jurisdiction 0.1.1

A lightweight API-friendly abstraction for the jurisdiction in the world, and their accompanying static information pertaining to that jurisdiction. Information available includes: * ISO 3166 country codes * UN M49 Region classifications


Lightweight static Jurisdiction information.

This crate provides interfaces to work with jurisdictions for areas around the world. Information about a jurisdiction includes

  • ISO 3166 Alpha2 and Alpha3 character codes.
  • ISO 3166 numeric country code.
  • UN M49 region classifications.

The Jurisdiction object is a lightweight object, the size of a pointer, suitable for transfer in API surfaces throughout an ecosystem. Serialization on API boundaries may choose to employ any of the standardized classification formats.


use anyhow::{Result, anyhow, format_err};
use jurisdiction::{Jurisdiction, Alpha2, Alpha3};
use jurisdiction::region::{Region, SubRegion};
use std::str::FromStr;

fn supported_jurisdiction(alpha: &str) -> Result<Jurisdiction> {
    let jurisdiction = Jurisdiction::from_str(alpha)?;
    match jurisdiction.alpha2() {
        Alpha2::NO | Alpha2::SE | Alpha2::DK => Ok(jurisdiction),
        _ => Err(format_err!("only scandinavian countries are supported")),

fn main() {
    let jurisdiction = supported_jurisdiction("NO").expect("unsupported");

    assert_eq!(jurisdiction, Alpha2::NO);
    assert_eq!(jurisdiction.alpha2(), Alpha2::NO);
    assert_eq!(jurisdiction.alpha2().to_string(), "NO");

    assert_eq!(jurisdiction, Alpha3::NOR);
    assert_eq!(jurisdiction.alpha3(), Alpha3::NOR);
    assert_eq!(jurisdiction.alpha3().to_string(), "NOR");

    assert_eq!(jurisdiction.country_code(), 578);

    assert_eq!(jurisdiction.region(), Region::Europe);
    assert_eq!(jurisdiction.sub_region(), SubRegion::NorthernEurope);

See docs.rs for more extensive API documentation and examples.