[][src]Function jpl_sys::jpl_pleph

pub unsafe extern "C" fn jpl_pleph(
    ephem: *mut c_void,
    et: f64,
    ntarg: c_int,
    ncent: c_int,
    rrd: *mut f64,
    calc_velocity: c_int
) -> c_int
This subroutine reads the jpl planetary ephemeris
and gives the position and velocity of the point 'ntarg'
with respect to 'ncent'.

Calling sequence parameters:

  et = (double) julian ephemeris date at which interpolation
       is wanted.

ntarg = integer number of 'target' point.

ncent = integer number of center point.

The numbering convention for 'ntarg' and 'ncent' is:

        1 = mercury           8 = neptune
        2 = venus             9 = pluto
        3 = earth            10 = moon
        4 = mars             11 = sun
        5 = jupiter          12 = solar-system barycenter
        6 = saturn           13 = earth-moon barycenter
        7 = uranus           14 = nutations (longitude and obliq)
                             15 = librations, if on eph. file
                             16 = lunar mantle omega_x,omega_y,omega_z
                             17 = TT-TDB, if on eph. file

        (If nutations are wanted, set ntarg = 14.
         For librations, set ntarg = 15. set ncent= 0.
         For TT-TDB,  set ntarg = 17.  I've not actually
         seen an ntarg = 16 case yet.)

 rrd = output 6-element, double array of position and velocity
       of point 'ntarg' relative to 'ncent'. The units are au and
       au/day. For librations the units are radians and radians
       per day. In the case of nutations the first four words of
       rrd will be set to nutations and rates, having units of
       radians and radians/day.

       The option is available to have the units in km and km/sec.
       for this, set km=TRUE at the beginning of the program.

 calc_velocity = integer flag;  if nonzero,  velocities will be
       computed,  otherwise not.