[][src]Crate jsondata

Jsondata is yet another JSON implementation in Rust, but tuned and optimized for bigdata and document-databases that store documents in JSON format. Following is the scope defined for this package:

  • Support for 128-bit signed integers.
  • Deferred conversion of numbers.
  • Serialization from Rust native type to JSON text.
  • De-serialization from JSON text to Rust native type.
  • CRUD operation on JSON documents, using JSON Pointer.
  • Sorted keys in property object.
  • Streaming JSON parser.
  • Support JSON5 standard.
  • Common arithmetic and logic operations.
  • Sortable JSON.

To parse JSON text, use parse:

let text = r#"[null,true,false,10,"true"]"#;
let json = text.parse::<jsondata::Json>().unwrap();

To serialise Json type to JSON text:

let text = r#"[null,true,false,10,"true"]"#;
let json = text.parse::<jsondata::Json>().unwrap();

let text1 = json.to_string();    // one way to serialize to JSON
let text2 = format!("{}", json); // another way to serialize to JSON
assert_eq!(text1, text2);

When parsing a JSON text to Json instance, numbers are not parsed right away, hence calls to integer and float methods will have to compute the value every time,

let mut json = "1000".parse::<jsondata::Json>().unwrap();
json.integer().unwrap(); // "1000" is parsed
json.integer().unwrap(); // "1000" is parsed again

match json.compute() { // pre-compute all numbers in the json document.
    Ok(_) => (),
    Err(s) => println!("{}", s),

If JSON text is going to come from un-trusted parties,

let mut json = r#"{"a": 1000}"#.parse::<jsondata::Json>().unwrap();
match json.validate() { // validate
    Ok(_) => (),
    Err(s) => println!("{}", s),



module jptr implements JSON Pointer RFC spec.



Jsons can parse a stream of JSON text supplied by any Read instance. For Example:


Property type captures a single (key,value) pair in a JSON object.



Json type implements JavaScript Object Notation as per specification RFC-8259.