[][src]Module kas::macros

Library macros

This documentation is provided as a reference. It may also be useful to refer to the widget library and example apps for examples of usage.

The following macros are provided:

Note that these macros are defined in the external crate, kas-macros, only because procedural macros must be defined in a special crate. The kas-macros crate should not be used directly.

The derive(Widget) macro

The Widget trait is one of a family, all of which must be implemented by a widget. This family may be extended with additional traits in the future, and users are forbidden (to avoid breakage) from directly implementing the Widget and WidgetCore traits. This derive(Widget) macro is key to making this trait-family design possible: it (potentially) implements all traits in the family at once, on an opt-out basis (exception: the Layout trait is opt-in).

It is recommended to use nightly rustc when developing code using this macro for improved diagnostics using proc_macro_diagnostics (this is enabled automatically). It is safe to use a stable Rust compiler but debugging macros will be harder.

The behaviour of this macro is controlled by attributes on struct fields and on the widget struct itself.

These attributes may be used on the struct: widget, layout, handler. These may each appear zero or once (except handler; see below). They support multiple parameters, e.g. #[widget(config=noauto, children=noauto)].

These attributes may be used on fields: widget, widget_core, layout_data. The widget attribute supports multiple parameters, discussed below (e.g. #[widget(row=1, handler=f)]). Fields without attributes (plain data fields) are fine too.

A simple example:

use kas::prelude::*;

#[handler(generics = <> where W: Widget<Msg = event::VoidMsg>)]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Widget)]
struct WrapperWidget<W: Widget> {
    #[widget_core] core: CoreData,
    #[widget] child: W,

We will now discuss each member of the Widget trait family in turn.

Widget and WidgetCore

The Widget and WidgetCore traits are always derived by this macro. No configuration is available.

One struct field with specification #[widget_core] core: CoreData is required to support WidgetCore. The field may be accessed directly.


The WidgetChildren trait is used to enumerate child widgets. Any struct field with the #[widget] attribute is identified as a child widget, and will be enumerated by the derived implementation of this trait, in the order of definition.

In case child widgets are stored within a container (e.g. Vec), this macro is unable to enumerate the widgets correctly. In that case one must opt out of deriving this trait with #[widget(children = noauto)] on the struct.


The Layout trait is used to define size, structure and appearance of a widget. Unlike other members of the trait family, this trait is not derived by default, and the derived implementation is only useful for widgets with at least one child and which don't directly draw themselves.

The trait may be derived via a layout attribute, e.g. #[layout(single)]. One of the following values must appear first in the parameter list:

  • single — the widget wraps a single child, with no border or margin
  • col, column or down — child widgets are arranged in a vertical column, top-to-bottom
  • up — reversed column
  • row or right — child widgets are arranged in a horizontal row, left-to-right
  • left — reversed row
  • grid — child widgets are arranged in a grid; position is specified via parameters to the #[widget] attribute on child fields

Optionally, a second parameter of form area=FIELD is allowed (e.g. #[layout(row, area=checkbox)]). FIELD must identify a child widget. This parameter causes the Layout::find_id function to map all coordinates within the widget directly to the child's WidgetId, causing clicks on the parent area to send events directly to the child.

Child widget placement

All fields with attribute #[widget] are considered child widgets. For most layouts, these are placed in order of definition.

For the grid layout, parameters are used to specify position (e.g. #[widget(col=1, cspan=2)]). These each have a default value:

  • col=0 or column=0 — grid column, from left, counting from 0
  • row=0 — grid row, from top, counting from 0
  • cspan=1 — number of columns to span
  • rspan=1 — number of rows to span

Alignment may also be specified for children. The exact behaviour depends on the child widget, and usually is only relevant when the available space is greater than the child's ideal size. These parameters are used to construct an AlignHints which is passed into Layout::set_rect.

  • halign = ... — one of begin, centre, end, stretch
  • valign = ... — one of begin, centre, end, stretch

Layout data storage

When deriving Layout, data storage is required (exception: layout single requires no storage, but defining it anyway is harmless). The LayoutData trait is also derived and used to specify the required data type. The #[layout_data] attribute is required to identify this storage, resulting in a field like the following:

#[layout_data] layout_data: <Self as kas::LayoutData>::Data,

This field supports Default and Clone, thus may be constructed with layout_data: Default::default().


The WidgetConfig trait allows additional configuration of widget behaviour. It is derived by default but may be customised via a config parameter to the widget attribute on the struct.

#[widget(config = noauto)] or #[widget(config(noauto))] opts-out of deriving this trait.

The config parameter itself accepts parameters, which may be used to modify the derived implementation, e.g. #[widget(config(key_nav = true))]. Parameter description with default values:

  • key_nav = false: a boolean, describing whether the widget supports keyboard navigation (see WidgetConfig::key_nav)
  • cursor_icon = kas::event::CursorIcon::Default: the cursor icon to use when the mouse hovers over this widget (see WidgetConfig::cursor_icon)

Handler and SendEvent

The Handler and SendEvent traits are derived, unless opted out. The #[handler] attribute allows control over this via the following arguments, all of which are optional:

  • noauto — do not derive Handler or SendEvent

  • handle=noauto — do not derive Handler (whose main method is Handler::handle)

  • send=noauto — do not derive SendEvent (whose main method is SendEvent::send)

  • msg = TYPE — the Handler::Msg associated type; if not specified, this type defaults to kas::event::VoidMsg

  • generics = ...; this parameter must appear last in the list and allows extra type parameters and/or restrictions to appear on the implementations of Handler, SendEvent and Widget. It accepts any of the following:

    • <TYPE_PARAMS>, for example <T, W: Widget> (these type parameters are added to those appearing on the struct definition)
    • <TYPE_PARAMS> where CONDS, for example <> where W: Widget<Msg = event::VoidMsg>; note that conditions may apply to type parameters from the struct signature (in this example, W)
    • SUBS where SUBS is a list of substitutions; e.g. if M is a type parameter of the struct, then M => MyMsg will substitute the parameter M for concrete type MyMsg. (Once rust#20041 is fixed, substitutions will no longer be required.)
    • SUBS <TYPE_PARAMS> where CONDS; e.g. if M is a type parameter of the struct, one might use M => <W as Handler>::Msg, <W: Widget>

Commonly, implementations of the Handler and Layout traits require extra type bounds on the impl which do not appear on the struct, for example a struct may be parametrised with W: Widget, but the Handler impl may require W: Layout. This may be achieved as follows:

#[handler(msg = <W as Handler>::Msg, generics = <> where W: Layout)]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Widget)]
pub struct Frame<W: Widget> {
    core: CoreData,
    child: W,

Exceptionally, multiple #[handler] attributes may be used to generate multiple implementations. These must use generics parameters which result in non-overlapping bounds. This functionality is not well tested.

Handling response messages from children

The Handler trait supports a user-defined message type, Msg. A "handler" maps a child's message type into the parent's message type.

Where the child's message type can be converted into the parent's message type using From, no explicit handler is needed. (This is why all message types must support From<VoidMsg>.) In other cases, if no explicit handler is provided, an error will result:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `kas::event::VoidMsg: std::convert::From<Item>` is not satisfied

A handler is a method on the parent struct with signature fn f(&mut self, mgr: &mut Manager, item: Item) -> Response<Out> (where Item is the child's message type and Out is the parent's message type).

A handler is bound to a child via the widget attribute, for example #[widget(handler = f)] child: ChildType.


A simple example is included above. The example below includes multiple children and custom event handling.

use kas::event::{Manager, Response, VoidMsg};
use kas::macros::Widget;
use kas::widget::Label;
use kas::{CoreData, LayoutData, Widget};

enum ChildMessage { A }

#[handler(generics = <> where W: Widget<Msg = ChildMessage>)]
#[derive(Debug, Widget)]
struct MyWidget<W: Widget> {
    #[widget_core] core: CoreData,
    #[layout_data] layout_data: <Self as LayoutData>::Data,
    #[widget] label: Label,
    #[widget(handler = handler)] child: W,

impl<W: Widget> MyWidget<W> {
    fn handler(&mut self, mgr: &mut Manager, msg: ChildMessage) -> Response<VoidMsg> {
        match msg {
            ChildMessage::A => { println!("handling ChildMessage::A"); }

The derive(VoidMsg) macro

This macro implements From<VoidMsg> for the given type (see VoidMsg).


use kas::macros::VoidMsg;

enum MyMessage { A, B };

The make_widget macro

The make_widget allows a custom widget to be defined and instantiated simultaneously. In syntax, it is largely similar to derive(Widget) but allows several details to be omitted, including field names and types. Its usage is convenient (and widespread in the examples) but not required.

But first, a warning: this macro is complex (especially with regards to elided types) and very dependent on nightly rustc. It would be much improved with RFC 2524 (essentially, anonymous types). And it requires the user enable the following feature:


Lets start with some examples:


use kas::prelude::*;
use kas::widget::{Label, TextButton, Window};

let message = "A message to print.";

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, VoidMsg)]
enum OkCancel {

let button_box = make_widget!{
    #[handler(msg = OkCancel)]
    struct {
        #[widget] _ = TextButton::new("Ok", OkCancel::Ok),
        #[widget] _ = TextButton::new("Cancel", OkCancel::Cancel),

let window = Window::new("Question", make_widget! {
    #[handler(msg = VoidMsg)]
    struct {
        #[widget] _ = Label::new("Would you like to print a message?"),
        #[widget(handler = buttons)] _ = button_box,
        message: String = message.into(),
    impl {
        fn buttons(&mut self, mgr: &mut Manager, msg: OkCancel) -> Response<VoidMsg> {
            match msg {
                OkCancel::Ok => {
                    println!("Message: {}", self.message);
                _ => (),
            // Whichever button was pressed, we close the window:
            *mgr += TkAction::Close;

In both button_box and the window we see widgets without name or type. Often enough, we don't need a name and the type can be inferred from the initialiser, hence we only need _ = Label::new(...).

The button_box's widgets both have message type OkCancel; since this matches the parent's message type no handler is needed (the messages are simply forwarded). However, where button_box appears in the window, a handler is needed; this works exactly as above.

We see both the struct and the impl block lack a name and lack generics parameters. make_widget! defines an anonymous type. This type in fact usually has generic parameters, but you don't see them anywhere (except for error messages). Any impl items appearing within make_widget! are assumed to be on this struct. Multiple impl items may appear, including trait impls (impl HasText { ... }).

The structs are both defined with layout and handler attributes which are forwarded to the [derive(Widget)] macro. Attributes may be applied like usual, however #[derive(Clone, Debug, kas::macros::Widget)] is implied.

Different from derive(Widget), one must specify the message type via either #[handler(msg = ..)] or a Handler implementation. The type does not default to VoidMsg (purely to avoid some terrible error messages).

Struct fields

Field specifications allow both the field name and the field type to be elided. For example, all of the following are equivalent:

#[widget] l1: Label = Label::new("label 1"),
#[widget] _: Label = Label::new("label 2"),
#[widget] l3 = Label::new("label 3"),
#[widget] _ = Label::new("label 4"),

Omitting field names is fine, so long as you don't need to refer to them. Omitting types, however, comes at a small cost: Rust does not support fields of unspecified types, thus this must be emulated with generics. The macro deals with the necessary type arguments to implementations, however macro expansions (as sometimes seen in error messages) are ugly and, perhaps worst of all, the field will have opaque type (making methods and inner fields inaccessible).

The inner-field-acces problem can be worked around via trait bounds:

#[widget] display: impl HasText = EditBox::new("editable"),

Alternatively, generics can be introduced explicitly:

#[widget] display: for<W: Widget<Msg = VoidMsg>> Frame<W> =



Macro to create a widget with anonymous type

Derive Macros


Macro to derive From<VoidMsg>


Macro to derive widget traits