jinko 0.3.0-jinx7

jinko is a safe, small and fast programming language with Rust interoperability
//! This module is used to parse external code and make it available to other source
//! files.

use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};

use nom_locate::LocatedSpan;

use crate::context::Context;
use crate::error::{ErrKind, Error};
use crate::generics::GenericUser;
use crate::instance::ObjectInstance;
use crate::instruction::{InstrKind, Instruction};
use crate::io_trait::JkReader;
use crate::location::SpanTuple;
use crate::parser::constructs;
use crate::typechecker::{CheckedType, TypeCheck, TypeCtx};

/// An `Incl` is constituted of a path, an optional alias and contains a context.
/// The ctx is built from parsing the source file in the path.
/// Aliases are used to potentially rename exported functions.
pub struct Incl {
    path: String,
    alias: Option<String>,
    base: Option<PathBuf>,
    typechecked: bool,
    instructions: Vec<Box<dyn Instruction>>,
    location: Option<SpanTuple>,

/// Default file that gets included when including a directory in jinko source code
const DEFAULT_INCL: &str = "lib.jk";

impl Incl {
    pub fn new(path: String, alias: Option<String>) -> Incl {
        Incl {
            base: None,
            typechecked: false,
            instructions: vec![],
            location: None,

    fn fetch_instructions(
        formatted: &Path,
        reader: &dyn JkReader,
    ) -> Result<Vec<Box<dyn Instruction>>, Error> {
        let input = reader.read_to_string(
                .ok_or_else(|| Error::new(ErrKind::UTF8))?,

        // We can't just parse the input, since it adds the instructions
        // to an entry block in order to execute them. What we can do, is
        // parse many instructions and add them to an empty ctx
        let (remaining_input, instructions) =
            constructs::many_expr(LocatedSpan::new_extra(input.as_str(), Some(formatted)))?;

        match remaining_input.len() {
            // The remaining input is empty: We parsed the whole file properly
            0 => Ok(instructions),
            _ => Err(Error::new(ErrKind::Parsing)
                    "error when parsing included file: {:?},\non the following input:\n{}",
                    formatted, remaining_input

    pub fn set_base(&mut self, path: PathBuf) {
        self.base = Some(path);

    pub fn set_location(&mut self, location: SpanTuple) {
        self.location = Some(location)

    fn check_base(&self, base: &Path) -> Result<PathBuf, Error> {
        let (mut dir_candidate, mut file_candidate) = (

        match (dir_candidate.is_file(), file_candidate.is_file()) {
            // We cannot have both <path>/lib.jk and <path>.jk be valid files
            (true, true) => Err(Error::new(ErrKind::Context)
                    "invalid include: {:?} and {:?} are both valid candidates",
                    dir_candidate, file_candidate
            (false, false) => Err(Error::new(ErrKind::Context)
                    "no candidate for include: {:?} and {:?} do not exist",
                    dir_candidate, file_candidate
            (false, true) => Ok(file_candidate),
            (true, false) => Ok(dir_candidate),

    fn load_home_library(&self) -> Result<PathBuf, Error> {
        let home = std::env::var("HOME")?;
        let home_base = PathBuf::from(format!("{}/.jinko/libs/", home));


    fn load_local_library(&self, base: &Path) -> Result<PathBuf, Error> {

    pub fn get_final_path(&self, base: &Path) -> Result<PathBuf, (Error, Error)> {
        // Check the local path first
        let local_err = match self.load_local_library(base) {
            Ok(path) => return Ok(path),
            Err(e) => e,

        let home_err = match self.load_home_library() {
            Ok(path) => return Ok(path),
            Err(e) => e,

        Err((local_err, home_err))

impl Instruction for Incl {
    fn kind(&self) -> InstrKind {

    fn print(&self) -> String {
        use std::ffi::OsStr;

        let path: &OsStr = self.path.as_ref();
        // FIXME: No unwrap
        let mut base = format!("incl {}", path.to_str().unwrap());

        base = match &self.alias {
            Some(alias) => format!("{} as {}", base, alias),
            None => base,


    fn execute(&self, ctx: &mut Context) -> Option<ObjectInstance> {
        self.instructions.iter().for_each(|instr| {
            // FIXME: Rework prefixing
            // instr.prefix(&prefix);



    fn location(&self) -> Option<&SpanTuple> {

impl TypeCheck for Incl {
    // FIXME: We need to not add the path to the interpreter here
    fn resolve_type(&mut self, ctx: &mut TypeCtx) -> CheckedType {
        let base = match &self.base {
            Some(b) => b.clone(),
            None => match ctx.path() {
                // Get the parent directory of the context's source file. We can unwrap
                // since there's always a base
                Some(path) => path.parent().unwrap().to_owned(),
                // The ctx doesn't have an associated source file. Therefore, we
                // load from where the context was started. This is the case if we're
                // in dynamic mode for example
                None => PathBuf::new(),

        let final_path = match self.get_final_path(&base) {
            Ok(path) => path,
            Err((e1, e2)) => {
                return CheckedType::Error;

        if ctx.is_included(&final_path) {
            return CheckedType::Void;

        let instructions = match self.fetch_instructions(&final_path, ctx.reader()) {
            Ok(instructions) => instructions,
            Err(e) => {
                return CheckedType::Error;

        self.instructions = instructions;

        let old_path = ctx.path().cloned();

        // Temporarily change the path of the context

        self.instructions.iter_mut().for_each(|instr| {

        // Reset the old path before leaving the instruction


    fn set_cached_type(&mut self, _ty: CheckedType) {
        self.typechecked = true

    fn cached_type(&self) -> Option<&CheckedType> {
        match self.typechecked {
            true => Some(&CheckedType::Void),
            false => None,

impl GenericUser for Incl {}

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::{jinko, jinko_fail};

    fn tc_typecheck_stdlib() {
        let mut ctx = Context::new(Box::new(crate::io_trait::JkStdReader));

    fn include_stdlib() {
        jinko! {};

    fn include_non_existant() {
        jinko_fail! {
            incl does_not_exist_at_all;

    fn include_already_included() {
        jinko! {
            incl stdlib;
            incl stdlib as std;