jsonxf 0.9.0

A fast JSON pretty-printer and minimizer.


A JSON transformer, written in Rust.

Provides fast pretty-printing and minimizing of JSON-encoded strings and streams, at the command line or within Rust programs.

Crate docs: https://docs.rs/jsonxf/


cargo install jsonxf

Command-line Examples

Pretty-print a string to the terminal, using two spaces to indent:

jsonxf -s '{"a": {"b": 2, "c": false}}'

Pretty-print and read a JSON file, using a tab character to indent:

jsonxf -t $'\t' <foo.json | less

Minimize a file and gzip it:

jsonxf -m <foo.json | gzip -c >foo-min.json.gz

Run jsonxf -h to see all configuration options.

Rust Example

In your Cargo.toml:

jsonxf = "0.9"

In your code:

extern crate jsonxf;
let ugly_json = "{\"hello\":\"world\"}";
let pretty_json = jsonxf::pretty_print(ugly_json).unwrap();
assert_eq!(pretty_json, "{\n  \"hello\": \"world\"\n}\n");


Here are some benchmarks comparing Jsonxf's performance to several of its counterparts:

  • jq, the extremely flexible JSON processor.
  • jsonpp, a JSON pretty-printer written in Go.
  • serdexf, a trivial example using the serde_json and serde-transcode libraries. This implementation is not complete and is included for library comparison only.
  • cat is thrown in as well, for scale.

Test platform: MBP (early 2013), macOS 10.12.6, 3GHz i7, 8GB RAM.

See benchmark.rb for testing procedure.

Pretty-print test, 600MB minimized input (1M objects):

command time (s) relative time notes
cat 1.49 0.2x cat is a bad pretty-printer
jsonxf 7.16 1x
serdexf 7.77 1.1x no newlines between objects 🙁
jsonpp 18.16 2.4x
jq -M . 64.45 9.1x

Minimize test, 850MB pretty-printed input (1M objects):

command time (s) relative time notes
cat 1.46 0.3x cat is a bad minimizer
jsonxf -m 4.85 1x
serdexf -m 6.33 1.3x
jsonpp - - minimizing is not supported 😭
jq -cM . 105.53 22x

Authorship and License

Copyright 2017-2018, Pete Gamache.

Jsonxf is released under the MIT License.