     kayrx_karx::exec(async {
//!         for _ in 0..10 {
//!             Delay::new(Duration::from_secs(1)).await;
//!             println!("Non-blocking Hello World");
//!         }
//!     });
//!     kayrx_karx::exec(async {
//!         for _ in 0..10 {
//!             thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1));
//!             println!("Blocking Hello World");
//!         }
//!     });
//!     thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(11));
//! }
//! ```
//! [`spawn`]: fn.spawn.html
//! [`spawn_local`]: fn.spawn_local.html
//! [`waker_fn`]: fn.waker_fn.html
//! [`Task`]: struct.Task.html
//! [`JoinHandle`]: struct.JoinHandle.html
//! [`Waker`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/task/struct.Waker.html

extern crate alloc;

pub mod futures;
mod executor;
mod header;
mod join_handle;
mod raw;
mod state;
mod task;
mod utils;
mod waker_fn;

pub use self::executor::spawn as exec;
pub use self::join_handle::JoinHandle;
pub use self::task::{spawn, spawn_local, Task};
pub use self::waker_fn::waker_fn;