jagged_array 0.2.1

Owned `[[T]]`-like 2D array where each row can differ in length.

This crate provides a jagged array, i.e. a type that is semantically equivalent to Box<[Box<[T]>]>, but implemented with better memory locality and fewer heap allocations.


extern crate jagged_array;
extern crate streaming_iterator;
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use jagged_array::Jagged2;
use streaming_iterator::StreamingIterator;

// Create a jagged array from a vector of vectors
let mut a = Jagged2::from_iter(vec![
    vec![1, 2, 3],
    vec![5, 6],

// indexing is done in (row, column) form and supports `get` and `get_mut` variants.
assert_eq!(a[(1, 0)], 4);
*a.get_mut((1, 0)).unwrap() = 11;
assert_eq!(a.get((1, 0)), Some(&11));

// Whole rows can also be accessed and modified
assert_eq!(a.get_row(3), Some(&[5, 6][..]));
a.get_row_mut(3).unwrap()[1] = 11;
// Note that although elements are modifiable, the structure is not;
// items cannot be inserted into rows, nor can new rows be added.

// Iteration via `StreamingIterator`s. See the docs for more detail.
let mut iter = a.stream();
while let Some(row) = iter.next() {
    println!("row: {:?}", row);


Documentation can be found on docs.rs


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