iscc-rs 0.2.0

Rust implementation of the ISCC specification
//! Content-ID-Text
use bit_vec::BitVec;
use itertools::Itertools;

use crate::base58;
use crate::hashes::{minimum_hash, sliding_window, xxhash32};
use crate::normalization::text_normalize;

const WINDOW_SIZE_CID_T: usize = 13;

// Component Headers
const HEAD_CID_T: u8 = 0x10;
const HEAD_CID_T_PCF: u8 = 0x11;

/// Generates the id from extracted and normalized plain-text
/// * `partial` - The last bit of the header byte of the Content-ID is the
///   "Partial Content Flag". It designates if the Content-ID applies to the
///   full content or just some part of it.
pub fn content_id_text(text: &str, partial: bool) -> String {
    let text = text_normalize(text, false);

    let n_grams: Vec<String> = sliding_window(&text, WINDOW_SIZE_CID_T)
        .map(|w| w.chars().intersperse('\u{0020}').collect())

    let features: Vec<u32> = n_grams.iter().map(|n| xxhash32(n.as_bytes())).collect();

    let minhash = minimum_hash(features);

    let lsb: BitVec = minhash.iter().map(|x| (x & 1) == 1).collect();
    let lsb_bytes = lsb.to_bytes();

    let mut content_id_digest = if partial {
    } else {
