izihawa-hyper-multipart 1.1.0

An implementation of multipart/form-data for Hyper

Workflow Status Maintenance

Rust Multipart (RFC 7578)


Name Documentation Crate
common Docs Crate
hyper Docs Crate

This crate contains an implementation of the multipart/form-data media type described in RFC 7578.


Add either the Hyper implementation or the Actix implementation to your Cargo.toml file:


izihawa-hyper-multipart = "1.0"

and import:

extern crate izihawa_hyper_multipart as multipart;

Note on Server Implementation

I don't have any plans on implementing the server-side of this any time soon. I ended up implementing the client-side because I couldn't find any good libraries that were compatible with hyper >= 0.11.

Please feel free to submit a pull request, I would gladly review it!



Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.