jokolink 0.1.19

A crate to extract info from Guild Wars 2 MumbleLink and share it via sockets
name = "jokolink"
description = "A crate to extract info from Guild Wars 2 MumbleLink and share it via sockets"
license = "MIT"
repository = ""
version = "0.1.19"
authors = ["coderedart <>"]
edition = "2018"

anyhow = "1.0.41"
num-derive = "0.3.3"
num-traits = "0.2.14"
serde = {version = "1.0", features = ["derive"]}
serde_json = "1.0.64"
widestring = "0.4.3"
tonic = "0.4.3"
prost = "0.7"
tokio = { version = "1.7.1", features = ["macros", "rt-multi-thread"] }
winapi = { version = "0.3.9", features = ["std","winbase", "handleapi", "minwinbase", "ntdef", "winnt", "memoryapi", "winerror", "errhandlingapi", "winuser", "windef"] }
bytemuck = "1.7.0"
parking_lot = "0.11.1"
log = "0.4.14"

tonic-build = "0.4.2"