jja 0.9.1

swiss army knife for chess file formats
# (Required) The language identifier of the language used in the
# source code for gettext system, and the primary fallback language
# (for which all strings must be present) when using the fluent
# system.
fallback_language = "en"

# (Optional) Use the gettext localization system.
# (Required) The languages that the software will be translated into.
target_languages = ["de", "tr"]

# (Required) Path to the output directory, relative to `i18n.toml` of the crate
# being localized.
output_dir = "i18n"

# (Optional) The reporting address for msgid bugs. This is the email address or
# URL to which the translators shall report bugs in the untranslated
# strings.
msg_bugs_address = "alip@chesswob.org"

# (Optional) Set the copyright holder for the generated files.
copyright_holder = "Ali Polatel"

# (Optional) If this crate is being localized as a subcrate, store the final
# localization artifacts (the module pot and mo files) with the parent crate's
# output. Currently crates which contain subcrates with duplicate names are not
# supported. By default this is false.
extract_to_parent = false

# (Optional) If a subcrate has extract_to_parent set to true, then merge the
# output pot file of that subcrate into this crate's pot file. By default this
# is false.
collate_extracted_subcrates = false

# (Optional) How much message location information to include in the output.
# If the type is ‘full’ (the default), it generates the lines with both file
# name and line number: ‘#: filename:line’. If it is ‘file’, the line number
# part is omitted: ‘#: filename’. If it is ‘never’, nothing is generated.
# [possible values: full, file, never].
add_location = "full"

# (Optional) Whether or not to perform string extraction using the `xtr` tool.
xtr = true

# (Optional )Path to where the pot files will be written to by `xtr` command,
# and were they will be read from by the `msginit` and `msgmerge` commands. By
# default this is `output_dir/pot`.
pot_dir = "i18n/pot"

# (Optional) Path to where the po files will be stored/edited with the
# `msgmerge` and `msginit` commands, and where they will be read from with the
# `msgfmt` command. By default this is `output_dir/po`.
po_dir = "i18n/po"

# (Optional) Path to where the mo files will be written to by the `msgfmt`
# command. By default this is `output_dir/mo`.
mo_dir = "i18n/mo"

# (Optional) Enable the `--use-fuzzy` option for the `msgfmt` command. By
# default this is false. If your .po file are copied from another project, you
# may need to enable it.
use_fuzzy = false