json-spanned-value 0.2.2

Track the origin of your json values for better error reporting!
# https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html


name                                    = "json-spanned-value"

version                                 = "0.2.2"

authors                                 = ["MaulingMonkey <git@maulingmonkey.com>"]

repository                              = "https://github.com/MaulingMonkey/json-spanned-value.git"

documentation                           = "https://docs.rs/json-spanned-value/"

edition                                 = "2018"

license                                 = "Apache-2.0 OR MIT"

readme                                  = "Readme.md"

description                             = "Track the origin of your json values for better error reporting!"

keywords                                = ["json", "serde", "serialization", "spans"]

categories                              = ["encoding"]

exclude                                 = [".vscode/*"]


travis-ci                               = { repository = "MaulingMonkey/json-spanned-value", branch = "master" }


default                                 = []

preserve_order                          = ["indexmap"]


indexmap                                = { version = "1.3", optional = true }

serde                                   = "1.0"

serde_json                              = "1.0"


serde                                   = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }

codespan-reporting                      = "0.9.5"


all-features                            = true

targets                                 = ["x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"]