isin 0.1.9

Support for creating and validating ISINs


An ISIN type for working with validated International Security Identifiers (ISINs) as defined in ISO 6166.

The checksum calculation uses a table-driven algorithm to minimize overhead vs. a direct translation of the formula definition.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

isin = "0.1"


use isin;
fn main() -> () {
    let isin_string = "US0378331005";
    match isin::parse(isin_string) {
        Ok(isin) => {
            println!("Parsed ISIN: {}", isin.to_string()); // "US0378331005"
            println!("  Prefix: {}", isin.prefix()); // "US"
            println!("  Basic code: {}", isin.basic_code()); // "037833100"
            println!("  Check digit: {}", isin.check_digit()); // '5'
        Err(err) => panic!("Unable to parse ISIN {}: {}", isin_string, err),


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