kagura 0.12.0

Frontend frame-work for wasm on Rust.
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# Kagura

A front-end framework that runs on WebAssembly written in Rust.


## Big changes

- Supporting a batch process
- Experimental supporting of websocket

## Tutorial

### In English


### In Japanese

[[Kagura] Kagura + Rust でWebページを作成](https://qiita.com/ne_no_usa/items/0d8e33bad3aa7ec6d8fb)

## Hello World

extern crate kagura;
extern crate wasm_bindgen;

use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;

use hello_component::HelloComponent;


pub fn main() {
    kagura::run::<HelloComponent, _, _, _>("app", hello_component::Props {}, vec![]);

mod hello_component {
    use kagura::prelude::*;

    pub struct Props {}
    pub enum Msg {}
    pub enum Sub {}

    pub struct HelloComponent {}

    impl Constructor for HelloComponent {
        fn constructor(_: Self::Props, _: &mut ComponentBuilder<Msg, Sub>) -> Self {
            Self {}

    impl Component for HelloComponent {
        type Props = Props;
        type Msg = Msg;
        type Sub = Sub;

        fn init(&mut self, _: Self::Props, _: &mut ComponentBuilder<Msg, Sub>) {}

        fn update(&mut self, _: Self::Msg) -> Cmd<Msg, Sub> {

        fn render(&self, _: Vec<Html>) -> Html {
                vec![Html::text("Hello Kagura")],