jojo 0.1.1

JOJO's Bizarre Programming Adventure.
#+title: Story Map

* core
  - an interpreter implemented by dynamic threaded code
* macro system
  - with lisp like macro system
*** (>) -- k_threading
*** (*>) -- k_threading_to_list
*** (v>) -- k_threading_to_vect
*** (match) -- k_match
* object system
  - with object system
*** (union)
*** (inherit)
* ffi
  - with simple ffi to c++
*** handle ffi by dynamic library
* prelude
  - with a practical prelude
*** basic stream
*** basic fs
*** basic network
*** basic git
* module system
  - with simple module system
*** `env_eq` -- for module_o::eq -- actor-model might need this
*** use (module) for non file module
* secure
*** can not handle big file -- due to the recursion in sexp parser
*** make syntax frontend more secure
* actor model
* documentation
  - well documented
*** renew old notes
*** renew ideas form jojo-history
* toolchain
*** debug
*** profile
*** repl
*** package manager
*** editing support
***** jojo-mode
***** org-mode for neovim
* apps
  - with some good applications written in it
*** jojo-bch
    - compile a subset of jojo to bch opcode
*** org-mode parser
*** git-dir parser
*** xml/html generator
* community
  - maintained by a community as a live system