jsondata 0.7.0

JSON processing package for document databases

@snap[midpoint slide1]
<b style="color: crimson;">J</b>ava<b style="color: crimson;">S</b>cript
<b style="color: crimson;">O</b>bject
<b style="color: crimson;">N</b>otation

@snap[south-east author-box]
@fa[envelope](prataprc@gmail.com - R Pratap Chakravarthy) <br/>
@fa[github](https://github.com/bnclabs/jsondata) <br/>


Why JSON ?

@snap[fragment text-center text-blue]
Web standard for data exchange.

@snap[mt30 fragment text-center text-green]
Inter-operability with several languages.

@snap[mt30 fragment text-center text-black]
Human friendly as opposed to machine friendly.


Data types

JSON defines the highest common subset of data types across
sevaral languages.

@snap[fragment mt30]
<b>Primitive types</b>

* **null**, equivalent of None, nil, null in many languages.
* **number**, base 10 representation.
* **bool**, true or false. Both represented in lower-case.
* **string**, double quoted, utf8 encoded plain text.

@snap[fragment mt30]
<b>Structured types</b>

* **Array**, heterogeneous collection of other types, with number index.
* **Object**, heterogeneous collection of other types, with string index.



@snap[fragment text-center text-12]
"Hello world!"


@snap[fragment text-center text-12]


@snap[fragment text-center text-12]


@snap[fragment text-center text-12]


Examples: Numbers

@snap[west ml20 text-12]
<pre style="line-height: 2em">

@snap[east mr20 text-12]
<pre style="line-height: 2em">



@snap[mt30 fragment]
Integer numbers within the range [-(2^53)+1, (2^53)-1] are generally considered interoperable.

@snap[mt30 fragment]
Floating point numbers shall support accuracy and precision defined by IEEE 754 binary64 (double precision).



string: '"' utf8-unicode-chars '"'.

@snap[mt30 fragment]
Unicode chars that needs to be escaped:

* Quotation mark (").
* Reverse solidus (\\).
* Control characters (U+0000 through U+001F)


Example: object

  "Image": {
	"Width":  800,
	"Height": 600,
	"Title":  "View from 15th Floor",
	"Thumbnail": {
		"Url":    "http://www.example.com/image/481989943",
		"Height": 125,
		"Width":  100
	"Animated" : false,
	"IDs": [116, 943, 234, 38793]


Example: array

	   "precision": "zip",
	   "Latitude":  37.7668,
	   "Longitude": -122.3959,
	   "Address":   "",
	   "Country":   "US"
	   "precision": "zip",
	   "Latitude":  37.371991,
	   "Longitude": -122.026020,
	   "Address":   "",
	   "Country":   "US"



bool     : "true" | "false".
null     : "null".
string   : '"' chars '"'.

number   : "-"? int frac? exp?.
int      : "0" | [0-9]+.
frac     : "." [0-9]+.
exp      : ("e"|"E") (-|+)? [0-9]+.

object   : "{" property \*(comma property) "}".
property : string ":" value.

array    : "[" value \*(comma value) "]".


White space

JSON has a free-form syntax, meaning all forms of white space
serve only to separate tokens in the grammar, and have no
semantic significance.

white-space     : space | horizontal-tab | new-line | cr
space           : %x20
horizontal-tab  : %x09
new-line        : %x0A
cr              : %x0D // Carriage-Return


128-bit integers

@snap[mt30 fragment]
[JSON specification](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8259) do not define
the precision for integer numbers.

@snap[mt30 fragment]
While most implementation of JSON handles number as 64-bit floating-point,
[jsondata](https://github.com/bnclabs/jsondata), a rust implementation
to process JSON, support serialization and de-serialisation of signed
128-bit integers.


Numbers: Deferred conversion

@snap[mt30 fragment]
When used in context of a document-database, parsing JSON data is a
repeated operation, and many times only specific fields within
a JSON document need to be looked up.

@snap[mt30 fragment]
To that end, [jsondata](https://github.com/bnclabs/jsondata) supports
deferred conversion of numbers.


Benchmark results

Without deferred conversion:

    test json_test::bench_no_deferred    1,093 ns/iter (+/- 88)
    test json_test::bench_num              109 ns/iter (+/- 19)

With deferred conversion:

    test json_test::bench_deferred       1,004 ns/iter (+/- 215)
    test json_test::bench_num               77 ns/iter (+/- 4)

An improvement around 10-30%.

// bench_no_deferred uses the following sample
r#"[10123.1231, 1231.123123, 1233.123123, 123.1231231, 12312e10]"#;
// bench_num uses the following sample


JSON Pointer

[JSON Pointer][jptr] defines a string syntax for identifying a specific value
within a JSON document.

A JSON pointer text is made of path components separated by @color[blue](/).

<div class="fragment mt30">
For this example document: <br/>
@css[text-07]({"users": [ {"name": "joe", age: 20}, {"name": "jack", age: 30}, {"name": "jane", age: 25} ]})

<table style="margin: unset; " class="mt30">
<tr> <th> path </th> <th> value </th> </tr>
<tr> <td>/users</td> <td class="text-07"> [ {"name": "joe", age: 20}, {"name": "jack", age: 30}, {"name": "jane", age: 25}  </td> </tr>
<tr> <td>/users/0    </td> <td class="text-07"> {"name": "joe", age: 20}  </td> </tr>
<tr> <td>/users/0/name </td> <td class="text-07"> "joe"  </td> </tr>


[jptr]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901


Path matching

@css[text-bold fragment](String-escape)

All instances of quotation mark '"' (%x22), reverse solidus '\' (%x5C),
and control (%x00-1F) characters MUST be un-escaped.

@css[text-bold fragment](Tilde-escape)

All instances of ~0 and ~1 must be un-escaped to ~ and /.

@css[text-bold fragment](Comparison)

* If current reference value is an object, path-fragment is compared byte-by-byte with the property name.
* If currently referenced value is a JSON array, path-fragment is interpreted as base-10 integer in ASCII and converted to zero-based index.


<!-- .slide: class="jptr-result" -->

Example: Result

@img[west jptr-eg span-45](./template/jpt-eg.png)

<table class="east jptr-eg span-45">
    <tr><th>pointer-text</th> <th>result</th></tr>
    <tr><td>""</td>           <td>// the whole document</td></tr>
    <tr><td>"/foo"</td>       <td>["bar", "baz"]</td></tr>
    <tr><td>"/foo/0"</td>     <td>"bar"</td></tr>
    <tr><td>"/"</td>          <td>0</td></tr>
    <tr><td>"/a~1b"</td>      <td>1</td></tr>
    <tr><td>"/c%d"</td>       <td>2</td></tr>
    <tr><td>"/e^f"</td>       <td>3</td></tr>
    <tr><td>"/g|h"</td>       <td>4</td></tr>
    <tr><td>"/i\\j"</td>      <td>5</td></tr>
    <tr><td>"/k\"l"</td>      <td>6</td></tr>
    <tr><td>"/ "</td>         <td>7</td></tr>
    <tr><td>"/m~0n"</td>      <td>8</td></tr>




json-pointer    = *( "/" reference-token )
reference-token = *( unescaped | escaped )
unescaped       = %x00-2E | %x30-7D | %x7F-10FFFF
escaped         = "~" ( "0" | "1" )

* %x2F ('/') and %x7E ('~') are excluded from 'un-escaped'
* @color[blue]~0 means @color[blue]~
* @color[blue]~1 means @color[blue]/.
* @color[blue]~ escaping is not applied recursively. @color[blue]~01 literally becomes @color[blue]~1.



Corner cases and good to have features that was left out in JSON.

* Object keys may be an ECMAScript 5.1 IdentifierName.
* Objects may have a single trailing comma.
* Arrays may have a single trailing comma.
* Strings may be single quoted.
* Strings may span multiple lines by escaping new line characters.
* Strings may include character escapes.
* Numbers may be hexadecimal.
* Numbers may have a leading or trailing decimal point.
* Numbers may be IEEE 754 positive infinity, negative infinity, and NaN.
* Numbers may begin with an explicit plus sign.
* Single and multi-line comments are allowed.
* Additional white space characters are allowed.


Identifier for object key


    width: 1920,
    height: 1080,


    "width": 1920,
    "height": 1080,

Are equivalent.


Trailing comma


    { name: 'Joe', age: 27, },
    { name: 'Jane', age: 32 },


    { name: 'Joe', age: 27 },
    { name: 'Jane', age: 32 }

Are equivalent.


Single quoted strings

    image: {
        width: 1920,
        height: 1080,
        'aspect-ratio': '16:9',


    image: {
        width: 1920,
        height: 1080,
        "aspect-ratio": "16:9",

Are equivalent.


Multi-line strings


"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, \
consectetur adipiscing elit."


'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.'

Are equivalent.


<!-- .slide: class="chresc" -->

Character escapes in strings

A string containing only a single reverse solidus character
may be represented as ``\x5C`` or ``\u005C``.

A string containing only the musical score character
🎼 (U+1F3BC) may be represented as '\uD83C\uDFBC'.

Escape | Sequence Description | Code Point
  \'   | Apostrophe	          | U+0027
  \"   | Quotation mark	      | U+0022
  \\   | Reverse solidus      | U+005C
  \b   | Backspace            | U+0008
  \f   | Form feed            | U+000C
  \n   | Line feed            | U+000A
  \r   | Carriage return      | U+000D
  \t   | Horizontal tab       | U+0009
  \v   | Vertical tab         | U+000B
  \0   | Null                 | U+0000


Hexadecimal numbers


    positiveHex: 0xdecaf,
    negativeHex: -0xC0FFEE,


    positiveHex: 912559,
    negativeHex: -12648430,

Are equivalent.


Leading/Trailing decimal point


    integer: 123,
    withFractionPart: 123.456,
    onlyFractionPart: .456,
    trailingPoint: 456.,
    withExponent: 123e-456,


+/- infinity and NaN


    positiveInfinity: Infinity,
    negativeInfinity: -Infinity,
    notANumber: NaN,


+ Numbers


    impliedPositive: 123,
    explicitPositive: +123,




// This is a single line comment.

/* This is a multi-
   line comment. */


<!-- .slide: class="whitespace" -->

White space characters

Additional white space chars:

Code Points          | Description
 U+0009	             | Horizontal tab
 U+000A	             | Line feed
 U+000B	             | Vertical tab
 U+000C	             | Form feed
 U+000D	             | Carriage return
 U+0020	             | Space
 U+00A0	             | Non-breaking space
 U+2028	             | Line separator
 U+2029	             | Paragraph separator
 U+FEFF	             | Byte order mark
 Unicode Zs category | Any other character in the Space Separator Unicode category


Sorting JSON

The need to a sort order JSON types and values arise because:

* Used as data model in many document databases.
* Schema less.
* Building complex indexes on document fields.


Sort order for types

* **Null** type shall sort before all other types.
* **Boolean** type shall sort after Null type.
* **Number** type shall sort after Boolean type.
* **String** type shall sort after Number type.
* **Array** type shall sort after String type.
* **Object** type shall sort after Array type.

@css[fragment](Among Boolean type, false value sort before true value.)


Sort order for numerical values

JSON specification does not define the type and precision for numbers.

* Treat integers and floating point numbers uniformly as same type.
* Integers are capped at i128 bit precision.
* Floating point numbers defined with f64 precision.

When comparing integer number and floating-point number:

* f64 values that are <= -2^127 will sort before all i128 integers.
* f64 values that are >= 2^127-1 will sort after all i128 integers.
* f64 NaN, Not a Number, value shall sort after all i128 integers.
* All other f64 values shall be cast to i128 number and compared.
* -Infinity shall sort before all numbers.
* +Infinity shall sort after all numbers.
* NaN shall sort after +Infinity.


Sort order for string

String values are not interpreted for code-points are utf8 encoding.
They are just binary compared.


Sort order for array

Array items shall be compared recursively, applying the comparison
logic on each array item and its counterpart. For example:

* [] sort before [null].
* [null] sort before [true].
* [true] sort before [[null]].
* [10,20] sort before [30].
* [10, "hello"] sort before [10, "hello", "world"].


Sort order for object

* All (key,value) pairs within the object shall be presorted based on the key.
* When comparing two objects, comparison shall start from first key and proceed to the last key.
* If two keys are equal at a given position within the objects, then its corresponding values shall be compared.
* When one object is a subset of another object, as in, if one object contain all the (key,value) properties that the other object has then it shall sort before the other object.


Range operation

* Minbound denote from the beginning.
* Maxbound denote till the end.


<h1>Thank you</h1>