just 1.8.0

🤖 Just a command runner
use super::*;

test! {
  name: mismatched_delimiter,
  justfile: "(]",
  stderr: "
    error: Mismatched closing delimiter `]`. (Did you mean to close the `(` on line 1?)
    1 | (]
      |  ^
  status: EXIT_FAILURE,

test! {
  name: unexpected_delimiter,
  justfile: "]",
  stderr: "
    error: Unexpected closing delimiter `]`
    1 | ]
      | ^
  status: EXIT_FAILURE,

test! {
  name: paren_continuation,
  justfile: "
    x := (

      echo {{x}}
  stdout: "ab\n",
  stderr: "echo ab\n",

test! {
  name: brace_continuation,
  justfile: "
    x := if '' == '' {
    } else {

      echo {{x}}
  stdout: "a\n",
  stderr: "echo a\n",

test! {
  name: bracket_continuation,
  justfile: "
    set shell := [

      echo foo
  stdout: "foo\n",
  stderr: "echo foo\n",

test! {
  name: dependency_continuation,
  justfile: "
    foo: (
    bar 'bar'
      echo foo

    bar x:
      echo {{x}}
  stdout: "bar\nfoo\n",
  stderr: "echo bar\necho foo\n",

test! {
  name: no_interpolation_continuation,
  justfile: "
      echo {{ (
        'a' + 'b')}}
  stdout: "",
  stderr: "
    error: Unterminated interpolation
    2 |   echo {{ (
      |        ^^
  status: EXIT_FAILURE,