[][src]Crate k9

Rust testing library that provides a set of assertions that are similar to built in assert and assert_eq but provide more context about the failure and use ANSI terminal colors to format the error messages.

It also includes assert_matches_snapshot! macro. When first run with K9_UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS=1 it will save the contents of the passed argument into a __k9_snapshots__/my_test_file/my_test.snap file, and for every next run it will compare the passed value with the existing snapshot and fail if the values are different.

use k9::{assert_equal, assert_matches_regex, assert_err_matches_regex, assert_matches_snapshot};

assert_equal!(1, 1);
assert_equal!("one", "one");

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct A {
    name: &'static str,
    age: u32,

let a1 = A { name: "Susan", age: 44 };
let a2 = A { name: "Susan", age: 22 + 22 };

assert_equal!(&a1, &a2);

assert_matches_regex!(a1.name, "Su\\w{3}");

assert_matches_snapshot!(format!("{:#?}", a1));

let result: Result<(), &str> = Err("http request fail. code 123");
assert_err_matches_regex!(result, "code 123");





Asserts that two passed arguments are equal. panics if they are not


Asserts that the passed Result argument is an Err and and the debug string of that error matches provided regex. Regular expressions are compiled using regex crate.


Asserts that passed &str matches a regular expression. Regular expressions are compiled using regex crate.


Formats passed value and asserts that it matches existing snaphot. If snapshot file for this test does not exist, test can be run with K9_UPDATE_SNAPSHOTS=1 environment variable to either create or replace existing snapshot file. Snapshots will be written into __k9_snapshots__ directory next to the test file.