jobrog 0.1.3

command line job clock


A rewrite of JobLog in Rust.

JobLog, referred to herein variously as "JobLog", "Job Log", "jobrog", "job log", and "job", is a command line utility that helps one keep track of what one does in a day. With a little anonymization, here is an example of an actual report of use in the wild:

> job summary last friday
Friday, 10 January
  8:55 am - 9:35     0.75  e, o        email                                                         
     9:35 - 9:41     0.00  f, o        filing time                                                   
     9:41 - 10:50    1.25  30, mr, fo  Create booster view which lets you add people to booster      
    10:50 - 12:15    1.50  10, mr, fo  get multi-tenant S3 attachments to work                       
    12:15 - 12:16    0.00  c, o        feeding the cat                                               
    12:16 - 3:46 pm  3.50  10, mr, fo  get multi-tenant S3 attachments to work                       
     3:46 - 3:50     0.00  29, mr, fo  Make it so the Plugh API is only called for gargamel stuff
     3:50 - 3:50     0.00  mtg, fo     FO/UPI Monthly Check-In                                       
     3:50 - 4:01     0.25  29, mr, fo  Make it so the Plugh API is only called for gargamel stuff
     4:01 - 4:30     0.50  mtg, fo     FO/UPI Monthly Check-In                                       
     4:30 - 5:01     0.50  29, mr, fo  Make it so the Plugh API is only called for gargamel stuff

10          5.00
29          0.75
30          1.25
c           0.00
e           0.75
f           0.00
mr          6.75
mtg         0.50
o           0.75
fo          7.25

In this case the user (me) has typed something like

job add --tag email --tag o email

or, more likely,

job a -t e -t o email

or still more likely,

job r -t e

and added a line to ~/.joblog/log which looks like

2020  1 10  8 55 27:e o:email

Job log lets one manage a log of one's activities as a log file. A log line consists of a timestamp, some metadata, and a description of the current event.

There are many alternatives to JobLog. One can use Harvest, for instance. The advantages of JobLog over these alternatives are

  • your data is on your own machine; it is your own file; you can keep it across changes of employer
  • if live on the command line, or typically have one handy, the mental context switch, and manual dexterity, is less when one changes tasks; one simply tabs to the command line and types job a new thing I'm doing
  • it doesn't need and internet connection
  • job log is blazingly fast
  • job log keeps random notes for you as well as events; this sometimes is helpful

The typical things one does with job log are

  • register a change of task
  • take a note
  • register going off the clock
  • summarize a period to enter it into some other time tracking system

Here is the complete list (job help):

testing 0.1.0
dfhoughton <>
command line job clock

    job [SUBCOMMAND]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    add           Adds a new task
    summary       Says when you will have worked all the hours expected within the given period
    done          Ends a currently open task
    resume        Resumes a stopped task
    last          Shows the last task recorded
    first         Shows the first task recorded
    note          Adds a new note
    when          Says when you will have worked all the hours expected within the given period
    edit          Opens the job log in a text editor
    configure     Sets or displays configuration parameters
    vacation      Records vacation time
    parse-time    Shows the start and end timestamps you get from a particular time expression
    truncate      Truncates the log so it only contains recent events
    statistics    Shows overall statistics of the log
    help          Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

The 'job' executable allows one to maintain and view a log of daily activity.

  > job add creating demonstration events in the log
  starting creating demonstration events in the log (no tags)
  > job add events have a duration
  starting events have a duration (no tags)
  > sleep 60
  > job add --tag foo tags facilitate searching and aggregation
  starting tags facilitate searching and aggregation (tags: foo)
  > job note you can take notes as well
  noted you can take notes as well (no tags)
  > job note notes are events without a duration
  noted notes are events without a duration (no tags)
  > job add you can go off the clock
  starting you can go off the clock (no tags)
  > job done
  ending you can go off the clock at 11:13 am
  > job resume --tag foo
  starting tags facilitate searching and aggregation (tags: foo)
  > job note you can resume an earlier event
  noted you can resume an earlier event (no tags)
  > job note you can summarize the log
  noted you can summarize the log (no tags)
  > job summary today
  Sunday, 19 January
    11:11 am - 11:12    0.021       creating demonstration events in the log; events have a duration
       11:12 - 11:13    0.006  foo  tags facilitate searching and aggregation
       11:13 - 11:13    0.001       you can go off the clock
       11:13 - ongoing  0.007  foo  tags facilitate searching and aggregation
  UNTAGGED    0.022
  foo         0.013
  > job summary --notes today
  Sunday, 19 January
    11:12 am    you can take notes as well
    11:12       notes are events without a duration
    11:13       you can resume an earlier event
    11:13       you can summarize the log
  > job note you can configure job
  noted you can configure job (no tags)
  > job configure --precision quarter
  setting precision to quarter!
  > job summary today
  Sunday, 19 January
    11:11 am - 11:12    0.00       creating demonstration events in the log; events have a duration
       11:12 - 11:13    0.00  foo  tags facilitate searching and aggregation
       11:13 - 11:13    0.00       you can go off the clock
       11:13 - ongoing  0.00  foo  tags facilitate searching and aggregation
  UNTAGGED    0.00
  foo         0.00

This version of job is a Rust implementation: The original implementation was in


At the moment the only mechanism is

cargo install jobrog

I will add a homebrew tap shortly.

Changes from App::JobLog

For the most part the features of jobrog are a superset of those of App::JobLog. There are some differences, though:

  • You can mark when repeating vacation intervals go into effect or become inactive. If you use this feature however, or if you add a new repeating vacation interval, your vacation file will no longer be readable by App::JobLog. This feature adds two colon-delimited timestamps to the end of the relevant line. This is the only breaking change I know of.
  • There is optional color!
  • There is a first subcommand parallel to last.
  • The today subcommand has been subsumed into summary, which now has "today" as its default period.
  • There are fewer compression options for the truncate subcommand in the interest of simplicity.
  • The filtering options for summaries behave somewhat differently and are, for me, more useful.
  • You can round up, round down, or "round center" the durations for lawyer-billing, saint-billing, and ordinary-shmoe-billing modes.
  • You can configure jobrog to use fractional hour precision, like quarter and half.
  • You can obtain summaries as line-delimited JSON as well as tabulated text.
  • The merging and display of summary information is considerably less configurable.

Why Rewrite App::JobLog?

  • Everyone's doing it!
  • Rust is fun!
  • My Perl skills were in little demand and thus becoming rusty.