join 0.3.0

Macros which provide useful shortcut combinators, combine sync/async chains, support single and multi thread (sync/async) step by step execution of branches, transform tuple of results in result of tuple.
//! # `join!`
//! **Macros** which provide useful shortcut combinators, combine sync/async chains, support single and multi thread (sync/async) step by step execution of branches, transform tuple of results in result of tuple.
//! - `join!` macros will just return final values. Use it if you are working with iterators/streams etc.
//! - `try_join!` macros will transpose tuple of `Option`s/`Result`s in `Option`/`Result` of tuple. Use it when you are dealing with options or results. If one of branches produces `None`/`Err` at the end of step, next steps execution will be aborted. In case of `async` macro you can only provide `Result`s because `::futures::try_join` doesn't support `Option`s.
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//! - [Features](#features)
//! - [Macros](#macros)
//! - [Combinators](#combinators)
//! - [Nested combinators](#nested-combinators)
//! - [Handler](#handler)
//! - [Let pattern](#let-pattern)
//! - [Custom configuration](#custom-configuration)
//! - [Block captures](#block-captures)
//! - [Demos](#demos)
//!     - [Sync](#sync-demo)
//!     - [Async](#futures-demo)
//! - [Single thread examples](#single-thread-combinations)
//!     - [Sync](#sync-branches)
//!     - [Async](#futures)
//! - [Multi thread examples](#multi-thread-combinations)
//!     - [Sync](#sync-threads)
//!     - [Async](#future-tasks)
//! - [Detailed steps example](#detailed-steps-example)
//! ## Features
//! - Performance. Macros produce well-optimized code (it doesn't use inactive branches during steps, doesn't clone results/options or any other values, doesn't allocate any memory on heap [except wrapping futures into `Box::pin`]) - you can check it with `cargo expand`.
//! - Steps allow to write code which depends on results of branches in previous iteration.
//! - One-line chains which can't be created using pure `Rust` without macros.
//! - Briefness. Less code to express the same flow. Shortcut combinators = less parentheses.
//! - `async` *macros* produce futures, so they can be used in non-`async` functions.
//! - Configurability. There're many options which can be configured independently to fully change macro behaviour.
//! ## Macros
//! - [`try_join!`](macro.try_join.html) - combines `Result`s/`Option`s, transposes tuple of `Result`s/`Option`s into `Result`/`Option` of tuple.
//! ```rust
//! # use join::*;
//! assert_eq!(
//!     try_join!(Ok::<_,()>(1), Ok::<_,()>("2"), Ok::<_,()>(3.0)),
//!     Ok::<_,()>((1, "2", 3.0))
//! );
//! ```
//! - [`try_join_async!`](macro.try_join_async.html) - combines futures, transposes tuple of `Result`s into `Result` of tuple.
//! ```rust
//! # use join::*;
//! # use futures::future::*;
//! # #[tokio::main]
//! # async fn main
//! # // keep this to quell `needless_doctest_main` warning
//! # () {
//! assert_eq!(
//!     try_join_async!(ok::<_,()>(1), ok::<_,()>("2"), ok::<_,()>(3.0)).await,
//!     Ok::<_,()>((1, "2", 3.0))
//! );
//! # }
//! ```
//! - [`try_join_spawn!`](macro.try_join_spawn.html) - spawns [`std::thread`]( per each branch and joins results, transposes tuple of `Result`s/`Option`s into `Result`/`Option` of tuple.
//! ```rust
//! # use join::*;
//! assert_eq!(
//!     try_join_spawn!(Ok::<_,()>(1), Ok::<_,()>("2"), Ok::<_,()>(3.0)),
//!     Ok::<_,()>((1, "2", 3.0))
//! );
//! ```
//! - [`try_spawn!`](macro.try_spawn.html) - alias for [`try_join_spawn!`](macro.try_join_spawn.html).
//! - [`try_join_async_spawn!`](macro.try_join_async_spawn.html) - spawns futures into default `tokio` executor using
//! [`::tokio::spawn`]( per each branch, transposes tuple of
//! `Result`s into `Result` of tuple.
//! ```rust
//! # use join::*;
//! # use futures::future::*;
//! # #[tokio::main]
//! # async fn main
//! # () {
//! assert_eq!(
//!     try_join_async_spawn!(ok::<_,()>(1), ok::<_,()>("2"), ok::<_,()>(3.0)).await,
//!     Ok::<_,()>((1, "2", 3.0))
//! );
//! # }
//! ```
//! - [`try_async_spawn!`](macro.try_async_spawn.html) - alias for [`try_join_async_spawn!`](macro.try_join_async_spawn.html).
//! - [`join!`](macro.join.html) - combines values.
//! ```rust
//! # use join::*;
//! assert_eq!(
//!     join!(1, "2", 3.0), (1, "2", 3.0)
//! );
//! ```
//! - [`join_async!`](macro.join_async.html) - combines futures.
//! ```rust
//! # use join::*;
//! # use futures::future::*;
//! # #[tokio::main]
//! # async fn main
//! # // keep this to quell `needless_doctest_main` warning
//! # () {
//! assert_eq!(
//!     join_async!(ready(1), ready("2"), ready(3.0)).await, (1, "2", 3.0)
//! );
//! # }
//! ```
//! - [`join_spawn!`](macro.join_spawn.html) - spawns [`std::thread`]( per each branch.
//! ```rust
//! # use join::*;
//! assert_eq!(
//!     join_spawn!(1, "2", 3.0), (1, "2", 3.0)
//! );
//! ```
//! - [`spawn!`](macro.spawn.html) - alias for [`join_spawn!`](macro.join_spawn.html).
//! - [`join_async_spawn!`](macro.join_async_spawn.html) -  spawns futures into default `tokio` executor using [`::tokio::spawn`]( per each branch.
//! ```rust
//! # use join::*;
//! # use futures::future::*;
//! # #[tokio::main]
//! # async fn main
//! # // keep this to quell `needless_doctest_main` warning
//! # () {
//! assert_eq!(
//!     join_async_spawn!(ready(1), ready("2"), ready(3.0)).await, (1, "2", 3.0)
//! );
//! # }
//! ```
//! - [`async_spawn!`](macro.async_spawn.html) - alias for [`join_async_spawn!`](macro.join_async_spawn.html).
//! ## Combinators
//! - Then: **`->`**
//! ```rust
//! # use join::try_join;
//! # let value = Some(1u8);
//! # let expr = |v: Option<u8>| Some(v.unwrap() + 1);
//! # let result =
//! try_join! { value -> expr }; // => expr(value)
//! # assert_eq!(result, Some(2));
//! ```
//! - Map: **`|>`**
//! ```rust
//! # use join::try_join;
//! # let value = Some(1u8);
//! # let expr = |v| v;
//! try_join! { value |> expr }; // =>
//! ```
//! - AndThen: **`=>`**
//! ```rust
//! # use join::try_join;
//! # let value = Some(1u8);
//! # let expr = |v| Some(v + 1);
//! # let result =
//! try_join! { value => expr }; // => value.and_then(expr)
//! # assert_eq!(result, Some(2));
//! ```
//! - Filter: **`?>`**
//! ```rust
//! # use join::join;
//! # fn expr(v: &u8) -> bool { *v == 3 }
//! # let value = vec![1u8, 2, 3].into_iter();
//! # let result =
//! join! { value ?> expr }; // => value.filter(expr)
//! # assert_eq!(result.collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![3]);
//! ```
//! - Dot: **`..`** or **`>.`**
//! ```rust
//! # use join::join;
//! # let value = Some(1u8);
//! # let result =
//! join! { value .. is_some() }; // => value.is_some()
//! # assert_eq!(result, true);
//! # let result =
//! join! { value >. is_none() }; // => value.is_none()
//! # assert_eq!(result, false);
//! ```
//! - Or: **`<|`**
//! ```rust
//! # use join::try_join;
//! # let value = Some(1u8);
//! # let expr = Some(2u8);
//! # let result =
//! try_join! { value <| expr }; // => value.or(expr)
//! # assert_eq!(result, Some(1));
//! ```
//! - OrElse: **`<=`**
//! ```rust
//! # use join::try_join;
//! # let value = None;
//! # let expr = || Some(6);
//! # let result =
//! try_join! { value <= expr }; // => value.or_else(expr)  
//! # assert_eq!(result, Some(6));
//! ```
//! - MapErr: **`!>`**
//! ```rust
//! # use join::try_join;
//! # let value = Err::<u8,_>(1u8);
//! # let expr = |err| err + 1;
//! # let result =
//! try_join! { value !> expr }; // => value.map_err(expr)
//! # assert_eq!(result, Err(2));
//! ```
//! - Collect: **`=>[]`** (type is optional)
//! ```rust
//! # use join::join;
//! # let value = vec![1u8, 2, 3].into_iter();
//! # let result =
//! join! { value =>[] Vec<_> }; // => value.collect::<Vec<_>>()
//! # assert_eq!(result, vec![1u8, 2, 3]);
//! # let value = vec![1u8, 3, 4].into_iter();
//! let result: Vec<_> = join! { value =>[] }; // => value.collect()
//! # assert_eq!(result, vec![1u8, 3, 4]);
//! ```
//! - Chain: **`>@>`**
//! ```rust
//! # use join::join;
//! # let value = vec![1u8].into_iter();
//! # let expr = vec![1u8].into_iter();
//! # let result =
//! join! { value >@> expr }; // => value.chain(expr)
//! # assert_eq!(result.collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![1, 1]);
//! ```
//! - FindMap: **`?|>@`**
//! ```rust
//! # use join::join;
//! # let mut value = vec![1u8, 2, 3, 4].into_iter();
//! # let expr = |v| if v == 4 { Some(v) } else { None };
//! # let result =
//! join! { value ?|>@ expr }; // => value.find_map(expr)
//! # assert_eq!(result, Some(4));
//! ```
//! - FilterMap: **`?|>`**
//! ```rust
//! # use join::join;
//! # let value = vec![1u8, 2, 3, 4, 5].into_iter();
//! # let expr = |v| Some(v);
//! # let result =
//! join! { value ?|> expr }; // => value.filter_map(expr)
//! # assert_eq!(result.collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![1u8, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
//! ```
//! - Enumerate: **`|n>`**
//! ```rust
//! # use join::join;
//! # let value = vec![1u8].into_iter();
//! # let result =
//! join! { value |n> }; // => value.enumerate()
//! # assert_eq!(result.collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![(0usize, 1u8)]);
//! ```
//! - Partition: **`?&!>`**
//! ```rust
//! # use join::join;
//! # fn filter<'a>(v: &'a u8) -> bool { v % 2 == 0 }
//! # let mut value = vec![1u8, 2, 3, 4, 5].into_iter();
//! # let expr = filter;
//! # let result =
//! join! { value ?&!> expr }; // => value.partition(expr)
//! # assert_eq!(result, (vec![2, 4], vec![1, 3, 5]));
//! ```
//! - Flatten: **`^^>`**
//! ```rust
//! # use join::join;
//! # let mut value = vec![vec![1u8]].into_iter();
//! # let result =
//! join! { value ^^> }; // => value.flatten()
//! # assert_eq!(result.collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![1u8]);
//! ```
//! - Fold: **`^@`**
//! ```rust
//! # use join::join;
//! # let mut value = vec![1u8, 2u8].into_iter();
//! # let init_expr = 0;
//! # let fn_expr = |a, b| a + b;
//! # let result =
//! join! { value ^@ init_expr, fn_expr }; // => value.fold(init_expr, fn_expr)
//! # assert_eq!(result, 3);
//! ```
//! - TryFold: **`?^@`**
//! ```rust
//! # use join::join;
//! # let mut value = vec![1u8, 2u8].into_iter();
//! # let init_expr = 0;
//! # let fn_expr = |a, b| Ok::<_,()>(a + b);
//! # let result =
//! join! { value ?^@ init_expr, fn_expr }; // => value.try_fold(init_expr, fn_expr)
//! # assert_eq!(result, Ok(3));
//! ```
//! - Find: **`?@`**
//! ```rust
//! # use join::try_join;
//! # fn filter(v: &u8) -> bool { true }
//! # let mut value = vec![1u8, 2u8].into_iter();
//! # let expr = filter;
//! # let result =
//! try_join! { value ?@ expr }; // => value.find(expr)
//! # assert_eq!(result, Some(1));
//! ```
//! - Zip: **`>^>`**
//! ```rust
//! # use join::join;
//! # let value = vec![1u8, 2u8].into_iter();
//! # let expr = vec![1u8, 2u8].into_iter();
//! # let result =
//! join! { value >^> expr }; // =>
//! # assert_eq!(result.collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![(1, 1), (2, 2)]);
//! ```
//! - Unzip: **`<->`** (types are optional)
//! ```rust
//! # use join::join;
//! # let value = vec![(1u8, 2u8)].into_iter();
//! # let result =
//! join! { value <-> _, _, Vec<_>, Vec<_> }; // => value.unzip::<_, _, Vec<_>, Vec<_>>()
//! # assert_eq!(result, (vec![1], vec![2]));
//! # let value = vec![(1u8, 2u8)].into_iter();
//! let result: (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) = join! { value <-> }; // => value.unzip()
//! # assert_eq!(result, (vec![1], vec![2]));
//! ```
//! - Inspect: **`??`**
//! ```rust
//! # use join::{try_join, try_join_async};
//! # use futures::executor::block_on;
//! # fn expr<T: std::fmt::Debug>(v: &T) { println!("{:?}", v); }
//! # let value = Ok::<_,()>(1u8);
//! # let result =
//! try_join! { value ?? expr }; // => (|value| { (expr)(&value); value })(value) // for sync
//! # assert_eq!(result, Ok::<_,()>(1u8));
//! # let value = ::futures::future::ok::<_,()>(1u8);
//! # let result =
//! try_join_async! { value ?? expr }; // => value.inspect(expr) for async
//! # block_on(async { assert_eq!(result.await, Ok::<_,()>(1u8)); });
//! ```
//! where `value` is the previous value.
//! **Every combinator prefixed by `~` will act as deferred action (all actions will wait until completion in every step and only after move to the next one).**
//! ## Nested combinators
//! - Wrap: `combinator` **`>>>`** `combinator`(s)...
//! ```rust
//! # use join::try_join;
//! # let value = Some(Some(5));
//! # let result =
//! try_join! { value => >>> |> |v| v + 2 }; // => value.and_then(|value||v| v + 2))
//! # assert_eq!(result, Some(7));
//! ```
//! Use to create nested constructions like
//! ```rust
//! # let a = Ok::<_,()>(Ok::<_,()>(Ok::<_,()>(4)));
//! # let value =
//! a.and_then(
//!     // >>>
//!     |b| b.and_then(
//!         // >>>
//!         |c| c.and_then(
//!             |v| Ok(v + 2)
//!         )
//!     )
//! )
//! # ;
//! # assert_eq!(value, Ok(6));
//! ```
//! - Unwrap: **`<<<`**
//! ```rust
//! # use join::try_join;
//! # let value = Some(Some(5));
//! # let result =
//! try_join! {
//!     value
//!     => >>>
//!         |> |v| v + 2
//!     <<<
//!     |> |v| Some(v + 4)  
//! }; // => value.and_then(|value||v| v + 2)).map(|v| Some(v + 4))
//! # assert_eq!(result, Some(Some(11)));
//! ```
//! Use to move out of nested constructions
//! ```rust
//! # let a = Ok::<_,()>(Ok::<_,()>(Ok::<_,()>(4)));
//! # let value =
//! a.and_then(
//!     // >>>
//!     |b| b.and_then(
//!         // >>>
//!         |c| c.and_then(
//!             |v| Ok(v + 2)
//!         )
//!         // <<<
//!     )
//!     // <<<
//! ).map(
//!     |v| v + 1
//! )
//! # ;
//! # assert_eq!(value, Ok(7));
//! ```
//! ## Handler
//! might be one of
//! - `map` => **Only valid for `try` macros.** Will act as `|(result0, result1, ..)| handler(result0, result1, ..))`
//! ```rust
//! # use join::try_join;
//! # let value = Some(1u8);
//! assert_eq!(
//!     try_join! {
//!         Some(1),
//!         Some(2),
//!         Some(3),
//!         map => |a, b, c| a + b + c
//!     },
//!     Some(6)
//! );
//! ```
//! - `and_then` => **Only valid for `try` macros.** Will act as `results.and_then(|(result0, result1, ..)| handler(result0, result1, ..))`
//! ```rust
//! # use join::try_join;
//! # let value = Some(1u8);
//! assert_eq!(
//!     try_join! {
//!         Some(1),
//!         Some(2),
//!         Some(3),
//!         and_then => |a, b, c| Some(a + b + c)
//!     },
//!     Some(6)
//! );
//! ```
//! - `then` => **Only valid for not `try` macros.** Will be executed in any case, act as `handler(result0, result1, ..)`
//! ```rust
//! # use join::join;
//! assert_eq!(
//!     join! {
//!         Some(1),
//!         Some(2),
//!         Some(3),
//!         then => |a: Option<u8>, b: Option<u8>, c: Option<u8>|
//!             Some(a.unwrap() + b.unwrap() + c.unwrap())
//!     },
//!     Some(6)
//! );
//! ```
//! or not specified - then `Result<(result0, result1, ..), Error>` or `Option<(result0, result1, ..)>` will be returned for `try` macros and `(result0, result1, ..)` for not `try` macros.
//! ## Custom configuration
//! You can specify any params at the beginning of macro call.
//! - `futures_crate_path` - specifies custom crate path for `futures` crate, which will be used for all `futures`-related items, used by `async` `join!` macros. Only valid for `async` macros.
//! - `custom_joiner` - specifies custom joiner *function* or *macro*, which will join active branches in step if their count is greater than 1.
//! - `transpose_results` - specifies should macro transpose tuple of `Result`s/`Option`s into `Result`/`Option` of tuple or not. Useful when provided joiner already returns `Result` of tuple and there's no need to transpose it.
//! - `lazy_branches` - wrap every branch into `move || {}` when pass values to joiner. By default `true` for `try_join_spawn!`, `try_spawn!` and `join_spawn!` , `spawn!` macros because they use `thread::spawn` call. Only if active branch count > 1.
//! ```rust
//! use join::try_join_async;
//! use futures::future::ok;
//! macro_rules! custom_futures_joiner {
//!     ($($futures: expr),+) => {
//!         ::futures::try_join!($($futures),*);
//!     }
//! }
//! #[tokio::main]
//! async fn main() {
//!     let value = try_join_async! {
//!         futures_crate_path(::futures)
//!         custom_joiner(custom_futures_joiner!)
//!         transpose_results(false)
//!         ok::<_,()>(2u16), ok::<_,()>(3u16),
//!         map => |a, b| a + b
//!     }.await.unwrap();
//!     assert_eq!(value, 5);
//! }
//! ```
//! *Rayon demo*
//! ```rust
//! use join::{try_join, join};
//! fn fib(num: u8) -> usize {
//!     let mut prev = 0;
//!     let mut cur = if num > 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
//!     for _ in 1..num as usize {
//!         let tmp = cur;
//!         cur = prev + cur;
//!         prev = tmp;
//!     }
//!     cur
//! }
//! fn main() {
//!     let pool = rayon::ThreadPoolBuilder::new().build().unwrap();
//!     let calculated = pool.install(||
//!         try_join! {
//!             custom_joiner(rayon::join)
//!             || Some(fib(50)),
//!             || Some(
//!                 join! {
//!                     custom_joiner(rayon::join)
//!                     lazy_branches(true)
//!                     fib(20) -> |v| v + 25,
//!                     fib(30) -> |v| vec![v; 10]..into_iter() |n> |> |(index, value)| value + index ..sum::<usize>(),
//!                     then => |a, b| a + b
//!                 }
//!             ),
//!             map => |a, b| a * b
//!         }
//!     );
//!     assert_eq!(calculated.unwrap(), 104808819944395875);
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Let pattern
//! You can specify `let` pattern for each branch in order to share result with other branches, or in case if you need to have `mut` value between steps.
//! ```rust
//! # use join::*;
//! assert_eq!(
//!     try_join! {
//!         let mut branch_0 = Ok::<_,()>(1) ~|> |v| v + 1,
//!         let branch_1 = Ok::<_,()>(2) ~|> { let value_0 = branch_0.as_ref().unwrap(); move |v| v + value_0 },
//!         map => |b_0, b_1| b_0 * b_1
//!     }.unwrap(),
//!     6
//! );
//! ```
//! ## Block captures
//! In order to capture variables (for ex. values of other branches in example above) you can pass block statements instead of functions:
//! ```rust
//! # use join::*;
//! let mut some_value = Some("capture me");
//! assert_eq!(try_join! {
//!     Some(0) |> |v| {
//!         // assign `None` to some_value in step expr
//!         some_value = None;
//!         v
//!     } |> {
//!         // capture value before step and get str len
//!         let captured_len = some_value.as_ref().unwrap().len();
//!         move |v| v + captured_len
//!     }
//! }.unwrap(), 10);
//! ```
//! These blocks will be placed before actual step expressions.
//! ## Demos
//! ### Sync demo
//! Using this macro you can write things like
//! ```rust
//! #![recursion_limit = "256"]
//! use rand::prelude::*;
//! use std::sync::Arc;
//! use join::try_join_spawn;
//! // Problem: generate vecs filled by random numbers in parallel, make some operations on them in parallel,
//! // find max of each vec in parallel and find final max of 3 vecs
//! // Solution:
//! fn main() {
//!     // Branches will be executed in parallel, each in its own thread
//!     let max = try_join_spawn! {
//!         let branch_0 =
//!             generate_random_vec(1000, 10000000u64)
//!                 .into_iter()
//!                 // .map(power2) (Multiply every element by itself)
//!                 |> power2
//!                 // .filter(is_even) (Filter even values)
//!                 ?> is_even
//!                 // .collect::<Vec<_>>() (Collect values into `Vec<_>`)
//!                 =>[] Vec<_>
//!                 // Arc::new(Some(...))
//!                 // Use `Arc` to share data with branch 1
//!                 -> Arc::new -> Some
//!                 // Find max and clone its value
//!                 // .and_then(|v| v.iter().max().cloned())
//!                 ~=> >>> ..iter().max() |> Clone::clone,
//!         generate_random_vec(10000, 100000000000000f64)
//!             .into_iter()
//!             // .map(sqrt) (Extract sqrt from every element)
//!             |> sqrt
//!             // Some(...)
//!             -> Some
//!             // .and_then(|v| v...)
//!             ~=> >>>
//!                 // .enumerate() (Add index in order to compare with the values of branch_0)
//!                 |n>
//!                 // .map(...)
//!                 |> {
//!                     // Get data from branch 0 by cloning arc
//!                     let branch_0 = branch_0.as_ref().unwrap().clone();
//!                     let len = branch_0.len();
//!                     // Compare every element of branch 1 with element of branch_0
//!                     // with the same index and take min
//!                     move |(index, value)|
//!                         if index < len && value as u64 > branch_0[index] {
//!                             branch_0[index]
//!                         } else {
//!                             value as u64
//!                         }
//!                 }..max(),
//!         generate_random_vec(100000, 100000u32)
//!             .into_iter()
//!             -> Some
//!             // .and_then(|v| v.max())
//!             ~=> >>> ..max(),
//!         and_then => |max0, max1, max2|
//!             // Find final max
//!             [max0, max1, max2 as u64].iter().max().cloned()
//!     }
//!     .unwrap();
//!     println!("Max: {}", max);
//! }
//! fn generate_random_vec<T>(size: usize, max: T) -> Vec<T>
//! where
//!     T: From<u8>
//!         + rand::distributions::uniform::SampleUniform
//!         + rand::distributions::uniform::SampleBorrow<T>
//!         + Copy,
//! {
//!     let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
//!     (0..size)
//!         .map(|_| rng.gen_range(T::from(0u8), max))
//!         .collect()
//! }
//! fn is_even<T>(value: &T) -> bool
//! where
//!     T: std::ops::Rem<Output = T> + std::cmp::PartialEq + From<u8> + Copy
//! {
//!     *value % 2u8.into() == 0u8.into()
//! }
//! fn sqrt<T>(value: T) -> T
//! where
//!     T: Into<f64>,
//!     f64: Into<T>,
//! {
//!     let value_f64: f64 = value.into();
//!     value_f64.sqrt().into()
//! }
//! fn power2<T>(value: T) -> T
//! where
//!     T: std::ops::Mul<Output = T> + Copy,
//! {
//!     value * value
//! }
//! ```
//! ```rust
//! extern crate rand;
//! extern crate join;
//! use rand::prelude::*;
//! use join::try_join;
//! fn main() {
//!     let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
//!     let result = try_join! {
//!         (0..10)
//!             // .map(|index| { let value ... })
//!             |> |index| { let value = rng.gen_range(0, index + 5); if rng.gen_range(0f32, 2.0) > 1.0 { Ok(value) } else { Err(value) }}
//!             // .filter(|result| ...)
//!             ?> |result| match result { Ok(_) => true, Err(value) => *value > 2 }
//!             // .map(|v||value| value + 1))
//!             |> >>> |> |value| value + 1
//!             <<<
//!             // .try_fold(0i32, |acc, cur| {...})
//!             ?^@ 0i32, |acc, cur| {
//!       |cur| acc + cur).or_else(|cur| Ok(acc - cur))
//!             }
//!             // .and_then(|value| if ...)
//!             => |value| if value > 0 { Ok(value as u8) } else { Err(0) }
//!             // Wait for all branches to be successful and then calculate fib
//!             ~|> fib,
//!         (0..6)
//!             // .map(|index| { let value ... })
//!             |> |index| { let value = rng.gen_range(0, index + 5); if rng.gen_range(0f32, 2.0) > 1.0 { Some(value) } else { None }}
//!             // .filter_map(|v| v)
//!             ?|> >>>
//!             <<<
//!             ..sum::<u16>()
//!             // Return `Ok` only if value is less than 20
//!             -> |value| if value < 20 { Ok(value as u8) } else { Err(0) }
//!             // Wait for all branches to be successful and then calculate fib
//!             ~|> fib,
//!         // In case of success, multilpy fibs
//!         map => |v_1, v_2| v_1 * v_2
//!     };
//!|value| println!("Result: {}", value)).unwrap_or_else(|err| println!("Error: {:#?}", err));
//! }
//! fn fib(num: u8) -> usize {
//!     println!("CALLED FIB!");
//!     let mut prev = 0;
//!     let mut cur = if num > 0 { 1 } else { 0 };
//!     for _ in 1..num as usize {
//!         let tmp = cur;
//!         cur = prev + cur;
//!         prev = tmp;
//!     }
//!     cur
//! }
//! ```
//! ### Futures demo
//! *Pay attention: this demo uses `tokio = "0.2.0-alpha.6"`*, however `join!` macros are compatible with the latest `tokio`.
//! <details><summary>Cargo.toml</summary>
//! <p>
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! futures = { version = "=0.3.0-alpha.19", package = "futures-preview", features=["async-await"] }
//! tokio = "0.2.0-alpha.6"
//! failure = "0.1.6"
//! futures-timer = "0.4.0"
//! reqwest = "0.10.0-alpha.2"
//! ```
//! </p>
//! </details>
//! And like this:
//! ```rust
//! #![recursion_limit="1024"]
//! use join::try_join_async;
//! use futures::stream::{iter, Stream};
//! use reqwest::Client;
//! use futures::future::{try_join_all, ok, ready};
//! use failure::{format_err, Error};
//! #[tokio::main]
//! async fn main() {
//!     println!("Hello.\nThis's is the game where winner is player, which number is closest to the max count of links (starting with `https://`) found on one of random pages.\nYou play against random generator (0-500).");
//!     enum GameResult {
//!         Won,
//!         Lost,
//!         Draw
//!     }
//!     let client = Client::new();
//!     let game = try_join_async! {
//!         // Make requests to several sites
//!         // and calculate count of links starting from `https://`
//!         urls_to_calculate_link_count()
//!             |> {
//!                 // If pass block statement instead of fn, it will be placed before current step,
//!                 // so it will us allow to capture some variables from context
//!                 let ref client = client;
//!                 move |url|
//!                     // `try_join_async!` wraps its content into `Box::pin(async move { })`
//!                     try_join_async! {
//!                         client
//!                             .get(url).send()
//!                             => |value| value.text()
//!                             => |body| ok((url, body.matches("https://").collect::<Vec<_>>().len()))
//!                     }
//!             }
//!             // Collect values into `Vec<_>`
//!             =>[] Vec<_>
//!             |> Ok
//!             => try_join_all
//!             !> |err| format_err!("Error retrieving pages to calculate links: {:#?}", err)
//!             => >>>
//!                 ..into_iter()
//!                 .max_by_key(|(_, link_count)| *link_count)
//!                 .ok_or(format_err!("Failed to find max link count"))
//!                 -> ready
//!             // It waits for input in stdin before log max links count
//!             ~?? >>>
//!                 ..as_ref()
//!                 |> |(url, count)| {
//!                     let split = url.to_owned().split('/').collect::<Vec<_>>();
//!                     let domain_name = split.get(2).unwrap_or(&url);
//!                     println!("Max `https://` link count found on `{}`: {}", domain_name, count)
//!                 }
//!                 ..unwrap_or(()),
//!         // Concurrently it makes request to the site which generates random number
//!         url_to_random_number()
//!             -> ok
//!             => {
//!                 // If pass block statement instead of fn, it will be placed before current step,
//!                 // so it will allow us to capture some variables from context
//!                 let ref client = client;
//!                 let map_parse_error = |error, value| format_err!("Failed to parse random number: {:#?}, value: {}", error, value);
//!                 move |url|
//!                     try_join_async! {
//!                         client
//!                             .get(url)
//!                             .send()
//!                             => |value| value.text()
//!                             !> |err| format_err!("Error retrieving random number: {:#?}", err)
//!                             => |value| ok(value[..value.len() - 1].to_owned()) // remove \n from `154\n`
//!                             => |value|  
//!                                 ready(
//!                                     value
//!                                         .parse::<u16>()
//!                                         .map_err(|err| map_parse_error(err, value))
//!                                 )
//!                     }
//!             }
//!             // It waits for input in stdin before log random value
//!             ~?? >>>
//!                 ..as_ref()
//!                 |> |number| println!("Random: {}", number)
//!                 ..unwrap_or(()),
//!         // Concurrently it reads value from stdin
//!         read_number_from_stdin() |> Ok,
//!         // Finally, when we will have all results, we can decide, who is winner
//!         map => |(_url, link_count), random_number, number_from_stdin| {
//!             let random_diff = (link_count as i32 - random_number as i32).abs();
//!             let stdin_diff = (link_count as i32 - number_from_stdin as i32).abs();
//!             match () {
//!                 _ if random_diff > stdin_diff => GameResult::Won,
//!                 _ if random_diff < stdin_diff => GameResult::Lost,
//!                 _ => GameResult::Draw
//!             }
//!         }    
//!     };
//!     let _ =
//!         |result|
//!             println!(
//!                 "You {}",
//!                 match result {
//!                     GameResult::Won => "won!",
//!                     GameResult::Lost => "lose...",
//!                     _ => "have the same result as random generator!"
//!                 }
//!             )
//!     ).unwrap_or_else(|error| eprintln!("Error: {:#?}", error));
//! }
//! fn urls_to_calculate_link_count() -> impl Stream<Item = &'static str> {
//!     iter(
//!         vec![
//!             "|images&rvprop=content&grnlimit=100",
//!             "",
//!             ""
//!         ]
//!     )   
//! }
//! fn url_to_random_number() -> &'static str {
//!     ""
//! }
//! async fn read_number_from_stdin() -> u16 {
//!     use tokio::io::{stdin, BufReader, Error, ErrorKind, AsyncBufReadExt};
//!     let mut reader = BufReader::new(stdin()).lines();
//!     # return 25;
//!     loop {
//!         println!("Please, enter number (`u16`)");
//!         let next = reader.next_line();
//!         let result = try_join_async! {
//!             next
//!                 => >>>
//!                    ..ok_or(Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, "Failed to read value from stdin"))
//!                    => >>>
//!                        ..parse()
//!                        !> |err| Error::new(ErrorKind::Other, format!("Value from stdin isn't a correct `u16`: {:?}", err))
//!                    <<<
//!                    -> ready              
//!         }.await;
//!         if let Ok(value) = result {
//!             break value
//!         }
//!     }
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Single thread combinations
//! ### Sync branches
//! Converts input in series of chained results and joins them step by step.
//! ```rust
//! use std::error::Error;
//! use join::try_join;
//! type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Box<dyn Error>>;
//! fn action_1() -> Result<u16> {
//!     Ok(1)
//! }
//! fn action_2() -> Result<u8> {
//!     Ok(2)
//! }
//! fn main() {
//!     let sum = try_join! {
//!         // action_1(),
//!         action_1(),
//!         // action_2().map(|v| v as u16),
//!         action_2() |> |v| v as u16,
//!         // action_2().map(|v| v as u16 + 1).and_then(|v| Ok(v * 4)),
//!         action_2() |> |v| v as u16 + 1 => |v| Ok(v * 4),
//!         // action_1().and_then(|_| Err("5".into())).or(Ok(2)),
//!         action_1() => |_| Err("5".into()) <| Ok(2),
//!         map => |a, b, c, d| a + b + c + d
//!     }.expect("Failed to calculate sum");
//!     println!("Calculated: {}", sum);
//! }
//! ```
//! ### Futures
//! Each branch will represent future chain. All branches will be joined using `::futures::join!`/`::futures::try_join!` macro and `join_async!`/`try_join_async!` will return `unpolled` future.
//! ```rust
//! use std::error::Error;
//! use join::try_join_async;
//! use futures::future::{ok, err};
//! type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Box<dyn Error>>;
//! async fn action_1() -> Result<u16> {
//!     Ok(1)
//! }
//! async fn action_2() -> Result<u8> {
//!     Ok(2)
//! }
//! #[tokio::main]
//! async fn main() {
//!     // Branches will be executed concurrently
//!     let sum = try_join_async! {
//!         // action_1(),
//!         action_1(),
//!         // action_2().and_then(|v| ok(v as u16)),
//!         action_2() => |v| ok(v as u16),
//!         // action_2().map(|v||v| v as u16 + 1)).and_then(|v| ok(v * 4u16)),
//!         action_2() |> |v||v| v as u16 + 1) => |v| ok(v * 4u16),
//!         // action_1().and_then(|_| err("5".into())).or_else(|_| ok(2u16)),
//!         action_1() => |_| err("5".into()) <= |_| ok(2u16),
//!         and_then => |a, b, c, d| ok(a + b + c + d)
//!     }.await.expect("Failed to calculate sum");
//!     println!("Calculated: {}", sum);
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Multi thread combinations
//! To execute several tasks in parallel you could use `join_spawn!` (`spawn!`) for sync tasks
//! and `join_async_spawn!` (`async_spawn!`) for futures. Since `join_async`already provides concurrent futures execution in one thread, `join_async_spawn!` spawns every branch into `tokio` executor, so they will be evaluated in multi threaded executor.
//! ### Sync threads
//! `join_spawn` spawns one `::std::thread` per each step of each branch (number of branches is the max thread count at the time).
//! ```rust
//! use std::error::Error;
//! use join::try_join_spawn;
//! type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync>>;
//! fn action_1() -> Result<usize> {
//!     Ok(1)
//! }
//! fn action_2() -> Result<u16> {
//!     Ok(2)
//! }
//! fn main() {
//!     // Branches will be executed in parallel
//!     let sum = try_join_spawn! {
//!         // thread::spawn(move || action_1()),
//!         action_1(),
//!         // thread::spawn(move || action_2().map(|v| v as usize)),
//!         action_2() |> |v| v as usize,
//!         // thread::spawn(move || action_2().map(|v| v as usize + 1).and_then(|v| Ok(v * 4))),
//!         action_2() |> |v| v as usize + 1 => |v| Ok(v * 4),
//!         // thread::spawn(move || action_1().and_then(|_| Err("5".into())).or(Ok(2))),
//!         action_1() => |_| Err("5".into()) <| Ok(2),
//!         map => |a, b, c, d| a + b + c + d
//!     }.expect("Failed to calculate sum");
//!     println!("Calculated: {}", sum);
//! }
//! ```
//! *Thread names*
//! In runtime thread's name will be constructed from name of parent thread and join_%branch_index%.
//! Example with several branches:
//! ```rust
//! extern crate join;
//! use std::thread;
//! use join::try_join_spawn;
//! fn current_thread_name() -> String {
//!     thread::current().name().unwrap().to_owned()
//! }
//! fn print_branch_thread_name(index: &Result<usize, ()>) {
//!     println!("Branch: {}. Thread name: {}.", index.unwrap(), current_thread_name());
//! }
//! fn main() {
//!     let _ = try_join_spawn! {
//!         Ok(0) ?? print_branch_thread_name,
//!         Ok(1) ?? print_branch_thread_name,
//!         try_join_spawn! {
//!             Ok(2) ?? print_branch_thread_name,
//!             try_join_spawn! {
//!                 Ok(3) ?? print_branch_thread_name,
//!             }
//!         }
//!     }.unwrap();
//! }
//! // Branch: 0. Thread name: main_join_0.
//! // Branch: 1. Thread name: main_join_1.
//! // Branch: 2. Thread name: main_join_2_join_0.
//! // Branch: 3. Thread name: main_join_2_join_1_join_0.
//! // Order could be different.
//! ```
//! ### Future tasks
//! [`join_async_spawn!`](macro.join_async_spawn.html) uses [`::tokio::spawn`]( function to spawn futures so it should be done inside `tokio` runtime.
//! ```rust
//! use std::error::Error;
//! use join::try_join_async_spawn;
//! use futures::future::{ok, err};
//! type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync>>;
//! async fn action_1() -> Result<u16> {
//!     Ok(1)
//! }
//! async fn action_2() -> Result<u8> {
//!     Ok(2)
//! }
//! #[tokio::main]
//! async fn main() {
//!     // Branches will be executed concurrently, in multi thread executor
//!     let sum = try_join_async_spawn! {
//!         // tokio::spawn(Box::pin(action_1()))
//!         action_1(),
//!         // tokio::spawn(Box::pin(action_2().and_then(|v| ok(v as u16))))
//!         action_2() => |v| ok(v as u16),
//!         // tokio::spawn(Box::pin(action_2().map(|v||v| v as u16 + 1)).and_then(|v| ok(v * 4u16))))
//!         action_2() |> |v||v| v as u16 + 1) => |v| ok(v * 4u16),
//!         // tokio::spawn(Box::pin(action_1().and_then(|_| err("5".into())).or_else(|_| ok(2u16))))
//!         action_1() => |_| err("5".into()) <= |_| ok(2u16),
//!         and_then => |a, b, c, d| ok(a + b + c + d)
//!     }.await.expect("Failed to calculate sum");
//!     println!("Calculated: {}", sum);
//! }
//! ```
//! ## Detailed steps example
//! By separating chain in actions, you will make actions wait for completion of all of them in current step before go to the next step.
//! ```rust
//! use std::error::Error;
//! use join::try_join;
//! type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync>>;
//! fn action_1() -> Result<u16> {
//!     Ok(1)
//! }
//! fn action_2() -> Result<u8> {
//!     Ok(2)
//! }
//! fn main() {
//!     let sum = try_join! {
//!         action_1(),
//!         let result_1 = action_2() ~|> |v| v as u16 + 1,
//!         action_2() ~|> {
//!             // `result_1` now is the result of `action_2()` [Ok(1u8)]
//!             let result_1 = result_1.as_ref().ok().cloned();
//!             move |v| {
//!                 if result_1.is_some() {
//!                     v as u16 + 1
//!                 } else {
//!                     unreachable!()
//!                 }
//!             }
//!         } ~=> {
//!             // `result_1` now is the result of `|v| v as u16 + 1` [Ok(2u16)]
//!             let result_1 = result_1.as_ref().ok().cloned();
//!             move |v| {
//!                 if let Some(result_1) = result_1 {
//!                     Ok(v * 4 + result_1)
//!                 } else {
//!                     unreachable!()
//!                 }
//!             }
//!         },
//!         action_1() ~=> |_| Err("5".into()) <| Ok(2),
//!         map => |a, b, c, d| a + b + c + d
//!     }.expect("Failed to calculate sum");
//!     println!("Calculated: {}", sum);
//! }
//! ```

extern crate join_impl;
extern crate syn;

use join_impl::{generate_join, Config, JoinInputDefault};
use proc_macro::TokenStream;

fn join_impl(join: JoinInputDefault, config: Config) -> TokenStream {
    TokenStream::from(generate_join(&join, config))

/// Use to combine results. It transposes tuple of `Result`s/`Option`s into `Result`/`Option` of tuple or single `Result`/`Option` in
/// case of 1 branch.
/// # Example:
/// ```rust
/// extern crate join;
/// use join::try_join;
/// let product = try_join! {
///     Ok::<_,()>(2) |> |v| v + 2,
///     Ok::<_,()>(3),
///     Ok::<_,()>(4),
///     map => |a, b, c| a * b * c
/// }.unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(product, 48);
/// ```
pub fn try_join(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let parsed = syn::parse_macro_input!(input as JoinInputDefault);

        Config {
            is_async: false,
            is_spawn: false,
            is_try: true,

/// Use to combine futures. It transposes tuple of `Result`s into `Result` of tuple or single `Result` in
/// case of 1 branch.
/// # Example:
/// ```rust
/// #![recursion_limit="256"]
/// extern crate join;
/// extern crate futures;
/// use join::try_join_async;
/// use futures::future::ok;
/// #[tokio::main]
/// async fn main() {
///     let product = try_join_async! {
///         ok::<_,()>(2u16) => |v| ok::<_,()>(v + 2u16),
///         ok::<_,()>(3u16),
///         ok::<_,()>(4u16),
///         map => |a, b, c| a * b * c
///     }.await.unwrap();
///     assert_eq!(product, 48);
/// }
/// ```
pub fn try_join_async(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let parsed = syn::parse_macro_input!(input as JoinInputDefault);

        Config {
            is_async: true,
            is_spawn: false,
            is_try: true,

/// Use to spawn [`::std::thread`]( per each step of each branch. It transposes
/// tuple of `Result`s/`Option`s into `Result`/`Option` of tuple or single `Result`/`Option` in case of 1 branch.
/// # Example:
/// ```rust
/// extern crate join;
/// use join::try_join_spawn;
/// let product = try_join_spawn! {
///     Ok::<_,()>(2) |> |v| v + 2 ?? |_| {
///         println!("Hello from parallel world!");
///         ::std::thread::sleep(::std::time::Duration::from_secs(1));
///         println!("I'm done.");
///     },
///     Ok::<_,()>(3) ?? |_| {
///         println!("Hello from parallel world again!");
///         ::std::thread::sleep(::std::time::Duration::from_secs(2));
///         println!("Me too.");
///     },
///     Ok::<_,()>(4),
///     map => |a, b, c| a * b * c
/// }.unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(product, 48);
pub fn try_join_spawn(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let parsed = syn::parse_macro_input!(input as JoinInputDefault);

        Config {
            is_async: false,
            is_spawn: true,
            is_try: true,

/// Alias for [`try_join_spawn!`](macro.try_join_spawn.html).
pub fn try_spawn(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let parsed = syn::parse_macro_input!(input as JoinInputDefault);

        Config {
            is_async: false,
            is_spawn: true,
            is_try: true,

/// Use to spawn [`::tokio::spawn`]( per each step of each branch.
/// It transposes tuple of `Result`s into `Result` of tuple or single `Result` in case of 1 branch.
/// ```rust
/// #![recursion_limit="512"]
/// extern crate join;
/// extern crate futures;
/// extern crate tokio;
/// extern crate futures_timer;
/// use join::try_join_async_spawn;
/// use futures::future::ok;
/// use futures_timer::Delay;
/// use std::time::Duration;
/// #[tokio::main]
/// async fn main() {
///     let product = try_join_async_spawn! {
///         ok::<_,()>(2u16) |> |v| Ok::<_,()>(v.unwrap() + 2u16) => |v| async move {
///             println!("Hello from parallel world!");
///             Delay::new(Duration::from_secs(1)).await.unwrap();
///             println!("I'm done.");
///             Ok(v)
///         },
///         ok::<_,()>(3u16) => |v| async move {
///             println!("Hello from parallel world again!");
///             Delay::new(Duration::from_secs(2)).await.unwrap();
///             println!("Me too.");
///             Ok(v)
///         },
///         ok::<_,()>(4u16),
///         map => |a, b, c| a * b * c
///     }.await.unwrap();
///     assert_eq!(product, 48);
/// }
pub fn try_join_async_spawn(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let parsed = syn::parse_macro_input!(input as JoinInputDefault);

        Config {
            is_async: true,
            is_spawn: true,
            is_try: true,

/// Alias for [`try_join_async_spawn!`](macro.try_join_async_spawn.html).
pub fn try_async_spawn(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let parsed = syn::parse_macro_input!(input as JoinInputDefault);

        Config {
            is_async: true,
            is_spawn: true,
            is_try: true,

/// Use to combine sync values. It produces tuple of values or single value in case of 1 branch.
/// # Example:
/// ```rust
/// extern crate join;
/// use join::join;
/// let filtered: Vec<_> = join! { vec![1,2,3].into_iter() ?> |v| v % 2 == 0 =>[] };
/// assert_eq!(filtered, vec![2]);
/// ```
pub fn join(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let parsed = syn::parse_macro_input!(input as JoinInputDefault);

        Config {
            is_async: false,
            is_spawn: false,
            is_try: false,

/// Use to combine futures. It produces tuple of values or single value in case of 1 branch.
/// # Example:
/// ```rust
/// #![recursion_limit="256"]
/// extern crate join;
/// extern crate futures;
/// use join::join_async;
/// use futures::future::{ready};
/// use futures::stream::iter;
/// #[tokio::main]
/// async fn main() {
///     let filtered: Vec<_> = join_async! { iter(vec![1u8,2,3]) ?> |v| ready(v % 2 == 0) =>[] }.await;
///     assert_eq!(filtered, vec![2]);
/// }
/// ```
pub fn join_async(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let parsed = syn::parse_macro_input!(input as JoinInputDefault);

        Config {
            is_async: true,
            is_spawn: false,
            is_try: false,

/// Use to spawn [`::std::thread`]( per each step of each branch.
/// It produces tuple of values or single value in case of 1 branch.
/// # Example:
/// ```rust
/// extern crate join;
/// use join::join_spawn;
/// let filtered: Vec<_> = join_spawn! { vec![1,2,3].into_iter() ?> |v| v % 2 == 0 =>[] };
/// assert_eq!(filtered, vec![2]);
pub fn join_spawn(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let parsed = syn::parse_macro_input!(input as JoinInputDefault);

        Config {
            is_async: false,
            is_spawn: true,
            is_try: false,

/// Alias for [`join_spawn!`](macro.join_spawn.html).
pub fn spawn(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let parsed = syn::parse_macro_input!(input as JoinInputDefault);

        Config {
            is_async: false,
            is_spawn: true,
            is_try: false,

/// Use to spawn futures using [`::tokio::spawn`]( per each step of each branch.
/// It produces tuple of values or single value in case of 1 branch.
/// # Example:
/// ```rust
/// #![recursion_limit="256"]
/// extern crate join;
/// extern crate futures;
/// use join::join_async_spawn;
/// use futures::future::ready;
/// use futures::stream::{iter, StreamExt};
/// #[tokio::main]
/// async fn main() {
///     let filtered: Vec<_> = join_async_spawn! { iter(vec![1u8,2,3]) ?> |v| ready(v % 2 == 0) =>[] }.await;
///     assert_eq!(filtered, vec![2]);
/// }
pub fn join_async_spawn(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let parsed = syn::parse_macro_input!(input as JoinInputDefault);

        Config {
            is_async: true,
            is_spawn: true,
            is_try: false,

/// Alias for [`join_async_spawn!`](macro.join_async_spawn.html).
pub fn async_spawn(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    let parsed = syn::parse_macro_input!(input as JoinInputDefault);

        Config {
            is_async: true,
            is_spawn: true,
            is_try: false,