kanata-evsieve 1.3.1

evsieve functionality for use by kanata
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later

use crate::error::{Context, SystemError};
use crate::io::epoll::{Epoll, Message};
use crate::signal::{SigMask, SignalFd};
use std::io;
use std::process::{Child, Command, Stdio};
use std::sync::Mutex;

lazy_static! {
    /// Keeps track of all subprocess we've spawned so we can terminate them when evsieve exits.
    static ref MANAGER: Mutex<SubprocessManager> = Mutex::new(SubprocessManager::new());

/// Tries to terminate all subprocesses.
pub fn terminate_all() {
    match MANAGER.lock() {
        Ok(mut lock) => lock.terminate_all(),
        Err(_) => eprintln!("Failed to terminate subprocesses: internal lock poisoned."),

/// Will spawn a process. The process will be SIGTERM'd when `subprocess::terminate_all` is called
/// (if it is still running by then).
pub fn try_spawn(program: String, args: Vec<String>) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
    // Compute a printable version of the command, so we have something to show the
    // user in case an error happens.
    let printable_cmd: String = vec![program.clone()]
        .chain(args.iter().map(|arg| {
            if arg.contains(' ') {
                format!("\"{}\"", arg)
            } else {
        .join(" ");

    // I checked the stdlib source code: the process' signal mask will be reset for the child process.
    let child_res: Result<Child, io::Error> = Command::new(program)
    let child = match child_res {
        Ok(proc) => proc,
        Err(error) => {
            return Err(SystemError::from(error)
                .with_context(format!("While trying to run {}:", printable_cmd)));

    let process = Subprocess {

        .expect("Internal lock poisoned.")

struct SubprocessManager {
    processes: Vec<Subprocess>,
    cleanup_thread_is_running: bool,

impl SubprocessManager {
    fn new() -> SubprocessManager {
        SubprocessManager {
            processes: Vec::new(),
            cleanup_thread_is_running: false,

    /// Tries to free the resources of all finished processes.
    fn cleanup(&mut self) {
        self.processes = self

    fn add_process(&mut self, process: Subprocess) {

        if !self.cleanup_thread_is_running {
            self.cleanup_thread_is_running = true;

    /// Tries to terminate all subprocesses.
    fn terminate_all(&mut self) {
        for process in self.processes.drain(..) {

struct Subprocess {
    printable_cmd: String,
    child: Child,

impl Subprocess {
    /// Tries to wait on self. If the process has exited, then returns None, signalling that the
    /// process has been cleaned up. Otherwise, returns Some(self), signalling that it must be
    /// cleaned up at some later time.
    pub fn try_cleanup(mut self) -> Option<Subprocess> {
        match self.child.try_wait() {
            Err(error) => {
                eprintln!("Error while waiting on {}: {}", self.printable_cmd, error);
            Ok(status_opt) => match status_opt {
                // If None, then the subprocess has not exited yet.
                None => Some(self),
                // If Some, then the process has exited.
                Some(status) => {
                    if status.success() {
                    } else {
                        match status.code() {
                            Some(code) => eprintln!(
                                "Failed to run {}: return code {}.",
                                self.printable_cmd, code
                            None => eprintln!(
                                "Failed to run {}: interrupted by signal.",

    pub fn terminate(self) {
        // Make sure the process hasn't already exited before we try to clean it up.
        if let Some(mut process) = self.try_cleanup() {
            // Send a SIGTERM signal.
            unsafe { libc::kill(process.child.id() as i32, libc::SIGTERM) };
            // Wait for it so the operating system cleans up resources.
            std::thread::spawn(move || process.child.wait());

fn start_cleanup_thread() {
    std::thread::spawn(move || {
        // This thread waits until a SIGCHLD signal is received and then tries to clean up lingering
        // subprocesses.
        let mut sigmask = SigMask::new();
        let signal_fd = SignalFd::new(&sigmask)
            .expect("Subprocess cleanup thread failed to create a signal fd.");

        // Using an Epoll to wait for signal information to become available is necessary because
        // reading the SignalFd directly results in a WouldBlock I/O error.
        let mut epoll: Epoll<SignalFd> =
            Epoll::new().expect("Subprocess cleanup thread failed to create an epoll.");
            .expect("Subprocess cleanup thread failed to register a signal fd with an epoll.");

        loop {
            for message in epoll
                .expect("Failed to poll an epoll.")
                match message {
                    Message::Ready(index) => {
                        // If we get here, then the SignalFd should have a SIGCHLD signal ready.
                        // Any other situation is a bug.
                        let siginfo = epoll[index]
                            .expect("Subprocess cleanup thread failed to read its signal fd.");
                        let signal_no = siginfo.ssi_signo as i32;
                        assert!(signal_no == libc::SIGCHLD);
                        MANAGER.lock().expect("Internal lock poisoned.").cleanup();
                    Message::Broken(_index) | Message::Hup(_index) => {
                        panic!("Signal fd in subprocess cleanup thread broken.");