jargon 0.2.4

Command line tool for displaying a random entry from the Jargon File.
docs.rs failed to build jargon-0.2.4
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure docs.rs builds.
If you believe this is docs.rs' fault, open an issue.


audit-lint release


Spawned from a bout of nostalgia and some free time.

The contents of jargon.txt.gz were originally derived from the Internet Archive:

lynx \
    --dump \
    --width 120 \
    --nonumbers \
    ${INTERNET_ARCHIVE_URL} | gzip --best -c > jargon.txt.gz


Build using cargo:

cargo build --release

This will update src/lib.rs in-place. The resulting changes can be ignored with:

git update-index \
    --assume-unchanged \


This can be run locally using cargo:

cargo run --release

Alternatively, having built it as above, the resulting binary located in target/release/jargon can be executed directly:



Releases are available as deb packages.