iui 0.1.0

Simple, small, easy to distribute GUI bindings.

iui, the improved user interface crate, provides Rust bindings to libui, a wrapper library for native(ish) GUI libraries

  • Win32API on Windows, Cocoa on Mac OS X, and GTK+ on Linux and elsewhere. This library exposes a Rusty procedural interface to the "Least Common Denominator" of GUI widgets. They are all available on all supported platforms.

To use this library, import it in your Cargo.toml:

iui = "0.1.0"

Most of the functionality of the crate is exposed via the UI RAII guard, which handles all initialization and cleanup for the underlying library.

After initialization, all the functionality used for creating actual UIs is in the controls module.

Fine-grained control of the event loop is avilable via the EventLoop struct.