isildur 0.1.0

A tool for republishing a crate with an altered name
isildur-0.1.0 is not a library.


Not stealing the Ring, honest, just borrowing it...

This is a tool for downloading all versions of a crate from and re-publishing it under a different name. Why would I want to do this? Well...

Basically, the ring crypto library for Rust is great, but its yanking policy is a real pain in the ass. So, this is a program that can be invoked via cron or such to periodically watch the index, and if it sees a new version of ring is published, will fetch it (even if it's yanked) and re-publish it under a different crate name (gnir, 'cause, why not) which will never be yanked.

If you want to write a library using ring without potentially breaking heckin' everything forever whenever one of your users tries to use ring as well, consider using gnir instead.

This tool republishes the crate with no changes, other than the name. Be aware that using old versions of ring may expose you to security vulnerabilities, and that the original maintainer of it does not provide any support for older versions except through paid contracting.

Is this reliable?

I need this functionality, so I'm intending to just have this thing running forever. However, I won't be around forever, one way or another, so I'm providing this software to whoever wants it to implement their own such things.

If you don't trust that, feel free to deploy this software itself. It isn't really intended for other people to use it though, so you'll have to modify the source code to make it aim at what you want.

Is this safe?

This software makes no modifications to the source crate besides the name and a disclaimer in the readme. Other people might also pretend to mirror a crate but produce mimic crates that contain malware. Because the checksum for a crate file includes the Cargo.toml file when calculating its hash, and this tool has to modify the Cargo.toml to update the crate's name, the republished crates created by this tool will have a different checksum than the original. That makes it more difficult (though still not impossible) to detect this kind of attack. Make sure you trust your sources!