kalgan_config 0.9.1

Collection of functions to retrieve data and settings parameters defined in yaml files used by Kalgan Framework.
# kalgan-config

Collection of functions to retrieve data and settings parameters defined in yaml files used by Kalgan Framework.

## Examples

This is the yaml file to be used in the following tests:
## tests/settings.yaml

  name: John
  is_real: false
  age: 39
  height: 1.78
    - Huey
    - Dewey
    - Louie
use kalgan_config::Config;

let config: Config = Config::new("tests/settings.yaml");
assert_eq!(config.get("user.name").unwrap(), "John");
assert_eq!(config.get_string("user.name").unwrap(), "John".to_string());
assert_eq!(config.get_bool("user.is_real").unwrap(), false);
assert_eq!(config.get_number("user.age").unwrap(), 39);
assert_eq!(config.get_float("user.height").unwrap(), 1.78);
assert_eq!(config.get_vec("user.children").unwrap(), vec!["Huey", "Dewey", "Louie"]);
## Documentation

For further information please visit:

* [Official Kalgan Site]https://kalgan.eduardocasas.com
* [API Documentation on docs.rs]https://docs.rs/kalgan-config

## License

This crate is licensed under either of the following licenses:

* [MIT License]https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/
* [Apache License 2.0]https://choosealicense.com/licenses/apache-2.0/