macro_rules! itsy_api {
    ($vis:vis $type_name:ident, $context_type:ty, {
            fn $name:tt(&mut $context:ident $(, $arg_name:ident: $($arg_type:tt)+)*) $(-> $ret_type:ident)? $code:block
    } ) => { ... };
Expand description

Creates an opaque type defining an API of Itsy-callable Rust functions.

The resolver, compiler and VM are generic over this type to ensure that the generated Itsy API-bindings match the given Rust API.

itsy_api!( [ <Visibility> ] <TypeName>, <ContextType>, { <Implementations> });

Currently supported parameter types are Rust primitives as well as String and &str.


The following example defines a few Rust functions and calls them from itsy code.

use itsy::{itsy_api, build_str, runtime::VM};

// A custom context accessible to the functions defined below.
struct MyContext {
    // ...

// Define an API of Rust functions that are callable from the Itsy script.
itsy_api!(MyAPI, MyContext, {
    fn intense_computation(&mut context, a: i16, b: i16) -> i16 {
        a * b
    fn print(&mut context, val: i16) {
        println!("{}", val);

fn main() {
    let mut context = MyContext { /* ... */ };

    // Compile a short Itsy program and bind it to our MyAPI.
    let program = build_str::<MyAPI>("
        fn main() {
            print(intense_computation(4, 5));

    // Create a new VM and run the program.
    let mut vm = VM::new(&program);
    vm.run(&mut context);
