kanidm 1.1.0-alpha

Kanidm Server Library and Binary
use actix::prelude::*;
use std::fmt;
// use std::ptr;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::time::SystemTime;

use chrono::offset::Utc;
use chrono::DateTime;
use uuid::Uuid;

use std::str::FromStr;

#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum LogTag {
    AdminError = 0x0000_0001,
    AdminWarning = 0x0000_0002,
    AdminInfo = 0x0000_0004,
    //          0x0000_0008,
    RequestError = 0x0000_0010,
    RequestWarning = 0x0000_0020,
    RequestInfo = 0x0000_0040,
    RequestTrace = 0x0000_0080,
    SecurityCritical = 0x0000_0100,
    SecurityInfo = 0x0000_0200,
    SecurityAccess = 0x0000_0400,
    //               0x0000_0800
    FilterError = 0x0000_1000,
    FilterWarning = 0x0000_2000,
    FilterInfo = 0x0000_4000,
    FilterTrace = 0x0000_8000,
    // 0x0001_0000 -> 0x0800_0000
    PerfOp = 0x1000_0000,
    PerfCoarse = 0x2000_0000,
    PerfTrace = 0x4000_0000,
    Trace = 0x8000_0000,

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum LogLevel {
    // Errors only
    Quiet = 0x0000_1111,
    // All Error, All Security, Request and Admin Warning,
    Default = 0x0000_1111 | 0x0000_0f00 | 0x0000_0022 | 0x1000_0000,
    // Default + Filter Plans
    Filter = 0x0000_1111 | 0x0000_0f00 | 0x0000_0022 | 0x0000_4000 | 0x1000_0000,
    // All Error, All Warning, All Info, Filter and Request Tracing
    Verbose = 0x0000_ffff | 0x1000_0000,
    // Default + PerfCoarse
    PerfBasic = 0x0000_1111 | 0x0000_0f00 | 0x0000_0022 | 0x3000_0000,
    // Default + PerfCoarse ? PerfTrace
    PerfFull = 0x0000_1111 | 0x0000_0f00 | 0x0000_0022 | 0x7000_0000,
    // Yolo
    FullTrace = 0xffff_ffff,

impl FromStr for LogLevel {
    type Err = &'static str;
    fn from_str(l: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
        match l.to_lowercase().as_str() {
            "quiet" => Ok(LogLevel::Quiet),
            "default" => Ok(LogLevel::Default),
            "filter" => Ok(LogLevel::Filter),
            "verbose" => Ok(LogLevel::Verbose),
            "perfbasic" => Ok(LogLevel::PerfBasic),
            "perffull" => Ok(LogLevel::PerfFull),
            "fulltrace" => Ok(LogLevel::FullTrace),
            _ => Err("Could not parse loglevel"),

impl fmt::Display for LogTag {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        match self {
            LogTag::AdminError => write!(f, "admin::error 🚨"),
            LogTag::AdminWarning => write!(f, "admin::warning 🚧"),
            LogTag::AdminInfo => write!(f, "admin::info"),
            LogTag::RequestError => write!(f, "request::error 🚨"),
            LogTag::RequestWarning => write!(f, "request::warning"),
            LogTag::RequestInfo => write!(f, "request::info"),
            LogTag::RequestTrace => write!(f, "request::trace"),
            LogTag::SecurityCritical => write!(f, "security::critical 🐟"),
            LogTag::SecurityInfo => write!(f, "security::info 🔐"),
            LogTag::SecurityAccess => write!(f, "security::access 🔓"),
            LogTag::FilterError => write!(f, "filter::error 🚨"),
            LogTag::FilterWarning => write!(f, "filter::warning 🚧"),
            LogTag::FilterInfo => write!(f, "filter::info"),
            LogTag::FilterTrace => write!(f, "filter::trace"),
            LogTag::PerfOp | LogTag::PerfCoarse | LogTag::PerfTrace => write!(f, "perf::trace "),
            LogTag::Trace => write!(f, "trace::⌦"),

macro_rules! lqueue {
    ($au:expr, $tag:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => ({
        use crate::audit::LogTag;
        if cfg!(test) {
        if ($au.level & $tag as u32) == $tag as u32 {
            use std::fmt;

macro_rules! ltrace {
    ($au:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => ({
        lqueue!($au, LogTag::Trace, $($arg)*)

macro_rules! lfilter {
    ($au:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => ({
        lqueue!($au, LogTag::FilterTrace, $($arg)*)

macro_rules! lfilter_info {
    ($au:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => ({
        lqueue!($au, LogTag::FilterInfo, $($arg)*)

macro_rules! lfilter_warning {
    ($au:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => ({
        lqueue!($au, LogTag::FilterWarning, $($arg)*)

macro_rules! lfilter_error {
    ($au:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => ({
        lqueue!($au, LogTag::FilterError, $($arg)*)

macro_rules! ladmin_error {
    ($au:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => ({
        lqueue!($au, LogTag::AdminError, $($arg)*)

macro_rules! ladmin_warning {
    ($au:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => ({
        lqueue!($au, LogTag::AdminWarning, $($arg)*)

macro_rules! ladmin_info {
    ($au:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => ({
        lqueue!($au, LogTag::AdminInfo, $($arg)*)

macro_rules! lrequest_error {
    ($au:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => ({
        lqueue!($au, LogTag::RequestError, $($arg)*)

macro_rules! lsecurity {
    ($au:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => ({
        lqueue!($au, LogTag::SecurityInfo, $($arg)*)

macro_rules! lsecurity_critical {
    ($au:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => ({
        lqueue!($au, LogTag::SecurityCritical, $($arg)*)

macro_rules! lsecurity_access {
    ($au:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => ({
        lqueue!($au, LogTag::SecurityAccess, $($arg)*)

macro_rules! lperf_op_segment {
    ($au:expr, $id:expr, $fun:expr) => {{
        use crate::audit::LogTag;
        lperf_tag_segment!($au, $id, LogTag::PerfOp, $fun)

macro_rules! lperf_trace_segment {
    ($au:expr, $id:expr, $fun:expr) => {{
        use crate::audit::LogTag;
        lperf_tag_segment!($au, $id, LogTag::PerfTrace, $fun)

macro_rules! lperf_segment {
    ($au:expr, $id:expr, $fun:expr) => {{
        use crate::audit::LogTag;
        lperf_tag_segment!($au, $id, LogTag::PerfCoarse, $fun)

macro_rules! lperf_tag_segment {
    ($au:expr, $id:expr, $tag:expr, $fun:expr) => {{
        if ($au.level & $tag as u32) == $tag as u32 {
            use std::time::Instant;

            // start timer.
            let start = Instant::now();

            // Create a new perf event - this sets
            // us as the current active, and the parent
            // correctly.
            let pe = unsafe { $au.new_perfevent($id) };

            // fun run time
            let r = $fun();
            // end timer, and diff
            let end = Instant::now();
            let diff = end.duration_since(start);

            // Now we are done, we put our parent back as
            // the active.
            unsafe { $au.end_perfevent(pe, diff) };

            // Return the result. Hope this works!
        } else {

macro_rules! limmediate_error {
    ($au:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => ({
        use crate::audit::LogTag;
        if ($au.level & LogTag::AdminError as u32) == LogTag::AdminError as u32 {

macro_rules! limmediate_warning {
    ($au:expr, $($arg:tt)*) => ({
        use crate::audit::LogTag;
        if ($au.level & LogTag::AdminWarning as u32) == LogTag::AdminWarning as u32 {

macro_rules! try_audit {
    ($audit:ident, $result:expr, $logFormat:expr, $errorType:expr) => {
        match $result {
            Ok(v) => v,
            Err(e) => {
                ladmin_error!($audit, $logFormat, e);

                return Err($errorType);
    ($audit:ident, $result:expr, $logFormat:expr) => {
        match $result {
            Ok(v) => v,
            Err(e) => {
                ladmin_error!($audit, $logFormat, e);
                return Err(e);
    ($audit:ident, $result:expr) => {
        match $result {
            Ok(v) => v,
            Err(e) => {
                ladmin_error!($audit, "error @ {} {} -> {:?}", file!(), line!(), e);
                return Err(e);

#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct AuditLog {
    tag: LogTag,
    data: String,

#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct PerfEvent {
    id: String,
    duration: Option<Duration>,
    contains: Vec<PerfEvent>,
    parent: Option<&'static mut PerfEvent>,

impl PerfEvent {
    fn process_inner(&self, opd: &Duration) -> PerfProcessed {
        let mut contains: Vec<_> = self
            .map(|pe| pe.process_inner(opd))
        let duration = self.duration.as_ref().expect("corrupted perf event");
        let percent = (duration.as_secs_f64() / opd.as_secs_f64()) * 100.0;
        PerfProcessed {
            duration: *duration,
            id: self.id.clone(),

    fn process(&self) -> PerfProcessed {
        let duration = self.duration.as_ref().expect("corrupted perf event");
        let mut contains: Vec<_> = self
            .map(|pe| pe.process_inner(&duration))
        PerfProcessed {
            duration: *duration,
            id: self.id.clone(),
            percent: 100.0,

#[derive(Debug, Serialize)]
pub struct PerfProcessed {
    duration: Duration,
    id: String,
    percent: f64,
    contains: Vec<PerfProcessed>,

impl Ord for PerfProcessed {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {

impl PartialOrd for PerfProcessed {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {

impl Eq for PerfProcessed {}

impl PartialEq for PerfProcessed {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        self.duration == other.duration

 *     event
 *     |--> another_event
 *     |--> another_event
 *     |    |--> another layer
 *     |    |--> another layer
 *     |    |    |-->  the abyss layer
 *     |    |--> another layer
impl PerfProcessed {
    fn int_write_fmt(&self, parents: usize, header: &str) {
        eprint!("{}", header);
        // let mut prefix = header.to_string();
        let d = &self.duration;
        let df = d.as_secs() as f64 + d.subsec_nanos() as f64 * 1e-9;
        if parents > 0 {
            for _i in 0..parents {
                // prefix.push_str("|   ");
                eprint!("|   ");
        eprintln!("|--> {} {1:.9} {2:.3}%", self.id, df, self.percent);
            "{}|--> {} {2:.9} {3:.3}%",
            prefix, self.id, df, self.percent
            .for_each(|pe| pe.int_write_fmt(parents + 1, header))

// This structure tracks and event lifecycle, and is eventually
// sent to the logging system where it's structured and written
// out to the current logging BE.
pub struct AuditScope {
    // vec of start/end points of various parts of the event?
    // We probably need some functions for this. Is there a way in rust
    // to automatically annotate line numbers of code?
    pub level: u32,
    uuid: Uuid,
    events: Vec<AuditLog>,
    perf: Vec<PerfEvent>,
    // active perf event
    active_perf: Option<&'static mut PerfEvent>,

// unsafe impl Sync for AuditScope {}

// Allow us to be sent to the log subsystem
impl Message for AuditScope {
    type Result = ();

impl AuditScope {
    pub fn new(name: &str, eventid: Uuid, level: Option<u32>) -> Self {
        let level = if cfg!(test) {
            LogLevel::FullTrace as u32
        } else {
            level.unwrap_or(LogLevel::Default as u32)

        // Try to reduce re-allocs by pre-allocating the amount we will likely need.
        let mut events = if level == LogLevel::FullTrace as u32 {
        } else if (level & LogLevel::PerfFull as u32) == LogLevel::PerfFull as u32 {
        } else if (level & LogLevel::PerfBasic as u32) == LogLevel::PerfBasic as u32
            || (level & LogLevel::Verbose as u32) == LogLevel::Verbose as u32
        } else if level == LogLevel::Quiet as u32 {
        } else {
            // (level & LogTag::Filter as u32) == LogTag::Filter as u32
            // (level & LogTag::Default as u32) == LogTag::Default as u32

        if (level & LogTag::AdminInfo as u32) == LogTag::AdminInfo as u32 {
            let t_now = SystemTime::now();
            let datetime: DateTime<Utc> = t_now.into();
            events.push(AuditLog {
                tag: LogTag::AdminInfo,
                data: format!("{} {}", name, datetime.to_rfc3339()),

        AuditScope {
            uuid: eventid,
            perf: vec![],
            active_perf: None,

    pub fn write_log(self) {
        let uuid_ref = self.uuid.to_hyphenated_ref();
            .for_each(|e| eprintln!("[{} {}] {}", uuid_ref, e.tag, e.data));

        // First, we pre-process all the perf events to order them
        let mut proc_perf: Vec<_> = self.perf.iter().map(|pe| pe.process()).collect();

        // We still sort them by duration.

        let header = format!("[{} perf::trace] ", uuid_ref);
        // Now write the perf events
            .for_each(|pe| pe.int_write_fmt(0, header.as_str()));
        if log_enabled!(log::Level::Debug) {
            eprintln!("[{} perf::trace] -", uuid_ref);

    pub fn log_event(&mut self, tag: LogTag, data: String) {
        // let t_now = SystemTime::now();
        // let datetime: DateTime<Utc> = t_now.into();

        self.events.push(AuditLog {
            // time: datetime.to_rfc3339(),

    pub(crate) unsafe fn new_perfevent(&mut self, id: &str) -> &'static mut PerfEvent {
        // Does an active event currently exist?
        if self.active_perf.is_none() {
            // No, we are a new event.
            self.perf.push(PerfEvent {
                id: id.to_string(),
                duration: None,
                contains: vec![],
                parent: None,
            // Get a put ptr, we are now the active.
            let xref = self.perf.last_mut().expect("perf alloc failure?") as *mut PerfEvent;
            let mref = &mut (*xref);
            self.active_perf = Some(mref);
            // return the mut ptr.
            &mut (*xref)
        } else {
            // Yes, there is an active event.
            // get the currennt active ptr
            let xref = if let Some(ref mut iparent) = self.active_perf {
                iparent.contains.push(PerfEvent {
                    id: id.to_string(),
                    duration: None,
                    contains: vec![],
                    parent: None,
                iparent.contains.last_mut().expect("perf alloc failure?") as *mut PerfEvent
            } else {
                panic!("Invalid parent state");
            // Alloc in the vec, set parnt to active, then get a mut pointer
            // to ourself, then set ourself as the active.
            (*xref).parent = Some(&mut (*xref));
            std::mem::swap(&mut (*xref).parent, &mut self.active_perf);
            // return the mut ptr.
            &mut (*xref)

    pub(crate) unsafe fn end_perfevent(&mut self, pe: &'static mut PerfEvent, diff: Duration) {
        // assert that we are the current active, else we have active children
        // that are unclosed!
        // ???

        // We are done, put the duration into the pe.
        pe.duration = Some(diff);
        // put parent back as the active.
        std::mem::swap(&mut pe.parent, &mut self.active_perf);
        // And none the PE
        pe.parent = None;

mod tests {
    use crate::audit::AuditScope;

    // Create and remove. Perhaps add some core details?
    fn test_audit_simple() {
        let au = AuditScope::new("au", uuid::Uuid::new_v4(), None);
        let d = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&au).expect("Json serialise failure");
        debug!("{}", d);