kalosm-language 0.2.2

A set of pretrained language models

Kalosm Language

This crate is a collection of language processing utilities for the Kalosm project.

There are two main traits in this crate: [prelude::ModelExt] for large language model (that implement [prelude::Model]) and [prelude::Embedder] for text embedding model.

Those two traits interact with the context that this crate provides. Many different types in this crates can be converted to a [prelude::Document] with the [prelude::IntoDocument] or [prelude::IntoDocuments] trait:

  • [prelude::Page]: Handles scraping a webpage from a request of headless browser
  • [prelude::SearchQuery]: Handles searching with a search engine and scaping the result
  • [prelude::CrawlingCallback]: Handles crawling a set of webpages
  • [prelude::FsDocument]: Handles reading a document from the file system
  • [prelude::DocumentFolder]: Handles reading an entire folder of documents from the file system