use crate::{
    dummy_storage::{DummyStorage, DynStorage},
    item::{Fact, Item, ItemGuard},
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
use std::{
    time::{Duration, SystemTime},

///Alias used to determine how long the space is between repetitions based on the current streak
pub type SeeAgainGaps = HashMap<u32, Duration>;
///Utility alias for a Vec<Item>
pub type AnkiDB = Vec<Item>;

///muah ha ha ha ha
///Library users can't see this, so I can do real messed up stuff
mod private_trait {
    ///get recked lol
    pub trait CannotExternallyImplement {}

///Trait for clients to decide how they want to get the facts. Shenanigans have occured so that clients **cannot** implement this
pub trait AnkiCardReturnType: private_trait::CannotExternallyImplement {}
///Marker Struct that implements [`AnkiCardType`] where the client receives an [`ItemGuard`]
pub struct GiveItemGuards;
///Marker Struct that implements [`AnkiCardType`] where the client receives a [`Fact`]
pub struct GiveFacts;
impl private_trait::CannotExternallyImplement for GiveItemGuards {}
impl private_trait::CannotExternallyImplement for GiveFacts {}
impl AnkiCardReturnType for GiveItemGuards {}
impl AnkiCardReturnType for GiveFacts {}

///Provides a default [`SeeAgainGaps`] - useful for testing
pub fn default_sag() -> SeeAgainGaps {
    let mut hm = HashMap::new();
    for i in 1..11 {
        hm.insert(i, Duration::from_secs(u64::from(i) * 30));

///Struct used to manage the game - this should be used in the client
pub struct AnkiGame<S: Storage, T: AnkiCardReturnType> {
    ///Vector to store the items
    v: AnkiDB,
    ///Storage for the AnkiDB
    pub(crate) storage: S,
    ///Timer for spaced repetition
    sag: SeeAgainGaps,
    ///Stores the index of the card being tested if [`AnkiCardType`] == [`GiveMeFacts`]
    current: Option<(usize, bool)>,

    ///Makes sure that the [`AnkiCardType`] isn't optimised away
    _pd: PhantomData<T>,

impl<S: Storage, T: AnkiCardReturnType> AnkiGame<S, T> {
    ///Constructor function - sets all fields to arguments, and uses the [`Storage`] to read the database.
    ///Can return [`Result::Err`] if there is an error reading the database
    pub fn new(storage: S, sat: SeeAgainGaps) -> Result<Self, S::ErrorType> {
        Ok(Self {
            v: storage.read_db()?,
            sag: sat,
            current: None,
            _pd: PhantomData,

    ///Adds a new item to the [`AnkiDB`] using [`Into::into`] - which sets the streak to 0, and the last tested to [`Option::None`]
    pub fn add_card(&mut self, f: Fact) {

    ///Gets all the current eligible facts - the ordering is **not** related to anything
    pub fn get_elgible(&self) -> Vec<Fact> {
        let indicies = get_eligible(&self.v, &self.sag);
            .map(|index| &self.v[index].fact)

    ///Get the number of facts in the eligible list
    pub fn get_eligible_no(&self) -> usize {
        get_eligible(&self.v, &self.sag).len()

    ///Gets **all** of the current acts, ordering useless
    pub fn get_all_facts(&self) -> Vec<Fact> {
        self.v.clone().into_iter().map(|i| i.fact).collect()

    ///Writes to the database - useful if the function is called externally, like in eframe
    pub fn write_to_db(&mut self) -> Result<(), S::ErrorType> {

    ///Gets an index for use in a [`get_new_card`] or [`get_fact`]
    ///Returns the index to use and a bool for whether the item was taken from the eligible list
    fn get_an_index(&self) -> Option<(usize, bool)> {
        let eligible = get_eligible(&self.v, &self.sag);

        if eligible.is_empty() {
            if self.v.is_empty() {
            } else {
                Some((thread_rng().gen_range(0..self.v.len()), false))
        } else {
            Some((eligible[thread_rng().gen_range(0..eligible.len())], true))

impl<S: Storage> AnkiGame<S, GiveItemGuards> {
    ///Gets a new card from the eligible list. If there are no terms, it will return [`Option::None`].
    ///Returns an [`ItemGuard`] and a [`bool`] for whether the item was taken from the eligible list
    pub fn get_item_guard(&mut self) -> Option<(ItemGuard<S>, bool)> {
        if let Some((index, was_e)) = self.get_an_index() {
            Some((ItemGuard::new(&mut self.v, index, &mut, was_e))
        } else {

impl<S: Storage> AnkiGame<S, GiveFacts> {
    ///Gets a fact.
    ///If no facts, will return [`Option::None`], else will return a [`Fact`] and a [`bool`] for whether or not is was from the eligible list
    pub fn get_fact(&mut self) -> Option<(Fact, bool)> {
        if let Some((cu, was_e)) = self.current {
            Some((self.v[cu].fact.clone(), was_e))
        } else if self.v.is_empty() {
        } else {

    ///Combination of [`set_new_fact`] and [`get_fact`] - to ensure that the fact received is new
    pub fn get_new_fact(&mut self) -> Option<(Fact, bool)> {

    ///Sets the current fact to a new fact
    pub fn set_new_fact(&mut self) {
        if let Some((index, we)) = self.get_an_index() {
            self.current = Some((index, we));

    ///Signifies that the client is done with the fact.
    pub fn finish_current_fact(&mut self, correct: bool) {
        if let Some((cu, _)) = self.current {
            self.v[cu].last_tested = Some(SystemTime::now());
                .expect("unable to write to db");

        self.current = None;

impl<E: std::fmt::Debug, T: AnkiCardReturnType> DynStorage<E> for AnkiGame<DummyStorage, T> {
    fn read_custom(&mut self, s: &dyn Storage<ErrorType = E>) -> Result<(), E> {
        self.v = s.read_db()?;

    fn write_custom(&mut self, s: &mut dyn Storage<ErrorType = E>) -> Result<(), E> {

    fn exit_custom(&mut self, s: &mut dyn Storage<ErrorType = E>) {

///A function to get all of the indexes that need to be tested from a list using a [`SeeAgainGaps`]
pub fn get_eligible(items: &[Item], sag: &SeeAgainGaps) -> Vec<usize> {
        .filter_map(|(index, item)| {
                .map_or(Some(index), |last_seen| {
                    sag.get(&item.get_streak()).map_or(Some(index), |distance| {
                        if &last_seen > distance {
                        } else {