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juniper_codegen_puff crate

This is a pre-release of juniper_codegen current master with no changes for use with puff-rs.

Attribute Macros

#[graphql_interface] macro for generating a GraphQL interface implementation for traits and its implementers.
#[graphql_object] macro for generating a GraphQL object implementation for structs with computable field resolvers (declared via a regular Rust impl block).
#[graphql_scalar] macro.is interchangeable with #[derive(GraphQLScalar)] macro, and is used for deriving a GraphQL scalar implementation.
#[graphql_subscription] macro for generating a GraphQL subscription implementation for structs with computable field resolvers (declared via a regular Rust impl block).
#[graphql_union] macro for deriving a GraphQL union implementation for traits.

Derive Macros

#[derive(GraphQLEnum)] macro for deriving a GraphQL enum implementation for Rust enums.
#[derive(GraphQLInputObject)] macro for deriving a GraphQL input object implementation for a Rust struct. Each non-ignored field type must itself be GraphQL input object or a GraphQL scalar.
#[derive(GraphQLInterface)] macro for generating a [GraphQL interface][1] implementation for traits and its implementers.
#[derive(GraphQLObject)] macro for deriving a GraphQL object implementation for structs.
#[derive(GraphQLScalar)] macro for deriving a GraphQL scalar implementation.
#[derive(GraphQLUnion)] macro for deriving a GraphQL union implementation for enums and structs.
#[derive(ScalarValue)] macro for deriving a ScalarValue implementation.