irust 0.5.12

Cross Platform Rust Repl
# IRust
Cross Platform Rust Repl

## Keywords / Tips & Tricks

**:help** => print help

**:reset** => reset repl

**:show** => show repl current code (optionally depends on [rustfmt]( to format output)

**:add** *<dep_list>* => add dependencies (requires [cargo-edit](

**:load** => load a rust script into the repl

**:pop** => remove last repl code line

**:del** *<line_num>* => remove a specific line from repl code (line count starts at 1 from the first expression statement)

**::** => run a shell command, example `::ls`

You can use arrow keys to cycle through commands history

## Keybindings

**ctrl-l** clear screen

**ctrl-c** clear line, double click to exit

**ctrl-d** exit if buffer is empty

**ctrl-z** [unix only]  send IRust to the background

**ctrl-left/right** jump through words

**HOME/END** go to line start / line end

**Tab** cycle through auto-completion suggestions (requires [racer](

<img src="./irust.png" width="80%" height="60%">

## Cli commands

**--help** prints help message

**--reset-config** reset IRust configuration to default

## Configuration

IRust config file is located in:

**Linux**: */home/$USER/.config/irust/config*

**Win**: *C:\Users\\$USER\AppData\Roaming/irust/config*

**Mac**: */Users/$USER/Library/Preferences/irust/config*

*default config:*

    add_irust_cmd_to_history = false
    add_shell_cmd_to_history = false

    enable_racer = true
    racer_inline_suggestion_color = Cyan
    racer_suggestions_table_color = Green
    racer_selected_suggestion_color = DarkRed
    racer_max_suggestions = 5

    insert_color = White
    input_color = Yellow
    out_color = Red
    ok_color = Blue
    eval_color = White
    irust_color = DarkBlue
    irust_warn_color = Cyan
    shell_color = DarkYellow
    err_color = DarkRed

    welcome_msg = Welcome to IRust
    welcome_color = DarkBlue

## Changeslog
- Hotfix for multilines paste handling

- Handle multilines paste

- Enable the highlight feature by default for published build

- Improve `show` command:
    - highlight rust_code via [syntect]
    - format output if [rustfmt] is preset on the system
- Fix `load` command bug

- Improve `add` command

- Racer bug fix

- Make optional dependencies optional again

- Racer rework
- Better Errors handling
- Internal code refactor

- Use a real debouncer method
- Fix diffrent bugs in racer

- Revert auto-complete (issues with pasting)

- More bug fixes

- Bug fixes

- auto-complete `(` `{` `[`

- Reworked Racer, now it shows suggestions table + the inline suggestion

- Use scrolling instead of clearing at screen end

- Bug fixes (lines overflow)

- More lines overflow handling

- Handle `CtrlLeft` `CtrlRight` (Only on master branch)
- Handle lines overflow

- Some improvement to autocompletion

- Autocomplete IRust commands
- Debounce from Racer calls

- Add `:pop` `:del` commands

- Racer is now optional

- Use Tab instead of BackTab

- Hotfix to workaround a tab bug for now

- Add Autocompletion support! (via racer)

- Add cli commands `--help` `--reset-config`

- Add the abilty to configure welcome message and color

- Add colors to config, now you can modify all of IRust colors!

- Use cargo colors

- Add `:help` command

- Reworked Output, now colors are everywhere and easier to add!
- IRust now talks to you (outputs some warning for now)

- Format rustc errors to be way more better looking

- Fix regression: Readd expressions to history

- Handle characters like `é`, `ù`

- Don't upload artifacts to


Credits to this release goes to the awesome suggestions and contributions of @pzmarzly

- add `Ctrl-Z` `Ctrl-C` `Ctrl-D` keybindings
- add configuration file

- IRust
- Nicer output (handle multiline and singleline diffrently)

- Add keybindings `HOME` `END`
- Better add_cmd animation
- Refactor code

- Add keybindings `ctrl-c` `ctr-l`
- Fix history regression

- Handle parsing errors and output useful info
- Fix add dep regression

- Rely on a custom cursor struct to avoid a lot of headaches

- Load scripts that contains main fn

- Add **::** to execute shell cmds
- Bugfixes