jmdict-enums 1.0.0

Autogenerated enums for the jmdict crate. Do not import directly.
	"dial": {
		"hob": "Hokkaido-ben",
		"ksb": "Kansai-ben",
		"ktb": "Kantou-ben",
		"kyb": "Kyoto-ben",
		"kyu": "Kyuushuu-ben",
		"nab": "Nagano-ben",
		"osb": "Osaka-ben",
		"rkb": "Ryuukyuu-ben",
		"thb": "Touhoku-ben",
		"tsb": "Tosa-ben",
		"tsug": "Tsugaru-ben"
	"field": {
		"Buddh": "Buddhism",
		"Christn": "Christianity",
		"MA": "martial arts",
		"Shinto": "Shinto",
		"agric": "agriculture",
		"anat": "anatomy",
		"archeol": "archeology",
		"archit": "architecture, building",
		"art": "art, aesthetics",
		"astron": "astronomy",
		"audvid": "audio-visual",
		"aviat": "aviation",
		"baseb": "baseball",
		"biochem": "biochemistry",
		"biol": "biology",
		"bot": "botany",
		"bus": "business",
		"chem": "chemistry",
		"comp": "computing",
		"cryst": "crystallography",
		"ecol": "ecology",
		"econ": "economics",
		"elec": "electricity, elec. eng.",
		"electr": "electronics",
		"embryo": "embryology",
		"engr": "engineering",
		"ent": "entomology",
		"finc": "finance",
		"fish": "fishing",
		"food": "food, cooking",
		"gardn": "gardening, horticulture",
		"genet": "genetics",
		"geogr": "geography",
		"geol": "geology",
		"geom": "geometry",
		"go": "go (game)",
		"golf": "golf",
		"gramm": "grammar",
		"grmyth": "Greek mythology",
		"hanaf": "hanafuda",
		"horse": "horse-racing",
		"law": "law",
		"ling": "linguistics",
		"logic": "logic",
		"mahj": "mahjong",
		"math": "mathematics",
		"mech": "mechanical engineering",
		"med": "medicine",
		"met": "climate, weather",
		"mil": "military",
		"music": "music",
		"ornith": "ornithology",
		"paleo": "paleontology",
		"pathol": "pathology",
		"pharm": "pharmacy",
		"phil": "philosophy",
		"photo": "photography",
		"physics": "physics",
		"physiol": "physiology",
		"print": "printing",
		"psych": "psychology, psychiatry",
		"shogi": "shogi",
		"sports": "sports",
		"stat": "statistics",
		"sumo": "sumo",
		"telec": "telecommunications",
		"tradem": "trademark",
		"vidg": "video game",
		"zool": "zoology"
	"ke_inf": {
		"ateji": "ateji (phonetic) reading",
		"iK": "word containing irregular kanji usage",
		"ik": "word containing irregular kana usage",
		"io": "irregular okurigana usage",
		"oK": "word containing out-dated kanji"
	"misc": {
		"X": "rude or X-rated term (not displayed in educational software)",
		"abbr": "abbreviation",
		"arch": "archaism",
		"char": "character",
		"chn": "children's language",
		"col": "colloquialism",
		"company": "company name",
		"creat": "creature",
		"dated": "dated term",
		"dei": "deity",
		"derog": "derogatory",
		"ev": "event",
		"fam": "familiar language",
		"fem": "female term or language",
		"fict": "fiction",
		"given": "given name or forename, gender not specified",
		"hist": "historical term",
		"hon": "honorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language",
		"hum": "humble (kenjougo) language",
		"id": "idiomatic expression",
		"joc": "jocular, humorous term",
		"leg": "legend",
		"litf": "literary or formal term",
		"m-sl": "manga slang",
		"male": "male term or language",
		"myth": "mythology",
		"net-sl": "Internet slang",
		"obj": "object",
		"obs": "obsolete term",
		"obsc": "obscure term",
		"on-mim": "onomatopoeic or mimetic word",
		"organization": "organization name",
		"oth": "other",
		"person": "full name of a particular person",
		"place": "place name",
		"poet": "poetical term",
		"pol": "polite (teineigo) language",
		"product": "product name",
		"proverb": "proverb",
		"quote": "quotation",
		"rare": "rare",
		"relig": "religion",
		"sens": "sensitive",
		"serv": "service",
		"sl": "slang",
		"station": "railway station",
		"surname": "family or surname",
		"uk": "word usually written using kana alone",
		"unclass": "unclassified name",
		"vulg": "vulgar expression or word",
		"work": "work of art, literature, music, etc. name",
		"yoji": "yojijukugo"
	"pos": {
		"adj-f": "noun or verb acting prenominally",
		"adj-i": "adjective (keiyoushi)",
		"adj-ix": "adjective (keiyoushi) - yoi/ii class",
		"adj-kari": "'kari' adjective (archaic)",
		"adj-ku": "'ku' adjective (archaic)",
		"adj-na": "adjectival nouns or quasi-adjectives (keiyodoshi)",
		"adj-nari": "archaic/formal form of na-adjective",
		"adj-no": "nouns which may take the genitive case particle 'no'",
		"adj-pn": "pre-noun adjectival (rentaishi)",
		"adj-shiku": "'shiku' adjective (archaic)",
		"adj-t": "'taru' adjective",
		"adv": "adverb (fukushi)",
		"adv-to": "adverb taking the 'to' particle",
		"aux": "auxiliary",
		"aux-adj": "auxiliary adjective",
		"aux-v": "auxiliary verb",
		"conj": "conjunction",
		"cop": "copula",
		"ctr": "counter",
		"exp": "expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)",
		"int": "interjection (kandoushi)",
		"n": "noun (common) (futsuumeishi)",
		"n-adv": "adverbial noun (fukushitekimeishi)",
		"n-pr": "proper noun",
		"n-pref": "noun, used as a prefix",
		"n-suf": "noun, used as a suffix",
		"n-t": "noun (temporal) (jisoumeishi)",
		"num": "numeric",
		"pn": "pronoun",
		"pref": "prefix",
		"prt": "particle",
		"suf": "suffix",
		"unc": "unclassified",
		"v-unspec": "verb unspecified",
		"v1": "Ichidan verb",
		"v1-s": "Ichidan verb - kureru special class",
		"v2a-s": "Nidan verb with 'u' ending (archaic)",
		"v2b-k": "Nidan verb (upper class) with 'bu' ending (archaic)",
		"v2b-s": "Nidan verb (lower class) with 'bu' ending (archaic)",
		"v2d-k": "Nidan verb (upper class) with 'dzu' ending (archaic)",
		"v2d-s": "Nidan verb (lower class) with 'dzu' ending (archaic)",
		"v2g-k": "Nidan verb (upper class) with 'gu' ending (archaic)",
		"v2g-s": "Nidan verb (lower class) with 'gu' ending (archaic)",
		"v2h-k": "Nidan verb (upper class) with 'hu/fu' ending (archaic)",
		"v2h-s": "Nidan verb (lower class) with 'hu/fu' ending (archaic)",
		"v2k-k": "Nidan verb (upper class) with 'ku' ending (archaic)",
		"v2k-s": "Nidan verb (lower class) with 'ku' ending (archaic)",
		"v2m-k": "Nidan verb (upper class) with 'mu' ending (archaic)",
		"v2m-s": "Nidan verb (lower class) with 'mu' ending (archaic)",
		"v2n-s": "Nidan verb (lower class) with 'nu' ending (archaic)",
		"v2r-k": "Nidan verb (upper class) with 'ru' ending (archaic)",
		"v2r-s": "Nidan verb (lower class) with 'ru' ending (archaic)",
		"v2s-s": "Nidan verb (lower class) with 'su' ending (archaic)",
		"v2t-k": "Nidan verb (upper class) with 'tsu' ending (archaic)",
		"v2t-s": "Nidan verb (lower class) with 'tsu' ending (archaic)",
		"v2w-s": "Nidan verb (lower class) with 'u' ending and 'we' conjugation (archaic)",
		"v2y-k": "Nidan verb (upper class) with 'yu' ending (archaic)",
		"v2y-s": "Nidan verb (lower class) with 'yu' ending (archaic)",
		"v2z-s": "Nidan verb (lower class) with 'zu' ending (archaic)",
		"v4b": "Yodan verb with 'bu' ending (archaic)",
		"v4g": "Yodan verb with 'gu' ending (archaic)",
		"v4h": "Yodan verb with 'hu/fu' ending (archaic)",
		"v4k": "Yodan verb with 'ku' ending (archaic)",
		"v4m": "Yodan verb with 'mu' ending (archaic)",
		"v4n": "Yodan verb with 'nu' ending (archaic)",
		"v4r": "Yodan verb with 'ru' ending (archaic)",
		"v4s": "Yodan verb with 'su' ending (archaic)",
		"v4t": "Yodan verb with 'tsu' ending (archaic)",
		"v5aru": "Godan verb - -aru special class",
		"v5b": "Godan verb with 'bu' ending",
		"v5g": "Godan verb with 'gu' ending",
		"v5k": "Godan verb with 'ku' ending",
		"v5k-s": "Godan verb - Iku/Yuku special class",
		"v5m": "Godan verb with 'mu' ending",
		"v5n": "Godan verb with 'nu' ending",
		"v5r": "Godan verb with 'ru' ending",
		"v5r-i": "Godan verb with 'ru' ending (irregular verb)",
		"v5s": "Godan verb with 'su' ending",
		"v5t": "Godan verb with 'tsu' ending",
		"v5u": "Godan verb with 'u' ending",
		"v5u-s": "Godan verb with 'u' ending (special class)",
		"v5uru": "Godan verb - Uru old class verb (old form of Eru)",
		"vi": "intransitive verb",
		"vk": "Kuru verb - special class",
		"vn": "irregular nu verb",
		"vr": "irregular ru verb, plain form ends with -ri",
		"vs": "noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru",
		"vs-c": "su verb - precursor to the modern suru",
		"vs-i": "suru verb - included",
		"vs-s": "suru verb - special class",
		"vt": "transitive verb",
		"vz": "Ichidan verb - zuru verb (alternative form of -jiru verbs)"
	"re_inf": {
		"gikun": "gikun (meaning as reading) or jukujikun (special kanji reading)",
		"ik": "word containing irregular kana usage",
		"ok": "out-dated or obsolete kana usage",
		"uK": "word usually written using kanji alone"