is31fl3743a 0.1.0

Driver for Lumissil Microsystem's IS31FL3743A IC

lint build

is31fl3743a driver

Driver for Lumissil Microsystem's IS31FL3743A integrated circuit. Some of the major features of this library are:

  1. Use of embedded HAL traits (works with any embedded device that supports the required traits). This means that this driver is platform agnostic.
  2. Library features (only turn on what devices you need to save compiled binary space).
  3. Examples on how to use this driver. (TODO)


To install this driver in your project add the following line to your Cargo.toml's dependencies table:

is31fl3743a = "0.1.0"


This driver contains optional support for the embedded-graphics library. Enable the embedded_graphics feature to use it.


Contains code derived from:

The 43A chip is the I2C variant, the 43B chip is the SPI variant of the same chip. For the SPI variant of the device, consider using the is31fl3741b crate instead.