kas-core 0.12.1

KAS GUI / core
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License in the LICENSE-APACHE file or at:
//     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

//! Row / column solver

use std::marker::PhantomData;

use super::{AxisInfo, SizeRules};
use super::{GridStorage, RowTemp, RulesSetter, RulesSolver};
use crate::cast::{Cast, Conv};
use crate::geom::{Coord, Offset, Rect, Size};

/// Bound on [`GridSolver`] type parameters
pub trait DefaultWithLen {
    /// Construct with default elements of given length; panic on failure
    fn default_with_len(len: usize) -> Self;
impl<T: Copy + Default, const N: usize> DefaultWithLen for [T; N] {
    fn default_with_len(len: usize) -> Self {
        assert_eq!(len, N);
        [Default::default(); N]
impl<T: Clone + Default> DefaultWithLen for Vec<T> {
    fn default_with_len(len: usize) -> Self {
        let mut v = Vec::new();
        v.resize_with(len, Default::default);

/// Grid dimensions
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct GridDimensions {
    pub cols: u32,
    pub col_spans: u32,
    pub rows: u32,
    pub row_spans: u32,

/// Per-child information
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct GridChildInfo {
    /// Column index (first column when in a span)
    pub col: u32,
    /// One-past-last index of column span (`col_end = col + 1` without span)
    pub col_end: u32,
    /// Row index (first row when in a span)
    pub row: u32,
    /// One-past-last index of row span (`row_end = row + 1` without span)
    pub row_end: u32,

impl GridChildInfo {
    /// Construct from row and column
    pub fn new(col: u32, row: u32) -> Self {
        GridChildInfo {
            col_end: col + 1,
            row_end: row + 1,

/// A [`RulesSolver`] for grids supporting cell-spans
/// This implementation relies on the caller to provide storage for solver data.
pub struct GridSolver<CSR, RSR, S: GridStorage> {
    axis: AxisInfo,
    col_spans: CSR,
    row_spans: RSR,
    next_col_span: usize,
    next_row_span: usize,
    _s: PhantomData<S>,

impl<CSR: DefaultWithLen, RSR: DefaultWithLen, S: GridStorage> GridSolver<CSR, RSR, S> {
    /// Construct.
    /// Argument order is consistent with other [`RulesSolver`]s.
    /// - `axis`: `AxisInfo` instance passed into `size_rules`
    /// - `dim`: grid dimensions
    /// - `storage`: reference to persistent storage
    pub fn new(axis: AxisInfo, dim: GridDimensions, storage: &mut S) -> Self {
        let col_spans = CSR::default_with_len(dim.col_spans.cast());
        let row_spans = RSR::default_with_len(dim.row_spans.cast());

        storage.set_dims(dim.cols.cast(), dim.rows.cast());

        let mut solver = GridSolver {
            next_col_span: 0,
            next_row_span: 0,
            _s: Default::default(),

    fn prepare(&mut self, storage: &mut S) {
        if self.axis.has_fixed {
            if self.axis.is_vertical() {
                let (widths, rules) = storage.widths_and_rules();
                SizeRules::solve_seq(widths, rules, self.axis.other_axis);
            } else {
                let (heights, rules) = storage.heights_and_rules();
                SizeRules::solve_seq(heights, rules, self.axis.other_axis);

        if self.axis.is_horizontal() {
            for n in 0..storage.width_rules().len() {
                storage.width_rules()[n] = SizeRules::EMPTY;
        } else {
            for n in 0..storage.height_rules().len() {
                storage.height_rules()[n] = SizeRules::EMPTY;

impl<CSR, RSR, S: GridStorage> RulesSolver for GridSolver<CSR, RSR, S>
    CSR: AsRef<[(SizeRules, u32, u32)]> + AsMut<[(SizeRules, u32, u32)]>,
    RSR: AsRef<[(SizeRules, u32, u32)]> + AsMut<[(SizeRules, u32, u32)]>,
    type Storage = S;
    type ChildInfo = GridChildInfo;

    fn for_child<CR: FnOnce(AxisInfo) -> SizeRules>(
        &mut self,
        storage: &mut Self::Storage,
        info: Self::ChildInfo,
        child_rules: CR,
    ) {
        if self.axis.has_fixed {
            if self.axis.is_horizontal() {
                self.axis.other_axis = ((info.row + 1)..info.row_end)
                    .fold(storage.heights()[usize::conv(info.row)], |h, i| {
                        h + storage.heights()[usize::conv(i)]
            } else {
                self.axis.other_axis = ((info.col + 1)..info.col_end)
                    .fold(storage.widths()[usize::conv(info.col)], |w, i| {
                        w + storage.widths()[usize::conv(i)]
        let child_rules = child_rules(self.axis);
        if self.axis.is_horizontal() {
            if info.col_end > info.col + 1 {
                let span = &mut self.col_spans.as_mut()[self.next_col_span];
                span.1 = info.col;
                span.2 = info.col_end;
                self.next_col_span += 1;
            } else {
        } else if info.row_end > info.row + 1 {
            let span = &mut self.row_spans.as_mut()[self.next_row_span];
            span.1 = info.row;
            span.2 = info.row_end;
            self.next_row_span += 1;
        } else {

    fn finish(mut self, storage: &mut Self::Storage) -> SizeRules {
        fn calculate(widths: &mut [SizeRules], spans: &mut [(SizeRules, u32, u32)]) -> SizeRules {
            // spans: &mut [(rules, begin, end)]

            // To avoid losing Stretch, we distribute this first
            const BASE_WEIGHT: u32 = 100;
            const SPAN_WEIGHT: u32 = 10;
            let mut scores: Vec<u32> = widths
                .map(|w| w.stretch() as u32 * BASE_WEIGHT)
            for span in spans.iter() {
                let w = span.0.stretch() as u32 * SPAN_WEIGHT;
                for score in &mut scores[(usize::conv(span.1))..(usize::conv(span.2))] {
                    *score += w;
            for span in spans.iter() {
                let range = (usize::conv(span.1))..(usize::conv(span.2));
                    .distribute_stretch_over_by(&mut widths[range.clone()], &scores[range]);

            // Sort spans to apply smallest first
            spans.sort_by_key(|span| span.2.saturating_sub(span.1));

            // We are left with non-overlapping spans.
            // For each span, we ensure cell widths are sufficiently large.
            for span in spans {
                let rules = span.0;
                let begin = usize::conv(span.1);
                let end = usize::conv(span.2);
                rules.distribute_span_over(&mut widths[begin..end]);


        if self.axis.is_horizontal() {
            calculate(storage.width_rules(), self.col_spans.as_mut())
        } else {
            calculate(storage.height_rules(), self.row_spans.as_mut())

/// A [`RulesSetter`] for grids supporting cell-spans
pub struct GridSetter<CT: RowTemp, RT: RowTemp, S: GridStorage> {
    w_offsets: CT,
    h_offsets: RT,
    pos: Coord,
    _s: PhantomData<S>,

impl<CT: RowTemp, RT: RowTemp, S: GridStorage> GridSetter<CT, RT, S> {
    /// Construct
    /// Argument order is consistent with other [`RulesSetter`]s.
    /// -   `rect`: the [`Rect`] within which to position children
    /// -   `dim`: grid dimensions
    /// -   `storage`: access to the solver's storage
    pub fn new(rect: Rect, dim: GridDimensions, storage: &mut S) -> Self {
        let (cols, rows) = (dim.cols.cast(), dim.rows.cast());
        let mut w_offsets = CT::default();
        let mut h_offsets = RT::default();

        storage.set_dims(cols, rows);

        if cols > 0 {
            let (widths, rules) = storage.widths_and_rules();
            let target = rect.size.0;
            SizeRules::solve_seq(widths, rules, target);

            w_offsets.as_mut()[0] = 0;
            for i in 1..w_offsets.as_mut().len() {
                let i1 = i - 1;
                let m1 = storage.width_rules()[i1].margins_i32().1;
                let m0 = storage.width_rules()[i].margins_i32().0;
                w_offsets.as_mut()[i] = w_offsets.as_mut()[i1] + storage.widths()[i1] + m1.max(m0);

        if rows > 0 {
            let (heights, rules) = storage.heights_and_rules();
            let target = rect.size.1;
            SizeRules::solve_seq(heights, rules, target);

            h_offsets.as_mut()[0] = 0;
            for i in 1..h_offsets.as_mut().len() {
                let i1 = i - 1;
                let m1 = storage.height_rules()[i1].margins_i32().1;
                let m0 = storage.height_rules()[i].margins_i32().0;
                h_offsets.as_mut()[i] = h_offsets.as_mut()[i1] + storage.heights()[i1] + m1.max(m0);

        GridSetter {
            pos: rect.pos,
            _s: Default::default(),

impl<CT: RowTemp, RT: RowTemp, S: GridStorage> RulesSetter for GridSetter<CT, RT, S> {
    type Storage = S;
    type ChildInfo = GridChildInfo;

    fn child_rect(&mut self, storage: &mut Self::Storage, info: Self::ChildInfo) -> Rect {
        let x = self.w_offsets.as_mut()[usize::conv(info.col)];
        let y = self.h_offsets.as_mut()[usize::conv(info.row)];
        let pos = self.pos + Offset(x, y);

        let i1 = usize::conv(info.col_end) - 1;
        let w = storage.widths()[i1] + self.w_offsets.as_mut()[i1]
            - self.w_offsets.as_mut()[usize::conv(info.col)];
        let i1 = usize::conv(info.row_end) - 1;
        let h = storage.heights()[i1] + self.h_offsets.as_mut()[i1]
            - self.h_offsets.as_mut()[usize::conv(info.row)];
        let size = Size(w, h);

        Rect { pos, size }

    fn maximal_rect_of(&mut self, _: &mut Self::Storage, _: Self::ChildInfo) -> Rect {