[][src]Enum kagura::Html

pub enum Html<Msg> {
    Composable(Box<dyn Composable>),
    ElementNode {
        tag_name: String,
        children: Vec<Html<Msg>>,
        attributes: Attributes,
        events: Events<Msg>,

viritual html element


Composable(Box<dyn Composable>)

Fields of ElementNode

tag_name: Stringchildren: Vec<Html<Msg>>attributes: Attributesevents: Events<Msg>


impl<Msg> Html<Msg>[src]

pub fn component<M, S, B>(component: Component<M, S, B>) -> Self where
    M: 'static,
    S: 'static,
    B: 'static, 

Creates Html from component

pub fn unsafe_text(text: impl Into<String>) -> Self[src]

Creates Html from a non-validated text

pub fn node(
    tag_name: impl Into<String>,
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

Creates Html from element

pub fn a(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn abbr(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn address(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn area(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn article(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn aside(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn audio(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn b(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn bdi(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn bdo(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn blockquote(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn button(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn br(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn cite(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn caption(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn canvas(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn code(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn col(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn colgroup(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn datalist(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn details(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn dd(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn dfn(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn div(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn data(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn del(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn dl(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn dt(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn em(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn embed(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn fieldset(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn figcaption(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn figure(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn footer(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn form(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn h1(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn h2(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn h3(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn h4(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn h5(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn h6(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn header(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn hr(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn i(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn iframe(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn img(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn input(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn ins(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn kbd(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn label(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn legend(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn li(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn main(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn mark(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn map(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn menu(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn menuitem(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn meter(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn nav(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn object(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn ol(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn optgroup(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn option(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn output(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn p(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn param(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn picture(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn pre(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn progress(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn q(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn rb(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn rp(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn rt(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn rtc(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn rubu(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn s(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn samp(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn section(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn select(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn small(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn source(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn span(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn strong(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn sub(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn summary(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn sup(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn table(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn tbody(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn td(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn textarea(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn tfoot(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn th(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn thead(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn time(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn tr(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn track(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn u(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn ul(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn var(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn video(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

pub fn wbr(
    attributes: Attributes,
    events: Events<Msg>,
    children: Vec<Html<Msg>>
) -> Self

Auto Trait Implementations

impl<Msg> !Send for Html<Msg>

impl<Msg> Unpin for Html<Msg>

impl<Msg> !Sync for Html<Msg>

impl<Msg> !UnwindSafe for Html<Msg>

impl<Msg> !RefUnwindSafe for Html<Msg>

Blanket Implementations

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T where
    V: MultiLane<T>,