iter-comprehensions 0.4.0

A library for iterator comprehensions


rs-graph crate iter-comprehensions docs


iter-comprehensions provides a few macros implementing iterator and vector comprehensions for Rust.

  1. comprehension! for generating a sequence of index tuples
  2. map! for generating a sequence of expressions
  3. vec! for constructing vectors
  4. sum! for computing the sum of some values
  5. product! for computing the product of some values

The macro comprehension! can be used to generate a sequence of elements using generating sequences and conditional filters.

comprehension!(i1 in RANGE1, COND1, ..., ik in RANGEk)

where RANGE* are iterators (in fact, everything implementing IntoIterator) and each COND* is a boolean condition. Each RANGE and COND term can use the variables declared in preceeding range expressions.

The macro map! adds an additional expression that computes a value depending on the indices:

map!(i1 in RANGE1, COND1, ..., ik in RANGEk, EXPR)
map!(EXPR; i1 in RANGE1, COND1, ..., ik in RANGEk)


The expression $\{ 5i + j : i \in \{0..4\}, j \in \{0..4\}, i < j \}$ is equivalent to the following form

use iter_comprehensions::map;
assert_eq!(map!(4*i + j; i in 0..5, j in 0..5, i < j).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
           vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16]);

The analogous syntax can be used to create vectors:

use iter_comprehensions::vec;
assert_eq!(vec![i; i in 0..5], vec![0,1,2,3,4]);
assert_eq!(vec![(i,j); i in 0..3, j in 0..3, i < j],
           vec![(0,1), (0,2), (1,2)]);

Computing a sum of values:

use iter_comprehensions::{sum, vec};
assert_eq!(sum!(i; i in 1..10, i % 2 == 1), 25);
let S = vec![i; i in 1..10];
assert_eq!(sum!(i in S, i % 2 == 1, i), 25);

Computing a product of values:

use iter_comprehensions::product;
assert_eq!(product!(i; i in 1..=5), 120);
assert_eq!(product!(i in 1..=5, i), 120);


Frank Fischer


Put the requirement iter-comprehensions = "^0.4.0" into the Cargo.toml of your project.





Source code of latest tagged version: iter-comprehensions-v0.4.0.tar.gz

Source code of trunk: iter-comprehensions-trunk.tar.gz