pub const STATIC_GRAPHQL_SCHEMA_DEFINITION: &str = "schema {\n  query: Query\n}\n\nenum Episode {\n  NEW_HOPE\n  EMPIRE\n  JEDI\n}\n\n\"A character in the Star Wars Trilogy\"\ninterface Character {\n  \"The id of the character\"\n  id: String!\n  \"The name of the character\"\n  name: String\n  \"The friends of the character\"\n  friends: [Character!]!\n  \"Which movies they appear in\"\n  appearsIn: [Episode!]!\n}\n\n\"A mechanical creature in the Star Wars universe.\"\ntype Droid implements Character {\n  \"The id of the droid\"\n  id: String!\n  \"The name of the droid\"\n  name: String\n  \"The friends of the droid\"\n  friends: [Character!]!\n  \"Which movies they appear in\"\n  appearsIn: [Episode!]!\n  \"The primary function of the droid\"\n  primaryFunction: String\n}\n\n\"A humanoid creature in the Star Wars universe.\"\ntype Human implements Character {\n  \"The id of the human\"\n  id: String!\n  \"The name of the human\"\n  name: String\n  \"The friends of the human\"\n  friends: [Character!]!\n  \"Which movies they appear in\"\n  appearsIn: [Episode!]!\n  \"The home planet of the human\"\n  homePlanet: String\n}\n\n\"The root query object of the schema\"\ntype Query {\n  human(\"id of the human\" id: String!): Human\n  droid(\"id of the droid\" id: String!): Droid\n  hero(\"If omitted, returns the hero of the whole saga. If provided, returns the hero of that particular episode\" episode: Episode): Character\n}\n";
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The schema as a static/hardcoded GraphQL SDL (schema definition language).