jubjub 0.9.0

Implementation of the Jubjub elliptic curve group
//! This crate provides an implementation of the **Jubjub** elliptic curve and its associated
//! field arithmetic. See [`README.md`](https://github.com/zkcrypto/jubjub/blob/master/README.md) for more details about Jubjub.
//! # API
//! * `AffinePoint` / `ExtendedPoint` which are implementations of Jubjub group arithmetic
//! * `AffineNielsPoint` / `ExtendedNielsPoint` which are pre-processed Jubjub points
//! * `Fq`, which is the base field of Jubjub
//! * `Fr`, which is the scalar field of Jubjub
//! * `batch_normalize` for converting many `ExtendedPoint`s into `AffinePoint`s efficiently.
//! # Constant Time
//! All operations are constant time unless explicitly noted; these functions will contain
//! "vartime" in their name and they will be documented as variable time.
//! This crate uses the `subtle` crate to perform constant-time operations.

// Catch documentation errors caused by code changes.
// This lint is described at
// https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#suspicious_arithmetic_impl
// In our library, some of the arithmetic will necessarily involve various binary
// operators, and so this lint is triggered unnecessarily.

#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
extern crate alloc;

extern crate std;

use bitvec::{order::Lsb0, view::AsBits};
use core::borrow::Borrow;
use core::fmt;
use core::iter::Sum;
use core::ops::{Add, AddAssign, Mul, MulAssign, Neg, Sub, SubAssign};
use ff::{BatchInverter, Field};
use group::{
    cofactor::{CofactorCurve, CofactorCurveAffine, CofactorGroup},
    Curve, Group, GroupEncoding,
use rand_core::RngCore;
use subtle::{Choice, ConditionallySelectable, ConstantTimeEq, CtOption};

#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
use alloc::vec::Vec;

#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
use group::WnafGroup;

mod util;

mod fr;
pub use bls12_381::Scalar as Fq;
pub use fr::Fr;

/// Represents an element of the base field $\mathbb{F}_q$ of the Jubjub elliptic curve
/// construction.
pub type Base = Fq;

/// Represents an element of the scalar field $\mathbb{F}_r$ of the Jubjub elliptic curve
/// construction.
pub type Scalar = Fr;

const FR_MODULUS_BYTES: [u8; 32] = [
    183, 44, 247, 214, 94, 14, 151, 208, 130, 16, 200, 204, 147, 32, 104, 166, 0, 59, 52, 1, 1, 59,
    103, 6, 169, 175, 51, 101, 234, 180, 125, 14,

/// This represents a Jubjub point in the affine `(u, v)`
/// coordinates.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq)]
pub struct AffinePoint {
    u: Fq,
    v: Fq,

impl fmt::Display for AffinePoint {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{:?}", self)

impl Neg for AffinePoint {
    type Output = AffinePoint;

    /// This computes the negation of a point `P = (u, v)`
    /// as `-P = (-u, v)`.
    fn neg(self) -> AffinePoint {
        AffinePoint {
            u: -self.u,
            v: self.v,

impl ConstantTimeEq for AffinePoint {
    fn ct_eq(&self, other: &Self) -> Choice {
        self.u.ct_eq(&other.u) & self.v.ct_eq(&other.v)

impl PartialEq for AffinePoint {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {

impl ConditionallySelectable for AffinePoint {
    fn conditional_select(a: &Self, b: &Self, choice: Choice) -> Self {
        AffinePoint {
            u: Fq::conditional_select(&a.u, &b.u, choice),
            v: Fq::conditional_select(&a.v, &b.v, choice),

/// This represents an extended point `(U, V, Z, T1, T2)`
/// with `Z` nonzero, corresponding to the affine point
/// `(U/Z, V/Z)`. We always have `T1 * T2 = UV/Z`.
/// You can do the following things with a point in this
/// form:
/// * Convert it into a point in the affine form.
/// * Add it to an `ExtendedPoint`, `AffineNielsPoint` or `ExtendedNielsPoint`.
/// * Double it using `double()`.
/// * Compare it with another extended point using `PartialEq` or `ct_eq()`.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq)]
pub struct ExtendedPoint {
    u: Fq,
    v: Fq,
    z: Fq,
    t1: Fq,
    t2: Fq,

impl fmt::Display for ExtendedPoint {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{:?}", self)

impl ConstantTimeEq for ExtendedPoint {
    fn ct_eq(&self, other: &Self) -> Choice {
        // (u/z, v/z) = (u'/z', v'/z') is implied by
        //      (uz'z = u'z'z) and
        //      (vz'z = v'z'z)
        // as z and z' are always nonzero.

        (self.u * other.z).ct_eq(&(other.u * self.z))
            & (self.v * other.z).ct_eq(&(other.v * self.z))

impl ConditionallySelectable for ExtendedPoint {
    fn conditional_select(a: &Self, b: &Self, choice: Choice) -> Self {
        ExtendedPoint {
            u: Fq::conditional_select(&a.u, &b.u, choice),
            v: Fq::conditional_select(&a.v, &b.v, choice),
            z: Fq::conditional_select(&a.z, &b.z, choice),
            t1: Fq::conditional_select(&a.t1, &b.t1, choice),
            t2: Fq::conditional_select(&a.t2, &b.t2, choice),

impl PartialEq for ExtendedPoint {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {

impl<T> Sum<T> for ExtendedPoint
    T: Borrow<ExtendedPoint>,
    fn sum<I>(iter: I) -> Self
        I: Iterator<Item = T>,
        iter.fold(Self::identity(), |acc, item| acc + item.borrow())

impl Neg for ExtendedPoint {
    type Output = ExtendedPoint;

    /// Computes the negation of a point `P = (U, V, Z, T)`
    /// as `-P = (-U, V, Z, -T1, T2)`. The choice of `T1`
    /// is made without loss of generality.
    fn neg(self) -> ExtendedPoint {
        ExtendedPoint {
            u: -self.u,
            v: self.v,
            z: self.z,
            t1: -self.t1,
            t2: self.t2,

impl From<AffinePoint> for ExtendedPoint {
    /// Constructs an extended point (with `Z = 1`) from
    /// an affine point using the map `(u, v) => (u, v, 1, u, v)`.
    fn from(affine: AffinePoint) -> ExtendedPoint {
        ExtendedPoint {
            u: affine.u,
            v: affine.v,
            z: Fq::one(),
            t1: affine.u,
            t2: affine.v,

impl<'a> From<&'a ExtendedPoint> for AffinePoint {
    /// Constructs an affine point from an extended point
    /// using the map `(U, V, Z, T1, T2) => (U/Z, V/Z)`
    /// as Z is always nonzero. **This requires a field inversion
    /// and so it is recommended to perform these in a batch
    /// using [`batch_normalize`](crate::batch_normalize) instead.**
    fn from(extended: &'a ExtendedPoint) -> AffinePoint {
        // Z coordinate is always nonzero, so this is
        // its inverse.
        let zinv = extended.z.invert().unwrap();

        AffinePoint {
            u: extended.u * zinv,
            v: extended.v * zinv,

impl From<ExtendedPoint> for AffinePoint {
    fn from(extended: ExtendedPoint) -> AffinePoint {

/// This is a pre-processed version of an affine point `(u, v)`
/// in the form `(v + u, v - u, u * v * 2d)`. This can be added to an
/// [`ExtendedPoint`](crate::ExtendedPoint).
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct AffineNielsPoint {
    v_plus_u: Fq,
    v_minus_u: Fq,
    t2d: Fq,

impl AffineNielsPoint {
    /// Constructs this point from the neutral element `(0, 1)`.
    pub const fn identity() -> Self {
        AffineNielsPoint {
            v_plus_u: Fq::one(),
            v_minus_u: Fq::one(),
            t2d: Fq::zero(),

    fn multiply(&self, by: &[u8; 32]) -> ExtendedPoint {
        let zero = AffineNielsPoint::identity();

        let mut acc = ExtendedPoint::identity();

        // This is a simple double-and-add implementation of point
        // multiplication, moving from most significant to least
        // significant bit of the scalar.
        // We skip the leading four bits because they're always
        // unset for Fr.
        for bit in by
            .map(|bit| Choice::from(if *bit { 1 } else { 0 }))
            acc = acc.double();
            acc += AffineNielsPoint::conditional_select(&zero, &self, bit);


    /// Multiplies this point by the specific little-endian bit pattern in the
    /// given byte array, ignoring the highest four bits.
    pub fn multiply_bits(&self, by: &[u8; 32]) -> ExtendedPoint {

impl<'a, 'b> Mul<&'b Fr> for &'a AffineNielsPoint {
    type Output = ExtendedPoint;

    fn mul(self, other: &'b Fr) -> ExtendedPoint {

impl_binops_multiplicative_mixed!(AffineNielsPoint, Fr, ExtendedPoint);

impl ConditionallySelectable for AffineNielsPoint {
    fn conditional_select(a: &Self, b: &Self, choice: Choice) -> Self {
        AffineNielsPoint {
            v_plus_u: Fq::conditional_select(&a.v_plus_u, &b.v_plus_u, choice),
            v_minus_u: Fq::conditional_select(&a.v_minus_u, &b.v_minus_u, choice),
            t2d: Fq::conditional_select(&a.t2d, &b.t2d, choice),

/// This is a pre-processed version of an extended point `(U, V, Z, T1, T2)`
/// in the form `(V + U, V - U, Z, T1 * T2 * 2d)`.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct ExtendedNielsPoint {
    v_plus_u: Fq,
    v_minus_u: Fq,
    z: Fq,
    t2d: Fq,

impl ConditionallySelectable for ExtendedNielsPoint {
    fn conditional_select(a: &Self, b: &Self, choice: Choice) -> Self {
        ExtendedNielsPoint {
            v_plus_u: Fq::conditional_select(&a.v_plus_u, &b.v_plus_u, choice),
            v_minus_u: Fq::conditional_select(&a.v_minus_u, &b.v_minus_u, choice),
            z: Fq::conditional_select(&a.z, &b.z, choice),
            t2d: Fq::conditional_select(&a.t2d, &b.t2d, choice),

impl ExtendedNielsPoint {
    /// Constructs this point from the neutral element `(0, 1)`.
    pub const fn identity() -> Self {
        ExtendedNielsPoint {
            v_plus_u: Fq::one(),
            v_minus_u: Fq::one(),
            z: Fq::one(),
            t2d: Fq::zero(),

    fn multiply(&self, by: &[u8; 32]) -> ExtendedPoint {
        let zero = ExtendedNielsPoint::identity();

        let mut acc = ExtendedPoint::identity();

        // This is a simple double-and-add implementation of point
        // multiplication, moving from most significant to least
        // significant bit of the scalar.
        // We skip the leading four bits because they're always
        // unset for Fr.
        for bit in by
            .flat_map(|byte| (0..8).rev().map(move |i| Choice::from((byte >> i) & 1u8)))
            acc = acc.double();
            acc += ExtendedNielsPoint::conditional_select(&zero, &self, bit);


    /// Multiplies this point by the specific little-endian bit pattern in the
    /// given byte array, ignoring the highest four bits.
    pub fn multiply_bits(&self, by: &[u8; 32]) -> ExtendedPoint {

impl<'a, 'b> Mul<&'b Fr> for &'a ExtendedNielsPoint {
    type Output = ExtendedPoint;

    fn mul(self, other: &'b Fr) -> ExtendedPoint {

impl_binops_multiplicative_mixed!(ExtendedNielsPoint, Fr, ExtendedPoint);

// `d = -(10240/10241)`
const EDWARDS_D: Fq = Fq::from_raw([

// `2*d`
const EDWARDS_D2: Fq = Fq::from_raw([

impl AffinePoint {
    /// Constructs the neutral element `(0, 1)`.
    pub const fn identity() -> Self {
        AffinePoint {
            u: Fq::zero(),
            v: Fq::one(),

    /// Determines if this point is the identity.
    pub fn is_identity(&self) -> Choice {

    /// Multiplies this point by the cofactor, producing an
    /// `ExtendedPoint`
    pub fn mul_by_cofactor(&self) -> ExtendedPoint {

    /// Determines if this point is of small order.
    pub fn is_small_order(&self) -> Choice {

    /// Determines if this point is torsion free and so is
    /// in the prime order subgroup.
    pub fn is_torsion_free(&self) -> Choice {

    /// Determines if this point is prime order, or in other words that
    /// the smallest scalar multiplied by this point that produces the
    /// identity is `r`. This is equivalent to checking that the point
    /// is both torsion free and not the identity.
    pub fn is_prime_order(&self) -> Choice {
        let extended = ExtendedPoint::from(*self);
        extended.is_torsion_free() & (!extended.is_identity())

    /// Converts this element into its byte representation.
    pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
        let mut tmp = self.v.to_bytes();
        let u = self.u.to_bytes();

        // Encode the sign of the u-coordinate in the most
        // significant bit.
        tmp[31] |= u[0] << 7;


    /// Attempts to interpret a byte representation of an
    /// affine point, failing if the element is not on
    /// the curve or non-canonical.
    pub fn from_bytes(b: [u8; 32]) -> CtOption<Self> {
        Self::from_bytes_inner(b, 1.into())

    /// Attempts to interpret a byte representation of an affine point, failing if the
    /// element is not on the curve.
    /// Most non-canonical encodings will also cause a failure. However, this API
    /// preserves (for use in consensus-critical protocols) a bug in the parsing code that
    /// caused two non-canonical encodings to be **silently** accepted:
    /// - (0, 1), which is the identity;
    /// - (0, -1), which is a point of order two.
    /// Each of these has a single non-canonical encoding in which the value of the sign
    /// bit is 1.
    /// See [ZIP 216](https://zips.z.cash/zip-0216) for a more detailed description of the
    /// bug, as well as its fix.
    pub fn from_bytes_pre_zip216_compatibility(b: [u8; 32]) -> CtOption<Self> {
        Self::from_bytes_inner(b, 0.into())

    fn from_bytes_inner(mut b: [u8; 32], zip_216_enabled: Choice) -> CtOption<Self> {
        // Grab the sign bit from the representation
        let sign = b[31] >> 7;

        // Mask away the sign bit
        b[31] &= 0b0111_1111;

        // Interpret what remains as the v-coordinate
        Fq::from_bytes(&b).and_then(|v| {
            // -u^2 + v^2 = 1 + d.u^2.v^2
            // -u^2 = 1 + d.u^2.v^2 - v^2    (rearrange)
            // -u^2 - d.u^2.v^2 = 1 - v^2    (rearrange)
            // u^2 + d.u^2.v^2 = v^2 - 1     (flip signs)
            // u^2 (1 + d.v^2) = v^2 - 1     (factor)
            // u^2 = (v^2 - 1) / (1 + d.v^2) (isolate u^2)
            // We know that (1 + d.v^2) is nonzero for all v:
            //   (1 + d.v^2) = 0
            //   d.v^2 = -1
            //   v^2 = -(1 / d)   No solutions, as -(1 / d) is not a square

            let v2 = v.square();

            ((v2 - Fq::one()) * ((Fq::one() + EDWARDS_D * v2).invert().unwrap_or(Fq::zero())))
                .and_then(|u| {
                    // Fix the sign of `u` if necessary
                    let flip_sign = Choice::from((u.to_bytes()[0] ^ sign) & 1);
                    let u_negated = -u;
                    let final_u = Fq::conditional_select(&u, &u_negated, flip_sign);

                    // If u == 0, flip_sign == sign_bit. We therefore want to reject the
                    // encoding as non-canonical if all of the following occur:
                    // - ZIP 216 is enabled
                    // - u == 0
                    // - flip_sign == true
                    let u_is_zero = u.ct_eq(&Fq::zero());
                        AffinePoint { u: final_u, v },
                        !(zip_216_enabled & u_is_zero & flip_sign),

    /// Attempts to interpret a batch of byte representations of affine points.
    /// Returns None for each element if it is not on the curve, or is non-canonical
    /// according to ZIP 216.
    #[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
    pub fn batch_from_bytes(items: impl Iterator<Item = [u8; 32]>) -> Vec<CtOption<Self>> {
        use ff::BatchInvert;

        #[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)]
        struct Item {
            sign: u8,
            v: Fq,
            numerator: Fq,
            denominator: Fq,

        impl ConditionallySelectable for Item {
            fn conditional_select(a: &Self, b: &Self, choice: Choice) -> Self {
                Item {
                    sign: u8::conditional_select(&a.sign, &b.sign, choice),
                    v: Fq::conditional_select(&a.v, &b.v, choice),
                    numerator: Fq::conditional_select(&a.numerator, &b.numerator, choice),
                    denominator: Fq::conditional_select(&a.denominator, &b.denominator, choice),

        let items: Vec<_> = items
            .map(|mut b| {
                // Grab the sign bit from the representation
                let sign = b[31] >> 7;

                // Mask away the sign bit
                b[31] &= 0b0111_1111;

                // Interpret what remains as the v-coordinate
                Fq::from_bytes(&b).map(|v| {
                    // -u^2 + v^2 = 1 + d.u^2.v^2
                    // -u^2 = 1 + d.u^2.v^2 - v^2    (rearrange)
                    // -u^2 - d.u^2.v^2 = 1 - v^2    (rearrange)
                    // u^2 + d.u^2.v^2 = v^2 - 1     (flip signs)
                    // u^2 (1 + d.v^2) = v^2 - 1     (factor)
                    // u^2 = (v^2 - 1) / (1 + d.v^2) (isolate u^2)
                    // We know that (1 + d.v^2) is nonzero for all v:
                    //   (1 + d.v^2) = 0
                    //   d.v^2 = -1
                    //   v^2 = -(1 / d)   No solutions, as -(1 / d) is not a square

                    let v2 = v.square();

                    Item {
                        numerator: (v2 - Fq::one()),
                        denominator: Fq::one() + EDWARDS_D * v2,

        let mut denominators: Vec<_> = items
            .map(|item| item.map(|item| item.denominator).unwrap_or(Fq::zero()))

            .map(|(item, inv_denominator)| {
                    |Item {
                         v, sign, numerator, ..
                     }| {
                        (numerator * inv_denominator).sqrt().and_then(|u| {
                            // Fix the sign of `u` if necessary
                            let flip_sign = Choice::from((u.to_bytes()[0] ^ sign) & 1);
                            let u_negated = -u;
                            let final_u = Fq::conditional_select(&u, &u_negated, flip_sign);

                            // If u == 0, flip_sign == sign_bit. We therefore want to reject the
                            // encoding as non-canonical if all of the following occur:
                            // - u == 0
                            // - flip_sign == true
                            let u_is_zero = u.ct_eq(&Fq::zero());
                            CtOption::new(AffinePoint { u: final_u, v }, !(u_is_zero & flip_sign))

    /// Returns the `u`-coordinate of this point.
    pub fn get_u(&self) -> Fq {

    /// Returns the `v`-coordinate of this point.
    pub fn get_v(&self) -> Fq {

    /// Returns an `ExtendedPoint` for use in arithmetic operations.
    pub const fn to_extended(&self) -> ExtendedPoint {
        ExtendedPoint {
            u: self.u,
            v: self.v,
            z: Fq::one(),
            t1: self.u,
            t2: self.v,

    /// Performs a pre-processing step that produces an `AffineNielsPoint`
    /// for use in multiple additions.
    pub const fn to_niels(&self) -> AffineNielsPoint {
        AffineNielsPoint {
            v_plus_u: Fq::add(&self.v, &self.u),
            v_minus_u: Fq::sub(&self.v, &self.u),
            t2d: Fq::mul(&Fq::mul(&self.u, &self.v), &EDWARDS_D2),

    /// Constructs an AffinePoint given `u` and `v` without checking
    /// that the point is on the curve.
    pub const fn from_raw_unchecked(u: Fq, v: Fq) -> AffinePoint {
        AffinePoint { u, v }

    /// This is only for debugging purposes and not
    /// exposed in the public API. Checks that this
    /// point is on the curve.
    fn is_on_curve_vartime(&self) -> bool {
        let u2 = self.u.square();
        let v2 = self.v.square();

        v2 - u2 == Fq::one() + EDWARDS_D * u2 * v2

impl ExtendedPoint {
    /// Constructs an extended point from the neutral element `(0, 1)`.
    pub const fn identity() -> Self {
        ExtendedPoint {
            u: Fq::zero(),
            v: Fq::one(),
            z: Fq::one(),
            t1: Fq::zero(),
            t2: Fq::zero(),

    /// Determines if this point is the identity.
    pub fn is_identity(&self) -> Choice {
        // If this point is the identity, then
        //     u = 0 * z = 0
        // and v = 1 * z = z
        self.u.ct_eq(&Fq::zero()) & self.v.ct_eq(&self.z)

    /// Determines if this point is of small order.
    pub fn is_small_order(&self) -> Choice {
        // We only need to perform two doublings, since the 2-torsion
        // points are (0, 1) and (0, -1), and so we only need to check
        // that the u-coordinate of the result is zero to see if the
        // point is small order.

    /// Determines if this point is torsion free and so is contained
    /// in the prime order subgroup.
    pub fn is_torsion_free(&self) -> Choice {

    /// Determines if this point is prime order, or in other words that
    /// the smallest scalar multiplied by this point that produces the
    /// identity is `r`. This is equivalent to checking that the point
    /// is both torsion free and not the identity.
    pub fn is_prime_order(&self) -> Choice {
        self.is_torsion_free() & (!self.is_identity())

    /// Multiplies this element by the cofactor `8`.
    pub fn mul_by_cofactor(&self) -> ExtendedPoint {

    /// Performs a pre-processing step that produces an `ExtendedNielsPoint`
    /// for use in multiple additions.
    pub fn to_niels(&self) -> ExtendedNielsPoint {
        ExtendedNielsPoint {
            v_plus_u: self.v + self.u,
            v_minus_u: self.v - self.u,
            z: self.z,
            t2d: self.t1 * self.t2 * EDWARDS_D2,

    /// Computes the doubling of a point more efficiently than a point can
    /// be added to itself.
    pub fn double(&self) -> ExtendedPoint {
        // Doubling is more efficient (three multiplications, four squarings)
        // when we work within the projective coordinate space (U:Z, V:Z). We
        // rely on the most efficient formula, "dbl-2008-bbjlp", as described
        // in Section 6 of "Twisted Edwards Curves" by Bernstein et al.
        // See <https://hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g1p/auto-twisted-projective.html#doubling-dbl-2008-bbjlp>
        // for more information.
        // We differ from the literature in that we use (u, v) rather than
        // (x, y) coordinates. We also have the constant `a = -1` implied. Let
        // us rewrite the procedure of doubling (u, v, z) to produce (U, V, Z)
        // as follows:
        // B = (u + v)^2
        // C = u^2
        // D = v^2
        // F = D - C
        // H = 2 * z^2
        // J = F - H
        // U = (B - C - D) * J
        // V = F * (- C - D)
        // Z = F * J
        // If we compute K = D + C, we can rewrite this:
        // B = (u + v)^2
        // C = u^2
        // D = v^2
        // F = D - C
        // K = D + C
        // H = 2 * z^2
        // J = F - H
        // U = (B - K) * J
        // V = F * (-K)
        // Z = F * J
        // In order to avoid the unnecessary negation of K,
        // we will negate J, transforming the result into
        // an equivalent point with a negated z-coordinate.
        // B = (u + v)^2
        // C = u^2
        // D = v^2
        // F = D - C
        // K = D + C
        // H = 2 * z^2
        // J = H - F
        // U = (B - K) * J
        // V = F * K
        // Z = F * J
        // Let us rename some variables to simplify:
        // UV2 = (u + v)^2
        // UU = u^2
        // VV = v^2
        // VVmUU = VV - UU
        // VVpUU = VV + UU
        // ZZ2 = 2 * z^2
        // J = ZZ2 - VVmUU
        // U = (UV2 - VVpUU) * J
        // V = VVmUU * VVpUU
        // Z = VVmUU * J
        // We wish to obtain two factors of T = UV/Z.
        // UV/Z = (UV2 - VVpUU) * (ZZ2 - VVmUU) * VVmUU * VVpUU / VVmUU / (ZZ2 - VVmUU)
        //      = (UV2 - VVpUU) * VVmUU * VVpUU / VVmUU
        //      = (UV2 - VVpUU) * VVpUU
        // and so we have that T1 = (UV2 - VVpUU) and T2 = VVpUU.

        let uu = self.u.square();
        let vv = self.v.square();
        let zz2 = self.z.square().double();
        let uv2 = (self.u + self.v).square();
        let vv_plus_uu = vv + uu;
        let vv_minus_uu = vv - uu;

        // The remaining arithmetic is exactly the process of converting
        // from a completed point to an extended point.
        CompletedPoint {
            u: uv2 - vv_plus_uu,
            v: vv_plus_uu,
            z: vv_minus_uu,
            t: zz2 - vv_minus_uu,

    fn multiply(self, by: &[u8; 32]) -> Self {

    /// Converts a batch of projective elements into affine elements.
    /// This function will panic if `p.len() != q.len()`.
    /// This costs 5 multiplications per element, and a field inversion.
    fn batch_normalize(p: &[Self], q: &mut [AffinePoint]) {
        assert_eq!(p.len(), q.len());

        for (p, q) in p.iter().zip(q.iter_mut()) {
            // We use the `u` field of `AffinePoint` to store the z-coordinate being
            // inverted, and the `v` field for scratch space.
            q.u = p.z;

        BatchInverter::invert_with_internal_scratch(q, |q| &mut q.u, |q| &mut q.v);

        for (p, q) in p.iter().zip(q.iter_mut()).rev() {
            let tmp = q.u;

            // Set the coordinates to the correct value
            q.u = p.u * &tmp; // Multiply by 1/z
            q.v = p.v * &tmp; // Multiply by 1/z

    /// This is only for debugging purposes and not
    /// exposed in the public API. Checks that this
    /// point is on the curve.
    fn is_on_curve_vartime(&self) -> bool {
        let affine = AffinePoint::from(*self);

        self.z != Fq::zero()
            && affine.is_on_curve_vartime()
            && (affine.u * affine.v * self.z == self.t1 * self.t2)

impl<'a, 'b> Mul<&'b Fr> for &'a ExtendedPoint {
    type Output = ExtendedPoint;

    fn mul(self, other: &'b Fr) -> ExtendedPoint {

impl_binops_multiplicative!(ExtendedPoint, Fr);

impl<'a, 'b> Add<&'b ExtendedNielsPoint> for &'a ExtendedPoint {
    type Output = ExtendedPoint;

    fn add(self, other: &'b ExtendedNielsPoint) -> ExtendedPoint {
        // We perform addition in the extended coordinates. Here we use
        // a formula presented by Hisil, Wong, Carter and Dawson in
        // "Twisted Edward Curves Revisited" which only requires 8M.
        // A = (V1 - U1) * (V2 - U2)
        // B = (V1 + U1) * (V2 + U2)
        // C = 2d * T1 * T2
        // D = 2 * Z1 * Z2
        // E = B - A
        // F = D - C
        // G = D + C
        // H = B + A
        // U3 = E * F
        // Y3 = G * H
        // Z3 = F * G
        // T3 = E * H

        let a = (self.v - self.u) * other.v_minus_u;
        let b = (self.v + self.u) * other.v_plus_u;
        let c = self.t1 * self.t2 * other.t2d;
        let d = (self.z * other.z).double();

        // The remaining arithmetic is exactly the process of converting
        // from a completed point to an extended point.
        CompletedPoint {
            u: b - a,
            v: b + a,
            z: d + c,
            t: d - c,

impl<'a, 'b> Sub<&'b ExtendedNielsPoint> for &'a ExtendedPoint {
    type Output = ExtendedPoint;

    fn sub(self, other: &'b ExtendedNielsPoint) -> ExtendedPoint {
        let a = (self.v - self.u) * other.v_plus_u;
        let b = (self.v + self.u) * other.v_minus_u;
        let c = self.t1 * self.t2 * other.t2d;
        let d = (self.z * other.z).double();

        CompletedPoint {
            u: b - a,
            v: b + a,
            z: d - c,
            t: d + c,

impl_binops_additive!(ExtendedPoint, ExtendedNielsPoint);

impl<'a, 'b> Add<&'b AffineNielsPoint> for &'a ExtendedPoint {
    type Output = ExtendedPoint;

    fn add(self, other: &'b AffineNielsPoint) -> ExtendedPoint {
        // This is identical to the addition formula for `ExtendedNielsPoint`,
        // except we can assume that `other.z` is one, so that we perform
        // 7 multiplications.

        let a = (self.v - self.u) * other.v_minus_u;
        let b = (self.v + self.u) * other.v_plus_u;
        let c = self.t1 * self.t2 * other.t2d;
        let d = self.z.double();

        // The remaining arithmetic is exactly the process of converting
        // from a completed point to an extended point.
        CompletedPoint {
            u: b - a,
            v: b + a,
            z: d + c,
            t: d - c,

impl<'a, 'b> Sub<&'b AffineNielsPoint> for &'a ExtendedPoint {
    type Output = ExtendedPoint;

    fn sub(self, other: &'b AffineNielsPoint) -> ExtendedPoint {
        let a = (self.v - self.u) * other.v_plus_u;
        let b = (self.v + self.u) * other.v_minus_u;
        let c = self.t1 * self.t2 * other.t2d;
        let d = self.z.double();

        CompletedPoint {
            u: b - a,
            v: b + a,
            z: d - c,
            t: d + c,

impl_binops_additive!(ExtendedPoint, AffineNielsPoint);

impl<'a, 'b> Add<&'b ExtendedPoint> for &'a ExtendedPoint {
    type Output = ExtendedPoint;

    fn add(self, other: &'b ExtendedPoint) -> ExtendedPoint {
        self + other.to_niels()

impl<'a, 'b> Sub<&'b ExtendedPoint> for &'a ExtendedPoint {
    type Output = ExtendedPoint;

    fn sub(self, other: &'b ExtendedPoint) -> ExtendedPoint {
        self - other.to_niels()

impl_binops_additive!(ExtendedPoint, ExtendedPoint);

impl<'a, 'b> Add<&'b AffinePoint> for &'a ExtendedPoint {
    type Output = ExtendedPoint;

    fn add(self, other: &'b AffinePoint) -> ExtendedPoint {
        self + other.to_niels()

impl<'a, 'b> Sub<&'b AffinePoint> for &'a ExtendedPoint {
    type Output = ExtendedPoint;

    fn sub(self, other: &'b AffinePoint) -> ExtendedPoint {
        self - other.to_niels()

impl_binops_additive!(ExtendedPoint, AffinePoint);

/// This is a "completed" point produced during a point doubling or
/// addition routine. These points exist in the `(U:Z, V:T)` model
/// of the curve. This is not exposed in the API because it is
/// an implementation detail.
struct CompletedPoint {
    u: Fq,
    v: Fq,
    z: Fq,
    t: Fq,

impl CompletedPoint {
    /// This converts a completed point into an extended point by
    /// homogenizing:
    /// (u/z, v/t) = (u/z * t/t, v/t * z/z) = (ut/zt, vz/zt)
    /// The resulting T coordinate is utvz/zt = uv, and so
    /// T1 = u, T2 = v, without loss of generality.
    fn into_extended(self) -> ExtendedPoint {
        ExtendedPoint {
            u: self.u * self.t,
            v: self.v * self.z,
            z: self.z * self.t,
            t1: self.u,
            t2: self.v,

impl Default for AffinePoint {
    /// Returns the identity.
    fn default() -> AffinePoint {

impl Default for ExtendedPoint {
    /// Returns the identity.
    fn default() -> ExtendedPoint {

/// This takes a mutable slice of `ExtendedPoint`s and "normalizes" them using
/// only a single inversion for the entire batch. This normalization results in
/// all of the points having a Z-coordinate of one. Further, an iterator is
/// returned which can be used to obtain `AffinePoint`s for each element in the
/// slice.
/// This costs 5 multiplications per element, and a field inversion.
pub fn batch_normalize<'a>(v: &'a mut [ExtendedPoint]) -> impl Iterator<Item = AffinePoint> + 'a {
    // We use the `t1` field of `ExtendedPoint` for scratch space.
    BatchInverter::invert_with_internal_scratch(v, |p| &mut p.z, |p| &mut p.t1);

    for p in v.iter_mut() {
        let mut q = *p;
        let tmp = q.z;

        // Set the coordinates to the correct value
        q.u *= &tmp; // Multiply by 1/z
        q.v *= &tmp; // Multiply by 1/z
        q.z = Fq::one(); // z-coordinate is now one
        q.t1 = q.u;
        q.t2 = q.v;

        *p = q;

    // All extended points are now normalized, but the type
    // doesn't encode this fact. Let us offer affine points
    // to the caller.

    v.iter().map(|p| AffinePoint { u: p.u, v: p.v })

impl<'a, 'b> Mul<&'b Fr> for &'a AffinePoint {
    type Output = ExtendedPoint;

    fn mul(self, other: &'b Fr) -> ExtendedPoint {

impl_binops_multiplicative_mixed!(AffinePoint, Fr, ExtendedPoint);

/// This represents a point in the prime-order subgroup of Jubjub, in extended
/// coordinates.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct SubgroupPoint(ExtendedPoint);

impl From<SubgroupPoint> for ExtendedPoint {
    fn from(val: SubgroupPoint) -> ExtendedPoint {

impl<'a> From<&'a SubgroupPoint> for &'a ExtendedPoint {
    fn from(val: &'a SubgroupPoint) -> &'a ExtendedPoint {

impl fmt::Display for SubgroupPoint {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{}", self.0)

impl ConditionallySelectable for SubgroupPoint {
    fn conditional_select(a: &Self, b: &Self, choice: Choice) -> Self {
        SubgroupPoint(ExtendedPoint::conditional_select(&a.0, &b.0, choice))

impl SubgroupPoint {
    /// Constructs an AffinePoint given `u` and `v` without checking that the point is on
    /// the curve or in the prime-order subgroup.
    /// This should only be used for hard-coding constants (e.g. fixed generators); in all
    /// other cases, use [`SubgroupPoint::from_bytes`] instead.
    /// [`SubgroupPoint::from_bytes`]: SubgroupPoint#impl-GroupEncoding
    pub const fn from_raw_unchecked(u: Fq, v: Fq) -> Self {
        SubgroupPoint(AffinePoint::from_raw_unchecked(u, v).to_extended())

impl<T> Sum<T> for SubgroupPoint
    T: Borrow<SubgroupPoint>,
    fn sum<I>(iter: I) -> Self
        I: Iterator<Item = T>,
        iter.fold(Self::identity(), |acc, item| acc + item.borrow())

impl Neg for SubgroupPoint {
    type Output = SubgroupPoint;

    fn neg(self) -> SubgroupPoint {

impl Neg for &SubgroupPoint {
    type Output = SubgroupPoint;

    fn neg(self) -> SubgroupPoint {

impl<'a, 'b> Add<&'b SubgroupPoint> for &'a ExtendedPoint {
    type Output = ExtendedPoint;

    fn add(self, other: &'b SubgroupPoint) -> ExtendedPoint {
        self + &other.0

impl<'a, 'b> Sub<&'b SubgroupPoint> for &'a ExtendedPoint {
    type Output = ExtendedPoint;

    fn sub(self, other: &'b SubgroupPoint) -> ExtendedPoint {
        self - &other.0

impl_binops_additive!(ExtendedPoint, SubgroupPoint);

impl<'a, 'b> Add<&'b SubgroupPoint> for &'a SubgroupPoint {
    type Output = SubgroupPoint;

    fn add(self, other: &'b SubgroupPoint) -> SubgroupPoint {
        SubgroupPoint(self.0 + &other.0)

impl<'a, 'b> Sub<&'b SubgroupPoint> for &'a SubgroupPoint {
    type Output = SubgroupPoint;

    fn sub(self, other: &'b SubgroupPoint) -> SubgroupPoint {
        SubgroupPoint(self.0 - &other.0)

impl_binops_additive!(SubgroupPoint, SubgroupPoint);

impl<'a, 'b> Mul<&'b Fr> for &'a SubgroupPoint {
    type Output = SubgroupPoint;

    fn mul(self, other: &'b Fr) -> SubgroupPoint {

impl_binops_multiplicative!(SubgroupPoint, Fr);

impl Group for ExtendedPoint {
    type Scalar = Fr;

    fn random(mut rng: impl RngCore) -> Self {
        loop {
            let v = Fq::random(&mut rng);
            let flip_sign = rng.next_u32() % 2 != 0;

            // See AffinePoint::from_bytes for details.
            let v2 = v.square();
            let p = ((v2 - Fq::one())
                * ((Fq::one() + EDWARDS_D * v2).invert().unwrap_or(Fq::zero())))
            .map(|u| AffinePoint {
                u: if flip_sign { -u } else { u },

            if p.is_some().into() {
                let p = p.unwrap().to_curve();

                if bool::from(!p.is_identity()) {
                    return p;

    fn identity() -> Self {

    fn generator() -> Self {

    fn is_identity(&self) -> Choice {

    fn double(&self) -> Self {

impl Group for SubgroupPoint {
    type Scalar = Fr;

    fn random(mut rng: impl RngCore) -> Self {
        loop {
            let p = ExtendedPoint::random(&mut rng).clear_cofactor();

            if bool::from(!p.is_identity()) {
                return p;

    fn identity() -> Self {

    fn generator() -> Self {

    fn is_identity(&self) -> Choice {

    fn double(&self) -> Self {

#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
impl WnafGroup for ExtendedPoint {
    fn recommended_wnaf_for_num_scalars(num_scalars: usize) -> usize {
        // Copied from bls12_381::g1, should be updated.
        const RECOMMENDATIONS: [usize; 12] =
            [1, 3, 7, 20, 43, 120, 273, 563, 1630, 3128, 7933, 62569];

        let mut ret = 4;
        for r in &RECOMMENDATIONS {
            if num_scalars > *r {
                ret += 1;
            } else {


impl PrimeGroup for SubgroupPoint {}

impl CofactorGroup for ExtendedPoint {
    type Subgroup = SubgroupPoint;

    fn clear_cofactor(&self) -> Self::Subgroup {

    fn into_subgroup(self) -> CtOption<Self::Subgroup> {
        CtOption::new(SubgroupPoint(self), self.is_torsion_free())

    fn is_torsion_free(&self) -> Choice {

impl Curve for ExtendedPoint {
    type AffineRepr = AffinePoint;

    fn batch_normalize(p: &[Self], q: &mut [Self::AffineRepr]) {
        Self::batch_normalize(p, q);

    fn to_affine(&self) -> Self::AffineRepr {

impl CofactorCurve for ExtendedPoint {
    type Affine = AffinePoint;

impl CofactorCurveAffine for AffinePoint {
    type Scalar = Fr;
    type Curve = ExtendedPoint;

    fn identity() -> Self {

    fn generator() -> Self {
        // The point with the lowest positive v-coordinate and positive u-coordinate.
        AffinePoint {
            u: Fq::from_raw([
            v: Fq::from_raw([

    fn is_identity(&self) -> Choice {

    fn to_curve(&self) -> Self::Curve {

impl GroupEncoding for ExtendedPoint {
    type Repr = [u8; 32];

    fn from_bytes(bytes: &Self::Repr) -> CtOption<Self> {

    fn from_bytes_unchecked(bytes: &Self::Repr) -> CtOption<Self> {
        // We can't avoid curve checks when parsing a compressed encoding.

    fn to_bytes(&self) -> Self::Repr {

impl GroupEncoding for SubgroupPoint {
    type Repr = [u8; 32];

    fn from_bytes(bytes: &Self::Repr) -> CtOption<Self> {
        ExtendedPoint::from_bytes(bytes).and_then(|p| p.into_subgroup())

    fn from_bytes_unchecked(bytes: &Self::Repr) -> CtOption<Self> {

    fn to_bytes(&self) -> Self::Repr {

impl GroupEncoding for AffinePoint {
    type Repr = [u8; 32];

    fn from_bytes(bytes: &Self::Repr) -> CtOption<Self> {

    fn from_bytes_unchecked(bytes: &Self::Repr) -> CtOption<Self> {

    fn to_bytes(&self) -> Self::Repr {

fn test_is_on_curve_var() {

fn test_d_is_non_quadratic_residue() {

fn test_affine_niels_point_identity() {

fn test_extended_niels_point_identity() {

fn test_assoc() {
    let p = ExtendedPoint::from(AffinePoint {
        u: Fq::from_raw([
        v: Fq::from_raw([

        (p * Fr::from(1000u64)) * Fr::from(3938u64),
        p * (Fr::from(1000u64) * Fr::from(3938u64)),

fn test_batch_normalize() {
    let mut p = ExtendedPoint::from(AffinePoint {
        u: Fq::from_raw([
        v: Fq::from_raw([

    let mut v = vec![];
    for _ in 0..10 {
        p = p.double();

    for p in &v {

    let expected: std::vec::Vec<_> = v.iter().map(|p| AffinePoint::from(*p)).collect();
    let mut result0 = vec![AffinePoint::identity(); v.len()];
    ExtendedPoint::batch_normalize(&v, &mut result0);
    for i in 0..10 {
        assert!(expected[i] == result0[i]);
    let result1: std::vec::Vec<_> = batch_normalize(&mut v).collect();
    for i in 0..10 {
        assert!(expected[i] == result1[i]);
        assert!(AffinePoint::from(v[i]) == expected[i]);
    let result2: std::vec::Vec<_> = batch_normalize(&mut v).collect();
    for i in 0..10 {
        assert!(expected[i] == result2[i]);
        assert!(AffinePoint::from(v[i]) == expected[i]);

const FULL_GENERATOR: AffinePoint = AffinePoint::from_raw_unchecked(
    Fq::from_raw([0xb, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0]),

const EIGHT_TORSION: [AffinePoint; 8] = [
        Fq::from_raw([0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0]),
        Fq::from_raw([0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0]),
        Fq::from_raw([0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0]),
        Fq::from_raw([0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0]),
        Fq::from_raw([0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0]),

fn find_eight_torsion() {
    let g = ExtendedPoint::from(FULL_GENERATOR);
    let g = g.multiply(&FR_MODULUS_BYTES);

    let mut cur = g;

    for (i, point) in EIGHT_TORSION.iter().enumerate() {
        let tmp = AffinePoint::from(cur);
        if &tmp != point {
            panic!("{}th torsion point should be {:?}", i, tmp);

        cur += &g;

fn find_curve_generator() {
    let mut trial_bytes = [0; 32];
    for _ in 0..255 {
        let a = AffinePoint::from_bytes(trial_bytes);
        if bool::from(a.is_some()) {
            let a = a.unwrap();
            let b = ExtendedPoint::from(a);
            let b = b.multiply(&FR_MODULUS_BYTES);
            let b = b.double();
            let b = b.double();
            if !bool::from(b.is_identity()) {
                let b = b.double();
                assert_eq!(FULL_GENERATOR, a);
                assert_eq!(AffinePoint::generator(), a);

        trial_bytes[0] += 1;

    panic!("should have found a generator of the curve");

fn test_small_order() {
    for point in EIGHT_TORSION.iter() {

fn test_is_identity() {
    let a = EIGHT_TORSION[0].mul_by_cofactor();
    let b = EIGHT_TORSION[1].mul_by_cofactor();

    assert_eq!(a.u, b.u);
    assert_eq!(a.v, a.z);
    assert_eq!(b.v, b.z);
    assert!(a.v != b.v);
    assert!(a.z != b.z);


    for point in EIGHT_TORSION.iter() {

fn test_mul_consistency() {
    let a = Fr([
    let b = Fr([
    let c = Fr([
    assert_eq!(a * b, c);
    let p = ExtendedPoint::from(AffinePoint {
        u: Fq::from_raw([
        v: Fq::from_raw([
    assert_eq!(p * c, (p * a) * b);

    // Test Mul implemented on ExtendedNielsPoint
    assert_eq!(p * c, (p.to_niels() * a) * b);
    assert_eq!(p.to_niels() * c, (p * a) * b);
    assert_eq!(p.to_niels() * c, (p.to_niels() * a) * b);

    // Test Mul implemented on AffineNielsPoint
    let p_affine_niels = AffinePoint::from(p).to_niels();
    assert_eq!(p * c, (p_affine_niels * a) * b);
    assert_eq!(p_affine_niels * c, (p * a) * b);
    assert_eq!(p_affine_niels * c, (p_affine_niels * a) * b);

fn test_serialization_consistency() {
    let gen = FULL_GENERATOR.mul_by_cofactor();
    let mut p = gen;

    let v = vec![
            203, 85, 12, 213, 56, 234, 12, 193, 19, 132, 128, 64, 142, 110, 170, 185, 179, 108, 97,
            63, 13, 211, 247, 120, 79, 219, 110, 234, 131, 123, 19, 215,
            113, 154, 240, 230, 224, 198, 208, 170, 104, 15, 59, 126, 151, 222, 233, 195, 203, 195,
            167, 129, 89, 121, 240, 142, 51, 166, 64, 250, 184, 202, 154, 177,
            197, 41, 93, 209, 203, 55, 164, 174, 88, 0, 90, 199, 1, 156, 149, 141, 240, 29, 14, 82,
            86, 225, 126, 129, 186, 157, 148, 162, 219, 51, 156, 199,
            182, 117, 250, 241, 81, 196, 199, 227, 151, 74, 243, 17, 221, 97, 200, 139, 192, 83,
            231, 35, 214, 14, 95, 69, 130, 201, 4, 116, 177, 19, 179, 0,
            118, 41, 29, 200, 60, 189, 119, 252, 78, 40, 230, 18, 208, 221, 38, 214, 176, 250, 4,
            10, 77, 101, 26, 216, 193, 198, 226, 84, 25, 177, 230, 185,
            226, 189, 227, 208, 112, 117, 136, 98, 72, 38, 211, 167, 254, 82, 174, 113, 112, 166,
            138, 171, 166, 113, 52, 251, 129, 197, 138, 45, 195, 7, 61, 140,
            38, 198, 156, 196, 146, 225, 55, 163, 138, 178, 157, 128, 115, 135, 204, 215, 0, 33,
            171, 20, 60, 32, 142, 209, 33, 233, 125, 146, 207, 12, 16, 24,
            17, 187, 231, 83, 165, 36, 232, 184, 140, 205, 195, 252, 166, 85, 59, 86, 3, 226, 211,
            67, 179, 29, 238, 181, 102, 142, 58, 63, 57, 89, 174, 138,
            210, 159, 80, 16, 181, 39, 221, 204, 224, 144, 145, 79, 54, 231, 8, 140, 142, 216, 93,
            190, 183, 116, 174, 63, 33, 242, 177, 118, 148, 40, 241, 203,
            0, 143, 107, 102, 149, 187, 27, 124, 18, 10, 98, 28, 113, 123, 121, 185, 29, 152, 14,
            130, 149, 28, 87, 35, 135, 135, 153, 54, 112, 53, 54, 68,
            178, 131, 85, 160, 214, 51, 208, 157, 196, 152, 247, 93, 202, 56, 81, 239, 155, 122,
            59, 188, 237, 253, 11, 169, 208, 236, 12, 4, 163, 211, 88, 97,
            246, 194, 231, 195, 159, 101, 180, 133, 80, 21, 185, 220, 195, 115, 144, 12, 90, 150,
            44, 117, 8, 156, 168, 248, 206, 41, 60, 82, 67, 75, 57, 67,
            212, 205, 171, 153, 113, 16, 194, 241, 224, 43, 177, 110, 190, 248, 22, 201, 208, 166,
            2, 83, 134, 130, 85, 129, 166, 136, 185, 191, 163, 38, 54, 10,
            8, 60, 190, 39, 153, 222, 119, 23, 142, 237, 12, 110, 146, 9, 19, 219, 143, 64, 161,
            99, 199, 77, 39, 148, 70, 213, 246, 227, 150, 178, 237, 178,
            11, 114, 217, 160, 101, 37, 100, 220, 56, 114, 42, 31, 138, 33, 84, 157, 214, 167, 73,
            233, 115, 81, 124, 134, 15, 31, 181, 60, 184, 130, 175, 159,
            141, 238, 235, 202, 241, 32, 210, 10, 127, 230, 54, 31, 146, 80, 247, 9, 107, 124, 0,
            26, 203, 16, 237, 34, 214, 147, 133, 15, 29, 236, 37, 88,

    let batched = AffinePoint::batch_from_bytes(v.iter().cloned());

    for (expected_serialized, batch_deserialized) in v.into_iter().zip(batched.into_iter()) {
        let affine = AffinePoint::from(p);
        let serialized = affine.to_bytes();
        let deserialized = AffinePoint::from_bytes(serialized).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(affine, deserialized);
        assert_eq!(affine, batch_deserialized.unwrap());
        assert_eq!(expected_serialized, serialized);
        p += gen;

fn test_zip_216() {
    const NON_CANONICAL_ENCODINGS: [[u8; 32]; 2] = [
        // (0, 1) with sign bit set to 1.
            0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
            0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
            0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80,
        // (0, -1) with sign bit set to 1.
            0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xfe, 0x5b, 0xfe, 0xff, 0x02, 0xa4,
            0xbd, 0x53, 0x05, 0xd8, 0xa1, 0x09, 0x08, 0xd8, 0x39, 0x33, 0x48, 0x7d, 0x9d, 0x29,
            0x53, 0xa7, 0xed, 0xf3,

            let mut encoding = *b;

            // The normal API should reject the non-canonical encoding.

            // If we clear the sign bit of the non-canonical encoding, it should be
            // accepted by the normal API.
            encoding[31] &= 0b0111_1111;

            // The bug-preserving API should accept the non-canonical encoding, and the
            // resulting point should serialize to a different (canonical) encoding.
            let parsed = AffinePoint::from_bytes_pre_zip216_compatibility(*b).unwrap();
            let mut encoded = parsed.to_bytes();
            assert_ne!(b, &encoded);

            // If we set the sign bit of the serialized encoding, it should match the
            // non-canonical encoding.
            encoded[31] |= 0b1000_0000;
            assert_eq!(b, &encoded);