jni 0.12.0

Rust bindings to the JNI
#![cfg(feature = "invocation")]
extern crate error_chain;
extern crate jni;

use jni::{

mod util;
use util::attach_current_thread;

pub fn nested_attach_guard_should_not_detach_thread() {
    let env = attach_current_thread();
    let val = env.call_static_method("java/lang/Math", "abs", "(I)I", &[JValue::from(-1 as jint)])
    assert_eq!(val, 1);

    // Create nested AttachGuard.
        let env_nested = attach_current_thread();
        let val = env_nested
            .call_static_method("java/lang/Math", "abs", "(I)I", &[JValue::from(-2 as jint)])
        assert_eq!(val, 2);

    // Call a Java method after nested guard has been dropped to check that 
    // this thread has not been detached.
    let val = env.call_static_method("java/lang/Math", "abs", "(I)I", &[JValue::from(-3 as jint)])
    assert_eq!(val, 3);