jaffi 0.2.0

Support for the jaffi code generator.
// Copyright 2022 Benjamin Fry <benjaminfry@me.com>
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
// http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option. This file may not be
// copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.

use std::{
    collections::{BTreeSet, HashSet},

use cafebabe::descriptor::{BaseType, FieldType, ReturnDescriptor, Ty};
use enum_as_inner::EnumAsInner;
use heck::{ToSnakeCase, ToUpperCamelCase};
use jaffi_support::{
    JavaBoolean, JavaByte, JavaChar, JavaDouble, JavaFloat, JavaInt, JavaLong, JavaShort, JavaVoid,
use proc_macro2::{Ident, TokenStream};
use quote::{format_ident, quote, ToTokens, TokenStreamExt};

use crate::ident::make_ident;

fn generate_function(func: &Function) -> TokenStream {
    let name = &func.name;
    let jni_sig = &func.signature;
    let java_doc = format!("A wrapper for the java function `{name}{jni_sig}`");
    let rust_method_name = func.rust_method_name.for_rust_ident();
    let add_pub = if !func.is_static {
        quote! {pub}
    } else {
        quote! {}
    let amp_self = if !func.is_constructor {
        quote! {&self,}
    } else {
        quote! {}
    let arguments = func
        .map(|arg| (&arg.name, &arg.rs_ty))
        .map(|(name, rs_ty)| quote! { #name: #rs_ty })
    let exception_name = exception_name_from_set(&func.exceptions);
    let return_err = quote!{ Exception::<'j, #exception_name> };
    let rs_result = &func.rs_result;
    let rs_result_sig = if !func.exceptions.is_empty() {
        quote!{ Result<#rs_result, #return_err> }
    } else {
        quote!{ #rs_result }
    let result = &func.result;
    let to_jvalue_args= func
        .map(|arg| (&arg.name, &arg.rs_ty, &arg.ty))
        .map(|(name, rs_ty, ty)| 
            quote!{ <#rs_ty as IntoJavaValue<'j, #ty>>::into_java_value(#name, env) }
    let object_java_desc = &func.object_java_desc.0;
    let signature = &func.signature.0;
    let name = &func.name;
    let from_java_value =
        quote! { <#rs_result as FromJavaValue<#result>>::from_jvalue(env, jvalue) };
    let exception_handler = if !func.exceptions.is_empty() { 
            Err(jni::errors::Error::JavaException) => {
                let throwable = match env.exception_occurred() {
                    Ok(throwable) => throwable,
                    Err(e) => panic!("error exception_occurred, {e}"),

                env.exception_clear().expect("error exception_clear");
                match #return_err::catch(env, throwable) {
                    Ok(exception) => {
                        return Err(exception);
                    Err(e) => panic!("uncaught exception, {:#x}", e.into_inner() as usize),
    } else {
    let ok_return = if !func.exceptions.is_empty() {
        quote!{ let rust_value = Ok(rust_value); }
    } else {
    let method_call = if func.is_constructor {
        quote! {
    } else if func.is_static {
        quote! {
    } else {
        quote! {

    quote! {
        #[doc = #java_doc]
        /// # Arguments
        /// * `env` - this should be the same JNIEnv "owning" this object
        #add_pub fn #rust_method_name(
            env: JNIEnv<'j>,
        ) -> #rs_result_sig {
            let args: &[JValue<'j>] = &[

            let rust_value: Result<JValue, _> = {

            let rust_value = match rust_value {
                Ok(jvalue) => #from_java_value,
                Err(e) => {
                    panic!("error call_method, {e}")


fn generate_struct(obj: &Object) -> TokenStream {
    let class_name = &obj.class_name;
    let static_java_doc = format!(
        "Wrapper for the static methods of Java class `{}`",
    let obj_name = &obj.obj_name;
    let java_doc = format!(
        "Wrapper for the public methods of Java class `{}`",
    let static_trait_name = &obj.static_trait_name;
    let java_name = obj.java_name.as_str();

    let interfaces = obj
        .map(|interface| {
            let interface = interface.no_lifetime();
            let as_interface = format_ident!("as_{}", interface.to_string().to_snake_case());

            quote! {
                pub fn #as_interface(&self) -> #interface {

    let methods = obj
        .filter(|f| !f.is_static)
    let static_methods = obj
        .filter(|f| f.is_static)

    quote! {
        #[doc = #static_java_doc]
        #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
        pub struct #class_name (JClass<'j>);

        impl<'j> #static_trait_name for #class_name {}

        impl<'j> #class_name {
            fn java_class_desc() -> &'static str {

        impl<'j> std::ops::Deref for #class_name  {
            type Target = JClass<'j>;

            fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {

        impl<'j> FromJavaToRust<'j, #class_name> for #class_name {
            fn java_to_rust(java: #class_name, _env: JNIEnv<'j>) -> Self {

        impl<'j> FromRustToJava<'j, #class_name> for #class_name {
            fn rust_to_java(rust: #class_name, _env: JNIEnv<'j>) -> Self {

        #[doc = #java_doc]
        #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
        pub struct #obj_name(JObject<'j>);

        impl<'j> #static_trait_name for #obj_name {}

        impl<'j> #obj_name {
            /// Returns the type name in java, e.g. `Object` is `"java/lang/Object"`
            pub fn java_class_desc() -> &'static str {



        pub trait #static_trait_name {

        impl<'j> std::ops::Deref for #obj_name {
            type Target = JObject<'j>;

            fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {

        impl<'j> From<#obj_name> for JObject<'j> {
            fn from(obj: #obj_name) -> Self {

        impl<'j> From<JObject<'j>> for #obj_name {
            fn from(obj: JObject<'j>) -> Self {

        impl<'j> FromJavaToRust<'j, #obj_name> for #obj_name {
            fn java_to_rust(java: #obj_name, _env: JNIEnv<'j>) -> Self  {

        impl<'j> FromRustToJava<'j, #obj_name> for #obj_name {
            fn rust_to_java(rust: #obj_name, _env: JNIEnv<'j>) -> Self {


/// Takes a set of exceptions to produce a type to represent the name
fn exception_name_from_set(exceptions: &BTreeSet<JavaDesc>) -> Ident {
    let mut name = String::new();
    for ex in exceptions {



fn generate_exceptions(exception_sets: HashSet<BTreeSet<JavaDesc>>) -> TokenStream {
    let mut tokens = TokenStream::new();

    // First generate all the Exception types that wrap the Java Exceptions
    let exception_types = exception_sets
        .flat_map(|s| s.iter())
    for exception in exception_types {
        let ex_ident = make_ident(exception.class_name());
        let ex_class_name = format!("{exception}");
        let doc_str = 
        format!("An opaque type that represents the exception object `{exception}` from Java");

            #[doc = #doc_str]
            #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
            pub struct #ex_ident;

            impl jaffi_support::Throwable for #ex_ident {
                fn throw<'j, S: Into<JNIString>>(&self, env: JNIEnv<'j>, msg: S) -> Result<(), JniError> {
                    env.throw_new(#ex_class_name, msg)

                fn catch<'j>(env: JNIEnv<'j>, throwable: JThrowable<'j>) -> Result<Self, JThrowable<'j>> { 
                    if !throwable.is_null() && env.is_instance_of(throwable, #ex_class_name).expect("could not check instance_of") {
                    } else {

    // Now Generate the return type name for the combined exceptions
    for exception_set in &exception_sets {
        let exception = exception_name_from_set(exception_set);
        // the enum variants
        let ex_variants = exception_sets
            .flat_map(|s| s.iter())
            .map(|d| make_ident(d.class_name()))
            .map(|i| quote! { #i(#i)})
        let ex_variant_names = exception_sets
            .flat_map(|s| s.iter())
            .map(|d| make_ident(d.class_name()))
            .map(|i| quote! { #i })

            #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
            pub enum #exception {

            impl jaffi_support::Throwable for #exception {
                fn throw<'j, S: Into<JNIString>>(&self, env: JNIEnv<'j>, msg: S) -> Result<(), JniError> {
                    match self {
                        #(Self::#ex_variant_names(ex) => ex.throw(env, msg)),*

                fn catch<'j>(env: JNIEnv<'j>, throwable: JThrowable<'j>) -> Result<Self, JThrowable<'j>> { 
                    const ALL_EXCEPTIONS: &[#exception]  = &[#(#exception::#ex_variants),*] as &[_];
                    for exception in ALL_EXCEPTIONS {
                        match exception {
                            #(v @ Self::#ex_variant_names(_e) => {
                                if let Ok(_e) = #ex_variant_names::catch(env, throwable) {
                                    return Ok(*v);



fn generate_class_ffi(class_ffi: &ClassFfi) -> TokenStream {
    let trait_impl = make_ident(&class_ffi.trait_impl);
    let trait_name = make_ident(&class_ffi.trait_name);
    let doc_str = format!(
        "Implement this with `super::{trait_impl}` to support native methods from `{}`",

    let trait_functions = class_ffi
        .map(|func| {
            let name = &func.name;
            let jni_sig = &func.signature;
            let java_doc = format!("Implementation for the method `{name}{jni_sig}`");
            let rust_method_name = func.rust_method_name.for_rust_ident();
            let class_ffi_name = &func.class_ffi_name;
            let object_ffi_name = &func.object_ffi_name;
            let class_or_this = if func.is_static {
                quote! { class: #class_ffi_name  }
            } else {
                quote! { this: #object_ffi_name  }
            let arguments = func
                .map(|arg| (&arg.name, &arg.rs_ty))
                .map(|(name, rs_ty)| quote! { #name: #rs_ty })
            let rs_result = &func.rs_result;

            let rs_result = if !func.exceptions.is_empty() {
                let exception_name = exception_name_from_set(&func.exceptions);
                quote! { Result<#rs_result, jaffi_support::Error<#exception_name>> }
            } else {
                quote! { #rs_result }

            quote! {
                #[doc = #java_doc]
                fn #rust_method_name(
                ) -> #rs_result;

    let extern_functions = class_ffi
        .map(|func| {
            let signature = &func.signature.0;
            let object_name = &func.object_java_desc;
            let name = &func.name;
            let fn_doc = format!("Java native `{object_name}.{name}{signature}`.");
            let fn_export_ffi_name = make_ident(&func.fn_export_ffi_name.0 .0);
            let class_ffi_name = &func.class_ffi_name;
            let object_ffi_name = &func.object_ffi_name;
            let class_or_this = if func.is_static {
                quote! { class: #class_ffi_name  }
            } else {
                quote! { this: #object_ffi_name  }
            let arguments = func
                .map(|arg| (&arg.name, &arg.ty))
                .map(|(name, ty)| quote! { #name: #ty })
            let result = &func.result;
            let args_to_rust = func
                .map(|arg| (&arg.name, &arg.rs_ty))
                .map(|(name, rs_ty)| {
                    quote! {
                        let #name = <#rs_ty>::java_to_rust(#name, env);
            let rust_method_name = func.rust_method_name.for_rust_ident();
            let call_class_or_this = if func.is_static {
            } else {
            let args_call = func
                .map(|arg| &arg.name)
                .map(|name| quote! {#name})

            let handle_err = if !func.exceptions.is_empty() {
                quote! {
                    let result = match result {
                        Err(e) => {
                            e.throw(env).expect("failed to throw exception");
                            return NullObject::null();
                        Ok(r) => r,
            } else {
                quote! {}

            quote! {
                #[doc = #fn_doc]
                /// This will be linked into the Java Object at runtime via the `ld_library_path` rules in Java.
                pub extern "system" fn #fn_export_ffi_name<'j>(
                    env: JNIEnv<'j>,
                ) -> #result {
                    let myself = #trait_impl::from_env(env);


                    exceptions::catch_panic_and_throw(env, || {
                        let result = myself.#rust_method_name (


                        <#result>::rust_to_java(result, env)

    // let exception_sets = class_ffi.functions.iter().map(|f| &f.exceptions).collect::<HashSet<_>>().into_iter().map(exception_name_from_set).map(|i| quote!{ #i }).collect::<Vec<_>>();
    // let trait_exception_type = if !exception_sets.is_empty() {
    //     quote!{
    //         type Error: #(Into<#exception_sets>)+*;
    //     }
    // } else {
    //     quote!{}
    // };

    quote! {
        // This is the trait developers must implement
        use super::#trait_impl;

        #[doc = #doc_str]
        pub trait #trait_name<'j> {

            /// Costruct this type from the Java object
            /// Implementations should consider storing both values as types on the implementation object
            fn from_env(env: JNIEnv<'j>) -> Self;



pub(crate) fn generate_java_ffi(
    objects: Vec<Object>,
    other_classes: Vec<ClassFfi>,
    exceptions: HashSet<BTreeSet<JavaDesc>>,
) -> TokenStream {
    let header = quote! {
        use jaffi_support::{
                JavaVM, JNIEnv,
                objects::{JClass, JObject, JValue, JThrowable},
                errors::Error as JniError,

    let objects = objects.iter().map(generate_struct).collect::<TokenStream>();
    let class_ffis = other_classes

    let exceptions = generate_exceptions(exceptions);

    let onload = quote!{
        /// Hook to setup panic_handler on the dynamic library load, etc.
        pub extern "system" fn JNI_OnLoad(vm: JavaVM, _reserved: *const std::ffi::c_void) -> jint {

    quote! {





pub(crate) struct ClassFfi {
    pub(crate) class_name: String,
    pub(crate) trait_name: String,
    pub(crate) trait_impl: String,
    pub(crate) functions: Vec<Function>,

pub(crate) struct Function {
    pub(crate) name: String,
    pub(crate) object_java_desc: JavaDesc,
    pub(crate) fn_export_ffi_name: ClassAndFuncAbi,
    pub(crate) class_ffi_name: RustTypeName,
    pub(crate) object_ffi_name: RustTypeName,
    pub(crate) rust_method_name: FuncAbi,
    pub(crate) signature: JavaDesc,
    pub(crate) is_static: bool,
    pub(crate) is_native: bool,
    pub(crate) is_constructor: bool,
    pub(crate) arguments: Vec<Arg>,
    pub(crate) result: RustTypeName,
    pub(crate) rs_result: RustTypeName,
    pub(crate) exceptions: BTreeSet<JavaDesc>,

pub(crate) struct Arg {
    pub(crate) name: Ident,
    pub(crate) ty: RustTypeName,
    pub(crate) rs_ty: RustTypeName,

pub(crate) struct Object {
    pub(crate) java_name: JavaDesc,
    pub(crate) class_name: RustTypeName,
    pub(crate) obj_name: RustTypeName,
    pub(crate) static_trait_name: RustTypeName,
    pub(crate) methods: Vec<Function>,
    pub(crate) interfaces: Vec<RustTypeName>,

impl From<ObjectType> for Object {
    fn from(ty: ObjectType) -> Self {
        let java_name = ty.as_descriptor();
        let class_name = ty.to_jni_class_name().append("<'j>");
        let obj_name = ty.to_jni_type_name().append("<'j>");
        let static_trait_name = ty.to_rs_type_name().prepend("Static");

        Object {
            methods: Vec::new(),
            interfaces: Vec::new(),

#[derive(Debug, EnumAsInner)]
pub(crate) enum Return {

impl Return {
    pub(crate) fn from_java(field_type: &ReturnDescriptor<'_>) -> Self {
        match field_type {
            ReturnDescriptor::Void => Self::Void,
            ReturnDescriptor::Return(val) => Self::Val(JniType::from_java(val)),

    pub(crate) fn to_jni_type_name(&self) -> RustTypeName {
        match self {
            Self::Void => std::any::type_name::<JavaVoid>().into(),
            Self::Val(ty) => ty.to_jni_type_name(),

    pub(crate) fn to_rs_type_name(&self) -> RustTypeName {
        match self {
            Self::Void => "()".into(),
            Self::Val(ty) => ty.to_rs_type_name(),

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) enum BaseJniTy {
    /// Char
    /// Double
    /// Float
    /// Int
    /// Long
    /// Short
    /// Boolean
    /// Object

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) enum JniType {
    /// Non recursive types
    /// Array,

impl JniType {
    /// Outputs the form needed in jni function interfaces
    /// These must all be marked `#[repr(transparent)]` in order to be used at the FFI boundary
    pub(crate) fn to_jni_type_name(&self) -> RustTypeName {
        match self {
            Self::Ty(BaseJniTy::Jbyte) => std::any::type_name::<JavaByte>().into(),
            Self::Ty(BaseJniTy::Jchar) => std::any::type_name::<JavaChar>().into(),
            Self::Ty(BaseJniTy::Jdouble) => std::any::type_name::<JavaDouble>().into(),
            Self::Ty(BaseJniTy::Jfloat) => std::any::type_name::<JavaFloat>().into(),
            Self::Ty(BaseJniTy::Jint) => std::any::type_name::<JavaInt>().into(),
            Self::Ty(BaseJniTy::Jlong) => std::any::type_name::<JavaLong>().into(),
            Self::Ty(BaseJniTy::Jshort) => std::any::type_name::<JavaShort>().into(),
            Self::Ty(BaseJniTy::Jboolean) => std::any::type_name::<JavaBoolean>().into(),
            Self::Ty(BaseJniTy::Jobject(obj)) => obj.to_type_name_base(),
            // in JNI the array is always jarray
            Self::Jarray(jarray) => jarray.to_jni_type_name(),

    pub(crate) fn to_rs_type_name(&self) -> RustTypeName {
        match self {
            Self::Ty(BaseJniTy::Jbyte) => std::any::type_name::<i8>().into(),
            Self::Ty(BaseJniTy::Jchar) => std::any::type_name::<char>().into(),
            Self::Ty(BaseJniTy::Jdouble) => std::any::type_name::<f64>().into(),
            Self::Ty(BaseJniTy::Jfloat) => std::any::type_name::<f32>().into(),
            Self::Ty(BaseJniTy::Jint) => std::any::type_name::<i32>().into(),
            Self::Ty(BaseJniTy::Jlong) => std::any::type_name::<i64>().into(),
            Self::Ty(BaseJniTy::Jshort) => std::any::type_name::<i16>().into(),
            Self::Ty(BaseJniTy::Jboolean) => std::any::type_name::<bool>().into(),
            Self::Ty(BaseJniTy::Jobject(obj)) => obj.to_rs_type_name(),
            // in JNI the array is always jarray
            Self::Jarray(jarray) => jarray.to_rs_type_name(),

    /// Takes the types from the class file and converts to Self.
    pub(crate) fn from_java(field_type: &FieldType<'_>) -> Self {
        fn base_jni_ty_from_java(ty: &Ty<'_>) -> BaseJniTy {
            match ty {
                Ty::Base(BaseType::Byte) => BaseJniTy::Jbyte,
                Ty::Base(BaseType::Char) => BaseJniTy::Jchar,
                Ty::Base(BaseType::Double) => BaseJniTy::Jdouble,
                Ty::Base(BaseType::Float) => BaseJniTy::Jfloat,
                Ty::Base(BaseType::Int) => BaseJniTy::Jint,
                Ty::Base(BaseType::Long) => BaseJniTy::Jlong,
                Ty::Base(BaseType::Short) => BaseJniTy::Jshort,
                Ty::Base(BaseType::Boolean) => BaseJniTy::Jboolean,
                Ty::Object(obj) => {

        match field_type {
            FieldType::Ty(ty) => Self::Ty(base_jni_ty_from_java(ty)),
            FieldType::Array { dimensions, ty } => Self::Jarray(JavaArray {
                dimensions: *dimensions,
                ty: base_jni_ty_from_java(ty),

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) struct JavaArray {
    dimensions: usize,
    ty: BaseJniTy,

impl JavaArray {
    /// Outputs the form needed in jni function interfaces
    /// These must all be marked `#[repr(transparent)]` in order to be used at the FFI boundary
    pub(crate) fn to_jni_type_name(&self) -> RustTypeName {
        if self.dimensions != 1 {
            return "jaffi_support::arrays::UnsupportedArray<'j>".into();

        match self.ty {
            BaseJniTy::Jbyte => "jaffi_support::arrays::JavaByteArray<'j>".into(),
            _ => "jaffi_support::arrays::UnsupportedArray<'j>".into(),

    pub(crate) fn to_rs_type_name(&self) -> RustTypeName {

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq, EnumAsInner)]
pub(crate) enum ObjectType {

impl ObjectType {
    pub(crate) fn as_descriptor(&self) -> JavaDesc {
        match self {
            Self::JClass => "java/lang/Class".into(),
            Self::JByteBuffer => "java/nio/ByteBuffer".into(),
            Self::JObject => "java/lang/Object".into(),
            Self::JString => "java/lang/String".into(),
            Self::JThrowable => "java/lang/Throwable".into(),
            Self::Object(desc) => desc.clone(),

    fn to_type_name_base(&self) -> RustTypeName {
        match *self {
            Self::JClass => "jni::objects::JClass<'j>".into(),
            Self::JByteBuffer => "jni::objects::JByteBuffer<'j>".into(),
            Self::JObject => "jni::objects::JObject<'j>".into(),
            Self::JString => "jni::objects::JString<'j>".into(),
            Self::JThrowable => "jni::objects::JThrowable<'j>".into(),
            Self::Object(ref obj) => {

    /// Returns the typename with a lifetime
    pub(crate) fn to_jni_type_name(&self) -> RustTypeName {

    /// Returns the typename plus "Class" with a lifetime
    pub(crate) fn to_jni_class_name(&self) -> RustTypeName {
        // add the lifetime

    /// Returns the typename without a lifetime
    pub(crate) fn to_rs_type_name(&self) -> RustTypeName {
        match *self {
            Self::JClass => "jni::objects::JClass<'j>".into(),
            Self::JByteBuffer => "jni::objects::JByteBuffer<'j>".into(),
            Self::JObject => "jni::objects::JObject<'j>".into(),
            Self::JString => "String".into(),
            Self::JThrowable => "jni::objects::JThrowable<'j>".into(),
            Self::Object(ref obj) => {
                RustTypeName::from(obj.0.replace('/', "_").to_upper_camel_case()).append("<'j>")

impl From<JavaDesc> for ObjectType {
    fn from(java_desc: JavaDesc) -> Self {

impl<'o> From<&'o JavaDesc> for ObjectType {
    fn from(java_desc: &'o JavaDesc) -> Self {
        let path_name = java_desc.as_str();
        match path_name {
            _ if &*path_name == "java/lang/Class" => Self::JClass,
            _ if &*path_name == "java/nio/ByteBuffer" => Self::JByteBuffer,
            _ if &*path_name == "java/lang/Object" => Self::JObject,
            _ if &*path_name == "java/lang/String" => Self::JString,
            _ if &*path_name == "java/lang/Throwable" => Self::JThrowable,
            path_name => Self::Object(path_name.to_string().into()),

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) struct FuncAbi(JniAbi);

impl From<JniAbi> for FuncAbi {
    fn from(abi: JniAbi) -> Self {

#[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) struct ClassAndFuncAbi(JniAbi);

/// An escaped String for the Java JNI ABI
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) struct JniAbi(String);

impl FuncAbi {
    pub(crate) fn with_class(&self, class: &JavaDesc) -> ClassAndFuncAbi {
        let mut ffi_name = "Java_".to_string();
        ffi_name.push_str(&self.0 .0);

    pub(crate) fn with_descriptor(self, descriptor: &JavaDesc) -> Self {
        // strip the '(', ')', and return from the descriptor
        let descriptor = descriptor.0.strip_prefix('(').unwrap_or(&descriptor.0);
        let descriptor = if let Some(pos) = descriptor.find(')') {
        } else {

        let abi_descriptor = JniAbi::from(descriptor);


    fn for_rust_ident(&self) -> Ident {
        make_ident(&self.0 .0.to_snake_case())

    /// Does not perform a conversion on the name, for example, this is already in the form desired (no escapes will be performed)
    pub(crate) fn from_raw(s: String) -> Self {

impl ToTokens for FuncAbi {
    fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
        tokens.append(make_ident(&self.0 .0))

/// Converts the method info into the native ABI name, see [resolving native method names](https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/18/docs/specs/jni/design.html#resolving-native-method-names)
/// ```text
/// The JNI defines a 1:1 mapping from the name of a native method declared in Java to the name of a native method residing in a native library. The VM uses this mapping to dynamically link a Java invocation of a native method to the corresponding implementation in the native library.
/// The mapping produces a native method name by concatenating the following components derived from a native method declaration:
///     the prefix Java_
///     given the binary name, in internal form, of the class which declares the native method: the result of escaping the name.
///     an underscore ("_")
///     the escaped method name
///     if the native method declaration is overloaded: two underscores ("__") followed by the escaped parameter descriptor (JVMS 4.3.3) of the method declaration.
/// Escaping leaves every alphanumeric ASCII character (A-Za-z0-9) unchanged, and replaces each UTF-16 code unit in the table below with the corresponding escape sequence. If the name to be escaped contains a surrogate pair, then the high-surrogate code unit and the low-surrogate code unit are escaped separately. The result of escaping is a string consisting only of the ASCII characters A-Za-z0-9 and underscore.
/// | UTF-16 code unit                | Escape sequence |
/// | Forward slash (/, U+002F)       | _               |
/// | Underscore (_, U+005F)          | _1              |
/// | Semicolon (;, U+003B)           | _2              |
/// | Left square bracket ([, U+005B) | _3              |
/// | Any UTF-16 code unit \uWXYZ that does not represent alphanumeric ASCII (A-Za-z0-9), forward slash, underscore, semicolon, or left square bracket | _0wxyz where w, x, y, and z are the lower-case forms of the hexadecimal digits W, X, Y, and Z. (For example, U+ABCD becomes _0abcd.)|
/// Escaping is necessary for two reasons. First, to ensure that class and method names in Java source code, which may include Unicode characters, translate into valid function names in C source code. Second, to ensure that the parameter descriptor of a native method, which uses ";" and "[" characters to encode parameter types, can be encoded in a C function name.
/// When a Java program invokes a native method, the VM searches the native library by looking first for the short version of the native method name, that is, the name without the escaped argument signature. If a native method with the short name is not found, then the VM looks for the long version of the native method name, that is, the name including the escaped argument signature.
/// Looking for the short name first makes it easier to declare implementations in the native library. For example, given this native method in Java:
/// package p.q.r;
/// class A {
///     native double f(int i, String s);
/// }
/// The corresponding C function can be named Java_p_q_r_A_f, rather than Java_p_q_r_A_f__ILjava_lang_String_2.
/// Declaring implementations with long names in the native library is only necessary when two or more native methods in a class have the same name. For example, given these native methods in Java:
/// package p.q.r;
/// class A {
///     native double f(int i, String s);
///     native double f(int i, Object s);
/// }
/// The corresponding C functions must be named Java_p_q_r_A_f__ILjava_lang_String_2 and Java_p_q_r_A_f__ILjava_lang_Object_2, because the native methods are overloaded.
/// Long names in the native library are not necessary if a native method in Java is overloaded by non-native methods only. In the following example, the native method g does not have to be linked using the long name because the other method g is not native and thus does not reside in the native library.
/// package p.q.r;
/// class B {
///     int g(int i);
///     native int g(double d);
/// }
/// Note that escape sequences can safely begin _0, _1, etc, because class and method names in Java source code never begin with a number. However, that is not the case in class files that were not generated from Java source code. To preserve the 1:1 mapping to a native method name, the VM checks the resulting name as follows. If the process of escaping any precursor string from the native method declaration (class or method name, or argument type) causes a "0", "1", "2", or "3" character from the precursor string to appear unchanged in the result either immediately after an underscore or at the beginning of the escaped string (where it will follow an underscore in the fully assembled name), then the escaping process is said to have "failed". In such cases, no native library search is performed, and the attempt to link the native method invocation will throw UnsatisfiedLinkError. It would be possible to extend the present simple mapping scheme to cover such cases, but the complexity costs would outweigh any benefit.
/// Both the native methods and the interface APIs follow the standard library-calling convention on a given platform. For example, UNIX systems use the C calling convention, while Win32 systems use __stdcall.
/// Native methods can also be explicitly linked using the RegisterNatives function. Be aware that RegisterNatives can change the documented behavior of the JVM (including cryptographic algorithms, correctness, security, type safety), by changing the native code to be executed for a given native Java method. Therefore use applications that have native libraries utilizing the RegisterNatives function with caution.
/// ```
impl<S: AsRef<str>> From<S> for JniAbi {
    fn from(name: S) -> Self {
        let name = name.as_ref();
        let mut abi_name = String::with_capacity(name.len());

        for ch in name.chars() {
            match ch {
                '.' | '/' => abi_name.push('_'),
                '_' => abi_name.push_str("_1"),
                ';' => abi_name.push_str("_2"),
                '[' => abi_name.push_str("_3"),
                _ if ch.is_ascii_alphanumeric() => abi_name.push(ch),
                _ => {

                    for c in ch.escape_unicode().skip(3).filter(|c| *c != '}') {


impl fmt::Display for JniAbi {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {

impl fmt::Display for FuncAbi {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
        f.write_str(&self.0 .0)

impl fmt::Display for ClassAndFuncAbi {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
        f.write_str(&self.0 .0)

/// Descriptor in java, like `java.lang.String` or `(Ljava.lang.String;)J`
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub(crate) struct JavaDesc(String);

impl JavaDesc {
    pub(crate) fn as_str(&self) -> &str {

    pub(crate) fn escape_for_extern_fn(&self) -> String {
        self.0.replace('/', "_")

    /// Returns the final Class name, e.g. returns `String` for `java/lang/String`
    pub(crate) fn class_name(&self) -> &str {
            .expect("split should at least return empty string")

impl From<String> for JavaDesc {
    fn from(s: String) -> Self {
        JavaDesc(s.replace('.', "/"))

impl From<&str> for JavaDesc {
    fn from(s: &str) -> Self {

impl fmt::Display for JavaDesc {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {

/// Descriptor in java, like `java.lang.String` or `(Ljava.lang.String;)J`
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) struct RustTypeName {
    path: Vec<Ident>,
    ty: Option<Ident>,
    lifetime: bool,

fn path_from_name(name: &str) -> (Vec<Ident>, &str) {
    let mut iter = name.rsplit("::");
    let name = iter
        .expect("even empty strings should return the empty string");
    let path = iter.map(make_ident).collect();

    (path, name)

impl RustTypeName {
    pub(crate) fn append(&self, s: &str) -> Self {
        let (path, s) = path_from_name(s);
        let (s, lifetime) = if s.ends_with("<'j>") {
            (s.trim_end_matches("<'j>"), true)
        } else {
            (s, self.lifetime)

        if let Some(ty) = &self.ty {
            Self {
                ty: Some(format_ident!("{}{}", ty, s)),
        } else {
            Self {
                path: Vec::new(),
                ty: None,
                lifetime: false,

    pub(crate) fn prepend(&self, s: &str) -> Self {
        let (path, s) = path_from_name(s);
        let (s, lifetime) = if s.ends_with("<'j>") {
            (s.trim_end_matches("<'j>"), true)
        } else {
            (s, self.lifetime)

        if let Some(ty) = &self.ty {
            Self {
                ty: Some(format_ident!("{}{}", s, ty)),
        } else {
            Self {
                path: Vec::new(),
                ty: None,
                lifetime: false,

    pub(crate) fn no_lifetime(&self) -> Self {
        Self {
            path: self.path.clone(),
            ty: self.ty.clone(),
            lifetime: false,

impl From<JavaDesc> for RustTypeName {
    fn from(d: JavaDesc) -> Self {
        let abi_name = JniAbi::from(d.0);
        Self::from(&abi_name.0 as &str)

impl From<String> for RustTypeName {
    fn from(s: String) -> Self {
        Self::from(&s as &str)

impl From<&str> for RustTypeName {
    fn from(s: &str) -> Self {
        let (path, s) = path_from_name(s);
        let (s, lifetime) = if s.ends_with("<'j>") {
            (s.trim_end_matches("<'j>"), true)
        } else {
            (s, false)

        if s == "()" {
            Self {
                path: Vec::new(),
                ty: None,
                lifetime: false,
        } else {
            Self {
                ty: Some(make_ident(s)),

impl fmt::Display for RustTypeName {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
        if let Some(ty) = &self.ty {
            write!(f, "{}", ty)
        } else {
            write!(f, "()")

impl ToTokens for RustTypeName {
    fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
        if let Some(ty) = &self.ty {
            let name = ty;
            let lifetime = if self.lifetime {
                quote! {<'j>}
            } else {
                quote! {}

            for i in self.path.iter().rev() {
                tokens.extend(quote! { #i:: });

            tokens.extend(quote! { #name #lifetime });
        } else {
            tokens.extend(quote! { () });