irust 1.22.2

Cross Platform Rust Repl
# IRust
Cross Platform Rust Repl

## Keywords / Tips & Tricks

**:help** => print help

**:reset** => reset repl

**:show** => show repl current code (optionally depends on [rustfmt]( to format output)

**:add** *<dep_list>* => add dependencies (requires [cargo-edit]( also it accepts most `cargo-edit` arguments

**:type** *\<expression\>* => shows the expression type, example `:type vec!(5)`
**:time** *\<expression\>* => return the amount of time the expression took to execute. example: `:time 5+4` `:time my_fun(arg1,arg2)`

**:time_release** *\<expression\>* => same as `time` command but with release mode

**:load** => load a rust file into the repl

**:reload** => reload the last specified file

**:pop** => remove last repl code line

**:del** *<line_num>* => remove a specific line from repl code (line count starts at 1 from the first expression statement)

**:edit** *\<editor\>* => edit internal buffer using an external editor, example: `:edit micro`, Note some gui terminal requires using `:sync` command after the edit (vscode)

**:sync** sync the changes written after using :edit with a gui editor (vscode) to the repl

**:cd** => change current working directory

**:color** *\<key\>* *\<value\>* => change token highlight color at runtime, for the token list and value representation check the Theme section, exp: `:color function red` `:color macro #ff12ab` `:color reset`

**:toolchain** *\<value\>* => switch between toolchains, supported value are: `stable`, `beta`, `nighty`, `default`
**:check_statements** *true*/*false* => If its set to true, irust will check each statemnt (input that ends with ;) with cargo_check before inserting it to the repl

**:bench** => run `cargo bench`

**:asm** *\<function\>* => shows assembly of the specified function, note that the function needs to be public, and there has to be no free standing statements/expressions (requires [cargo-asm](

**:executor** *\<executor\>* => set the executor to be used by IRust, available options are: `sync` `tokio` `async_std`, by  using an async executor, `await` becomes usable with no other modifications (requires [cargo-edit]( for async executors)

**:evaluator** *\<evaluator>\>* => set the evaluator statement, exmaple: `:evaluator println!("{}",{$$})` the `$$`
 will be replaced by IRust by the input code (the default evaluator uses debug formatting). To reset the evaluator to default you can use `:evaluator reset`
**:scripts:** => only supported by script v3/v4, if invoked with no arguments it prints a list of detected scripts, if invoked with on argument it print that script info if it exits, if invoked with 2 arguments, it tries to activate/deactivate a script, example: `:scripts Vim deactivate`

**:compile_time** *\<on/off\>* => if set to on, IRust will print compiling time on each input, compile time includes rustc compiling + some IRust code (should be marginal)

**:main_result** *\<value\>* => Change main result type, available options are `Unit` and `Result` (which is Result\<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error\>\>), Using `Result` as type allows to use `?` in the repl without any boilerplate

**::** => run a shell command, example `::ls`

You can use arrow keys to cycle through commands history

## Keybindings

**ctrl-l** clear screen

**ctrl-c** clear line

**ctrl-d** exit if buffer is empty

**ctrl-z** [unix only]  send IRust to the background

**ctrl-r** search history, hitting **ctrl-r** again continues searching the history backward, hitting **ctrl-s** searches the history forward

**ctrl-left/right** jump through words

**HOME/END** go to line start / line end

**Tab/ShiftTab** cycle through auto-completion suggestions (requires [racer](

**Alt-Enter** add line break

**ctrl-e** force evaluation

<img src="./irust.png" width="200%" height="60%">

## Cli commands

**--help** prints help message

**--reset-config** reset IRust configuration to default

## Configuration

IRust config file is located in:

**Linux**: */home/$USER/.config/irust/config*

**Win**: *C:\Users\\$USER\AppData\Roaming/irust/config*

**Mac**: */Users/$USER/Library/Preferences/irust/config*

*default config:*
  # history
  add_irust_cmd_to_history = true
  add_shell_cmd_to_history = false

  # colors
  ok_color = "Blue"
  eval_color = "White"
  irust_color = "DarkBlue"
  irust_warn_color = "Cyan"
  out_color = "Red"
  shell_color = "DarkYellow"
  err_color = "DarkRed"
  input_color = "Green"
  insert_color = "White"
  welcome_msg = ""
  welcome_color = "DarkBlue"

  # racer
  racer_inline_suggestion_color = "Cyan"
  racer_suggestions_table_color = "Green"
  racer_selected_suggestion_color = "DarkRed"
  racer_max_suggestions = 5
  enable_racer = true

  # other
  first_irust_run = false
  toolchain = "stable"
  check_statements = true
  auto_insert_semicolon = true
  // use last output by replacing the specified marker
  replace_marker = "$out"
  replace_output_with_marker = false
  # modify input prmopt
  input_prompt = "In: "
  output_prompt = "Out: "
  # activate scripting feature
  activate_scripting = false
  activate_scripting2 = false
  activate_scripting3 = false
  activate_scripting4 = false
  # select executor (Sync, Tokio, Asyncstd)
  executor = "Sync"
  evaluator = ["println!(\"{:?}\", {\n", "\n});"]
  compile_time = false
  main_result = "Unit"

## Theme
Since release `0.8.9` `IRust` can now parse a theme file located on `$config_dir/irust/theme` and use it for the highlighting colors.

Colors can be specified as names ("red") or as hex representation ("#ff12ab").

Default theme file:

  keyword = "magenta"
  keyword2 = "dark_red"
  function = "blue"
  type = "cyan"
  number = "dark_yellow"
  symbol = "red"
  macro = "dark_yellow"
  string_literal = "yellow"
  character = "green"
  lifetime = "dark_magenta"
  comment = "dark_grey"
  const = "dark_green"
  x = "white"


## Scripts
IRust supports scripting, all over the code base there are hooks that scripts can react to and usually answer back to IRust with a command.\
IRust supports different versions of scripting, the latest version is the most supported one. \
The older versions are kept for backward compatibility reasons but mainly because scirpting is currently on developement and I haven't decided which method is the best yet.\
Check out []( for more info.

## Book
`The IRust Book` is intended to document a couple of tips and tricks

## Releases
   Automatic releases by github actions are uploaded here

## Building
    cargo b --release

## FAQ

**1- Why is autocompletion not working**

    -> you need racer installed and configured correctly
        cargo +nightly install racer
        rustup component add rust-src
**2- Racer fails to build**

You can try `rustup update --force`

**3- I want to hack on irust but `dbg!` overlaps with the output!!**

Personaly I do this:
- Run 2 terminals side by side
- run `tty` in the first which should output something like `/dev/pts/4`
- run `cargo r 2>/dev/pts4` in the second

Now the `dbg!` statements are printed on the second terminal and the output in the first terminal is not messed up.

## [Changelog]./