j2534 0.2.1

PassThru (SAE J2534) bindings.

Low-level J2534 PassThru support for rust.

## J2534 Introduction

SAE J2534 PassThru defines a standard library interface for communicating with vehicles.
All automakers in the US are required to provide J2534-compatible service software.
J2534 provides access to the communication layer required for accessing vehicle diagnostics services as
well as downloading and reflashing control modules.

## Usage

The J2534 specification requires PassThru libraries to be compiled for 32 bit, so any program using this crate must be compiled as 32 bit.

### Example

use j2534::{Interface, PassThruMsg, Protocol, ConnectFlags, RxStatus, TxFlags};

fn main() -> j2534::Result<()> {
    // Open the library and connect to a device
    let interface = Interface::new("C:\\device.dll")?;
    let device = interface.open_any()?;
    // Create a CAN channel
    let channel = device
        .connect(Protocol::CAN, ConnectFlags::NONE, 500000)

    let message = PassThruMsg::new(
        RxStatus::NONE, // rx_status
        TxFlags::NONE, // tx_flags
        0, // timestamp
        0, // extra_data_index
            0_u8, 0, 0, 8, // Arbitration ID of 0x8
            0, 1, 2, 3,
        ], // Message

    channel.write_msgs(&[message], 1000)