isahc 1.7.2

The practical HTTP client that is fun to use.
//! Text decoding routines.

#![cfg(feature = "text-decoding")]

use crate::headers::HasHeaders;
use encoding_rs::{CoderResult, Encoding};
use futures_lite::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncReadExt};
use http::Response;
use std::io;

// This macro abstracts over async and sync decoding, since the implementation
// of decoding a stream into text is the same.
macro_rules! decode_reader {
    ($decoder:expr, $buf:ident, $read:expr) => {{
        let mut decoder = $decoder;
        let mut buf = [0; 8192];
        let mut unread = 0;

        loop {
            let $buf = &mut buf[unread..];
            let len = match $read {
                Ok(0) => break,
                Ok(len) => len,
                Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::Interrupted => continue,
                Err(e) => return Err(e),

            unread = decoder.push(&buf[..unread + len]).len();


decl_future! {
    /// A future returning a response body decoded as text.
    pub type TextFuture<R> = impl Future<Output = io::Result<String>> + SendIf<R>;

/// A streaming text decoder that supports multiple encodings.
pub(crate) struct Decoder {
    /// Inner decoder implementation.
    decoder: encoding_rs::Decoder,

    /// The output string that characters are accumulated to.
    output: String,

impl Decoder {
    /// Create a new decoder with the given encoding.
    pub(crate) fn new(encoding: &'static Encoding) -> Self {
        Self {
            decoder: encoding.new_decoder(),
            output: String::new(),

    /// Create a new encoder suitable for decoding the given response.
    pub(crate) fn for_response<T>(response: &Response<T>) -> Self {
        if let Some(content_type) = response
            .and_then(|header| header.parse::<mime::Mime>().ok())
            if let Some(charset) = content_type.get_param(mime::CHARSET) {
                if let Some(encoding) =
                    return Self::new(encoding);
                } else {
                    tracing::warn!("unknown encoding '{}', falling back to UTF-8", charset);


    /// Consume this decoder to decode text from a given synchronous reader.
    pub(crate) fn decode_reader(self, mut reader: impl io::Read) -> io::Result<String> {
        decode_reader!(self, buf,

    /// Consume this decoder to decode text from a given asynchronous reader.
    pub(crate) fn decode_reader_async<'r, R>(self, mut reader: R) -> TextFuture<'r, R>
        R: AsyncRead + Unpin + 'r,
        TextFuture::new(async move { decode_reader!(self, buf, })

    /// Push additional bytes into the decoder, returning any trailing bytes
    /// that formed a partial character.
    pub(crate) fn push<'b>(&mut self, buf: &'b [u8]) -> &'b [u8] {
        self.decode(buf, false)

    /// Mark the stream as complete and finish the decoding process, returning
    /// the resulting string.
    pub(crate) fn finish(mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> String {
        self.decode(buf, true);

    fn decode<'b>(&mut self, mut buf: &'b [u8], last: bool) -> &'b [u8] {
        loop {
            let (result, consumed, _) = self.decoder.decode_to_string(buf, &mut self.output, last);
            buf = &buf[consumed..];

            match result {
                CoderResult::InputEmpty => break,
                CoderResult::OutputFull => self

        // If last is true, buf should always be fully consumed.
        if cfg!(debug) && last {
            assert_eq!(buf.len(), 0);


mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::body::Body;

    static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(TextFuture<'_, &mut Body>: Send);

    fn utf8_decode() {
        let mut decoder = Decoder::new(encoding_rs::UTF_8);

        assert_eq!(decoder.push(b"hello"), b"");
        assert_eq!(decoder.push(b" "), b"");
        assert_eq!(decoder.finish(b"world"), "hello world");

    fn utf16_decode() {
        let bytes = encoding_rs::UTF_16BE.encode("hello world!").0.into_owned();
        let mut decoder = Decoder::new(encoding_rs::UTF_8);

        for byte in bytes {

        assert_eq!(decoder.finish(&[]), "hello world!");