jail_exporter 0.15.1

Prometheus exporter for FreeBSD jails.
// jail_exporter
// This module deals with httpd related tasks.
use actix_web::{
use log::{

#[cfg(feature = "auth")]
use actix_web::middleware::Condition;

#[cfg(feature = "auth")]
use actix_web_httpauth::middleware::HttpAuthentication;

#[cfg(feature = "auth")]
pub mod auth;

mod collector;
mod errors;
mod handlers;
mod templates;

#[cfg(feature = "auth")]
pub use auth::BasicAuthConfig;

use handlers::{
use templates::render_index_page;
pub use collector::Collector;
pub use errors::HttpdError;

// This AppState is used to pass the rendered index template to the index
// function.
pub(self) struct AppState {
    exporter:   Box<dyn Collector>,
    index_page: String,

    #[cfg(feature = "auth")]
    basic_auth_config: BasicAuthConfig,

// Used for the httpd builder
pub struct Server {
    bind_address:   String,
    telemetry_path: String,

    #[cfg(feature = "auth")]
    basic_auth_config: Option<BasicAuthConfig>,

impl Default for Server {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            bind_address:   "".into(),
            telemetry_path: "/metrics".into(),

            #[cfg(feature = "auth")]
            basic_auth_config: None,

// Implements a builder pattern for configuring and running the http server.
impl Server {
    // Returns a new server instance.
    pub fn new() -> Self {

    #[cfg(feature = "auth")]
    // Set the HTTP Basic Auth configuration
    pub fn auth_config(mut self, config: BasicAuthConfig) -> Self {
        debug!("Setting HTTP basic auth config");

        self.basic_auth_config = Some(config);

    // Sets the bind_address of the server.
    pub fn bind_address(mut self, bind_address: String) -> Self {
        debug!("Setting server bind_address to: {}", bind_address);

        self.bind_address = bind_address;

    // Sets the telemetry path for the metrics.
    pub fn telemetry_path(mut self, telemetry_path: String) -> Self {
        debug!("Setting server telemetry_path to: {}", telemetry_path);

        self.telemetry_path = telemetry_path;

    // Run the HTTP server.
    pub async fn run<C: Collector>(self, exporter: Box<C>) -> Result<(), HttpdError>
    where C: 'static + Clone + Send + Sync {
        let bind_address   = self.bind_address;
        let index_page     = render_index_page(&self.telemetry_path)?;
        let telemetry_path = self.telemetry_path.clone();

        #[cfg(feature = "auth")]
        // Unwrap the config if we have one, otherwise use a default.
        let basic_auth_config = match self.basic_auth_config {
            Some(config) => config,
            None         => Default::default(),

        // Route handlers
        debug!("Creating HTTP server app");
        let app = move || {
            // This state is shared between threads and allows us to pass
            // arbitrary items to request handlers.
            let state = AppState {
                exporter:   exporter.clone(),
                index_page: index_page.clone(),

                #[cfg(feature = "auth")]
                basic_auth_config: basic_auth_config.clone(),

            // Order is important in the App config.
            let app = actix_web::App::new()
                // Enable request logging

            #[cfg(feature = "auth")]
            // Authentication
            let app = {
                // Only enable the authentication if there are some users to
                // check.

            // Finally add routes
                // Root of HTTP server. Provides a basic index page and
                // link to the metrics page.
                .route("/", web::get().to(index))
                // Path serving up the metrics.
                .route(&telemetry_path, web::get().to(metrics))

        // Create the server
        debug!("Attempting to bind to: {}", bind_address);
        let server = HttpServer::new(app)
            .map_err(|e| {
                HttpdError::BindAddress(format!("{}: {}", bind_address, e))

        // Run it!
        info!("Starting HTTP server on {}", bind_address);
