jack 0.2.1

Safe JACK bindings for rust.


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Nice Rust bindings for JACK Audio Connection Kit

Documentation for Master

Check out the examples directory.


  • libjack is required. Consult your package manager or the official website.

  • The general workflow for a JACK application is to start up a JACK daemon and connect the client to it. qjackctl is a convinient way to configure and bring up a JACK server through a GUI.


Testing is a little awkward to setup since it relies on a JACK server.

Setting Up JACK Dummy Server

$ ./dummy_jack_server.sh

which runs

$ jackd -r -ddummy -r44100 -p1024 & # Start the dummy JACK server

Testing expects there to be an available JACK server running at a sample rate of 44.1kHz and a buffer size of 1024 samples.

Possible Issues

If the tests are failing, a possible gotcha may be timing issues.

  1. Rust runs tests in parallel, it may be possible that the JACK server is not keeping up. Set the environment variable RUST_TEST_THREADS to 1.
  2. Increase the value used by default_sleep in jack_utils.rs.

Another case is that libjack may be broken. Try switching between libjack and libjack2 (they have the same API and libjack2 isn't necessarily newer than libjack), or using a different version.

Running the tests

$ cargo test

"C" & Rust API differences

  • String lengths in the "C" API include the NULL character while these Rust bindings do not. generally rust_size(x) = c_size(x) - 1.
  • "C" bindings require functions to be registered while Rust bindings register an object with a trait.
  • jack_on_shutdown has been removed, uses only jack_on_info_shutdown.
  • Rust enums vs C enums
  • Rust bitflags vs C integers used as flags
  • deprecated JACK functions are not used/implemented in Rust bindings


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