izihawa-ipfs-api 0.16.3

Implementation of an IPFS HTTP API client
name                      = "izihawa-ipfs-api"
description               = "Implementation of an IPFS HTTP API client"
authors                   = ["Pasha Podolsky <ppodolsky@me.com>"]
edition                   = "2021"
documentation             = "https://docs.rs/ipfs-api"
repository                = "https://github.com/izihawa/rust-ipfs-api"
keywords                  = ["ipfs"]
categories                = ["filesystem", "web-programming"]
version                   = "0.16.3"
readme                    = "../README.md"
license                   = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"

github                    = { repository = "izihawa/rust-ipfs-api", workflow = "Rust" }
maintenance               = { status = "deprecated" }

default                   = ["with-hyper"]
with-hyper-tls            = ["with-hyper", "ipfs-api-backend-hyper/with-hyper-tls"]
with-hyper-rustls         = ["with-hyper", "ipfs-api-backend-hyper/with-hyper-rustls"]
with-hyper                = ["ipfs-api-backend-hyper", "ipfs-api-backend-hyper/with-builder"]
with-actix                = ["ipfs-api-backend-actix", "ipfs-api-backend-actix/with-builder"]

ipfs-api-backend-actix    = { version = "0.6", path = "../ipfs-api-backend-actix", optional = true }
ipfs-api-backend-hyper    = { version = "0.5", path = "../ipfs-api-backend-hyper", package = "izihawa-ipfs-api-backend-hyper", optional = true }

actix-rt                  = "2.5"
futures                   = "0.3"
tokio                     = { version = "1", features = ["rt-multi-thread", "macros"] }